PAGE 12,WEDNESDAYSIEPTEMBER 28,1983, WHITOY FREE PRESS Corrido r Capers Hy MARYN M(EA(IEI<N <agil7e)-806-0 with iems for this colunin, Thornton'Interested Parents acf Thornton's Interested Parents are holdinga o fee party i the sçhool gymn at Dr. Robt. Thornton School on Tuesday, October 4 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Corne and meet the new eeutive for T.I.P. and flnd out what lu plnnèd for the school year. Everyone lu, welcome, especlaly those who are J new to the school. Whitby.froquois socerrep teams finish seaà son The Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club rep teams have wrapped up anolier season.1 In minor Atom, the Checkers Variety team placed third in 1h. league, losing 4-1 i1h. Cap final to Oshawa. The Hideaway major Ahims placed fourli in the league, before losing out in the second round of Cupeéompetition. The Checkers Variety minor Mosquito team placed fourti in, the league, bef ore loshig' ou t in the second round of Cap competition. Tih. Elsco .Lighting major Mosquito team placed fourli in lie league, before losing 2-1 hi O)shawa Turui in the semi-finals. - The Canadian Tire minor Peeweea finished seventhidutleague ,stan- dings, before losing in the liraI round, of playof- fa. The Wiitby, Optinists major,, Peewees took eight place, before losing outI'inthe, first round, 0f .Cap com- pétition.'. The Family Trust minor Bantams took second place in lie standings, but losI a 5-3 overtimîe .decision. hio O0shawa-i, he i~Cup final. - Durham P.C. Women's Dance Durham Women's P.C. 's Willhldtheir 'Western Round-Up'ý dance aI- the Jubiles Pavillon i Oshawa on Friday, Septpmber 30, from B p.m. toi1 p.m. Tiere will be a contesî for the best Western get- up, square dancing and ropig contest. For your dancing enterlaiment, Gord Grills and the Road Rangera wiil provide the music,.Hot buffet lunch, cash bar an d numerous door-prizes will b. donated. Tickets are $8,per person and may b. obtained by cailing Alice Whiting at 655-386.:< Ratepayers'Dance, The. Corridor 'Area Ratepayera Association wil hold their semi-annual dance. aI Masonic HÙIl on Salurday, November 4 from 8: 30 toi p.m. Tickets are $12 a- couple for non-members and $10 for paid-up membiters.' The proceeds from the dance' wiil be used-hi help purchase two blood pressure apparatus for th. Con- tinuing Care Unit aI Dr. Joseph Ruddy Hospital and for repaira hi tie Dr. Robt. * Thornton Playground. Thornton. Interested Parents will also have tickets for the dance. Plan to attend. <St. George's Anglican Church - Oshawa St. George's Mémorial'Churci wilI iold- their, Christmas bazaar on Saturday, November'1 2 at the churci hall, Centre and, Bagot Streets in Oshawa.' Keep the date in mmnd. More details later. Westminster United Church Turkey Dînuer The annual flUTurkey Supper wlil b. held at the chumrh,,Mannlng Road ln Whltby on Saturday, Oc- tober 22, from 4:30 hi 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $6 for adults, $3 for children 12 and under and pre- schoolers ires. For tickets cail Elizabeth Ratter at 576428. U.c.W. The U.C.W. of Westminster United Church are sellng Annlversary Collector Spoons com- memorating the 25th Anniversary of the Church. The spoons, priced at $4.50 and $4, are 'available from any member, and wli also- be sold at' the Turkey Supper. Terrils a Wlnner Congratulations 10 Terri Lovelock who chose some wnling numbers ith. Lotto lottery. Whlle not the jack-pot, Terri will collect a tidy sum. Keep op~ buying tickets. Card Party The Holy Family Cathollc WomenVs Leaguewill hold their Card Party on Moniday, October 3, at 8 p.m., at the Parlsh Hall, 91 Ribblesdale Drive in Whltby. Tickets'are' avallable by callng 725-995 or 723- 1700. Lunch wiil be served. Lungs Next week wiil b. Lungs are for Lufe Week across Canada, and Durham Region Lung. Association wilil promote .Ihe Week's theme, "Brealie Fr.."l through a variety of The Week wiil kick off on Saîurday, October 1 with -a 'fund-raising "Splash-Off" aà tthle Oshawa Civic, Pool. Tiirty 'local teama wil swim" in a fun, relay event, in an -effort 10 raise $3,5w00, for local Lung, .Association programs. On Wednesday, Oc- lober 5 the Association willi sponsor a »meclical Seminar, 11R.D). Up- date" at lie OahaWa -Holiday Inn. by TOM FRANK They say it neyer rains on, a Whltby- Garrard Road Lacrosse Fun Day, and this year was no exception although it rained the day before and the day ai1er on Sunday. There were events for ail ages wlth races, egg tuse,, corn roasts and lots of hotdogs., There were even some lacrosse games as lie Ontario Champion Tyke team was callengéid by herown mother.s. The major Nôvies chalenged a mlxed team of moms and dads. The Peewee fathers had a tougher l ime with their offsprig.- These games even had "treferees?" and penal1ties 1k. 4#15 minutes penalty for lmmitating a lacrosse player" t Somnehow -ail the games ended ln a tied score. MAter, a-season 0f shoutlng to their child to ":pick ,up that bal"p and "shoot, it at lhe net", al iemther ýs had a chan- ce 'at lie Skllls ;Com- petition. Enougi said about liat. There was à a surplus of smiles ail day at Wlilow Park. One of the blgevýents was' the WGR Minor Lacrosse draw. ýTii. fir- pSt- prize of a Video Cassette -Recorder was are for .Life,Weeký During the Week, ail Kindergarten 10 Grade 8, classroomns in Durham Region wiil be supplied with Aslhma Infor- mation Card s, in an ef- fort 10 improve teacherý awareness of astima in theclassroom. Tie 6" x 10" r ed and white carda deacribe the warning signa of ain atshmatic episode, list various knoiwn .asthmatic triggers and also give directions for handiing an astima attack. Lungs are for Lufe Week the' Association wii. re- introduce its Breathe Free book and record, package for five-to-nine- year old children w'ith asthma. The story book format and cheerful songs by SaoLOIS and Bram are deigned 10 help youngasth- matica Punderstand and cope witi their health problem., Tie package is available free 0'f charge, altiough a $5, donation tb .cover postage and iandllng would be appreciated. Also re-introduced, is' lie Association's 20 Day Freedom from Smokingi program. This do-il- yourself Quit Smoking guide has enjoyed wide success across North America. To oblain a copy,, or for more information on Lung Association. programa or servi*ces cail 723-3151. f&ireent Via PEN~. Sunnycrest Retirement Villa la a newly constructed facility in a niuiti-service complex, deslgned for your comfort, pleas'ure and.safet.Afly ilcensed~ nurslng home, newly expanded, la on the premises. Alil medical servicesand recreational faclities are, ln the Immecliate area. Tran- sportation, including GO Transit Bus se at our doorstep. The.Whitby Mail shopping plaza la just next door. *IPTfIDet *Luxury Hotel style living lncluding 3 tasty meals à snacks prepared daliy by our talented chef. *Luxurlous dlning room e a quailfied dletician. *Spacious, expertiy decorated'private and double suites ln soothlng, co-olrdlnalted colours., Designer comforters nd drapes. è Generous pIcture windows and washrooms ensuite. e Cable TV and telephone outiets * Lînen aund muid service. *Complete sprinkler system *e 24 hour emergency Cali bell service *Strateglcally placed hand rails throughout *Your own mail box and key e e Beauty salon and barber shop e Library e The Villa, Gallery, our elegant banquet hall wlth works of art attractively dloplayed e Charmlng lounges *Well equipped alctivilty centres A fuil-tîme ActivIties' Drector. > wa'vvqqpqiu niiu uo*mvDIejlbLEc ma eLdéolV aWsâUA A L a à %m - ru nn 80 i fVim A *The care and attention to detail must be -seen. For a tour, or more information, Please cail: 576-0111 or write: Mrs. Leroy tirement Villa. 1635 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontaro LUN MK aW;1IVI VIDA IEUN A SUPERIOR ENVIRONMENT AT AFFORDAILE RA TES Lacrosse Fun Day. won by Marjorle Kane of Oshawa. Tie second prize of a Radio Recorder was won by Jeuf Whittle of Ajax Thanki hi ail thase who bought draw tickets throughout 'the surmer.. Don't- forget . the WGRMLA AMmual meeting at Whitney Ral i Iroquois Park Ihis comùig Sunday,. Sept. 25 at 1p.M. Start planning what costume hi wear at the Lacrosse ,Halloween dance on Saturday Oc- tober 15 at 1Waydenshore Pavili on. For tickets, cail Mrs. Paddick at 668-773or Mrs.- Kernohanat 728- 3290.< ýd.,Àà q!Amm Ans v