PAGE 16,WEDNESDAYSEPTEMBER 141983, WH ITBY FRFFE PRESS ;Rm Immmm pI( ~... ..!. A AJ.. Ul-~ PRnEss tmporUiu m us wI ofliy De accepted subjeot, to the f ollowing conditions. BUSH HOG, 5 foot, 1k new. AskIng $490. Phone evenings 655-3142. FOR SALE Kenmore dryer, $125. Undorwood manual typewriter, $55. Both ln very good working condition. Phono 668-5095. MUST SALE a beautiful bar. At- tractive style. Sturdy bulit with luxurles materiai. WoIi Worth ovor $800 wIlIsamie for $395. Fre doiivery. Phono anytime 668- 6207. CAMPER CAP, suid. In unit, f ifs full size P.U., sink, stove & ico box, excellent condition, $750 or neareat offer. 5 h.p. outboard motor, new, nover used, wmrranty, $650. 2 h.p. outboard motor, new, nover used, warranty, $395. Cali 985-3486. HARDWICK GAS COOK top unit, aîmond colour, 4 burners. Nover usod, $200. Gas range, good worklng condition. Brown, $100. Remngton Gun 870, -20 Gage, Poliy-choke, $250. Phono 668& 3813. FOR SALE vintago radio, $125 and grama phono, $250. Phono 686-2436 ovenInga. TV ANTENNA Good condition. Wo wiII dlilver. $85. Western guitar (Enperador) Good con- dit ion. $70. Phono 571-3916. ONE 12 foot catamaran. One wood stovo $100. One Tyco Nite Gbo complote with lots of, extra traok $25. Two flouroscont lights $25 each, 4x4. Four twin wIn. dows, inaimtd, 4x6, $50 omch. 1980 Moroury Capri, 6 cylînder, mutommtlc, iight blue, excellent >condition, 47,000 km., $4,500 or best offer. Complote set of snow tires. Phono 655-4533. MOVING - MUST SELL: Ton piece tan soctional couch, $1100. Beooom sot, triple dresser wlih two mirrors, two nightstands & king sizo headbomrd, $425. Phono 68.1-11669 COLONIEL throe soator sofa, Sklar, $150. Walnut antique china caDinet, $175. Baked alumInum white storm door, $75. Firepiaco Insert, 36 Inch oponing, $150. Phono 683-3236. WHEEL DISCS $95. Oak Dining room sot, 6 chairs. Good con- dition, $395. Beige 9x12 carpet, $25. Mmn's 10 spoed bike. Good condition, $65, Phono 683-6638. FOR SALE four sets slidlng win- dows and trames. Size; 76;4 wide x 39. Suitabie for houa. or cot- tage. $150 for complote set. Phono 666-1503. BMM. MOVIE PROJECTOR and camrera. Hrdiy over used, $190. Green follet, plus sink, plus counter f0 match. Excellent con- dition, $100 or beaf offer. White tub snclosure. Brand new f rom Seas, $20. Caîl anytime 571- 3916. FOR SALE double garage door, modal, 7' high x 15' wide, com- pise with hardware, good con. dititio,,$35. Painted omk desk, 2'6x5' wth sparo top, $20. 30" ranudç hood, copper colour, com- plt. with fan, iight and filter, $15. 6 15 bushel lawn sweeper,$20. Single Iron bed, head taîl and spring, $15. 8 h.p. electrIc atari rider tractor mowor, 3 speed forward and reverse, 2- 17"~ blades, snow plough and chaîna, $675. Phono 668-2923. FOR SALE Kenmoro stove $125. Large- Caivoator refrldgerator $200. Phono 723-4771. Q ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, assorted colora, $55 each. Frigidaire automatic drior $100. Record 'collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man font $160. Baliy raceway pinbail machine, needa some work, $350. Phono 985-9258. FOR SALE 9.9 h.p. outboard motor. Good cbondition. AskIng $450. Phono 668-4782. FOR SALE Mantal cdock (made In Germany>, $120. 11"-14" RCA portable colour TV, $180. Eina sewing machine,$180. Humidifier, $80. Stereo 8 track dock, $30. Shopping cari (10" wheels>, $10. Rocking chair, $120. Borg Scalo ', $10. Moulinex, $10. Kenmoro carpot swoepor, $10. 2 ladies Rainmaslor coats, sizo 18. Excellent condition, $45 and $50. Ladies crochet sweater, aize 18, $15. Velour housecoat, sizo 18, $15. Ladies skirt, sizo 18, $20. 3 plastic stacking tables, $9. Ro und gardon table, $5. Phono 668-7838. KITCHEN CABINETS complote modorni,$250. Mot fat stovo top and wali oven, $175. Front door porfect 34x82, '$50. White aluminumn storm door R.H.'hinge 34x84, $20. Swinging cale doors 36", $15. SS kitchen sink, $10. White bathroom basin, $5. Soace savor bathtub, RH drain, $50. Phono 668-7404. FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE for sale. Very good condition. Asking $100. Phono 655-3539. INTELEVISION, including 9 gamos. Asking $400. Phono 579- 9029. 3 H.P. threo phase oiectric molor, 220 440 volts, $150 firm. Cmii 655- 3838 betweon 4 and 6 p.m. and ask for Paul. FOR SALE McCuliogh Mini Mac 30, chain 8mw, $85. Two vertical aluminium storm windows f0 fit 371/h"x451k2' windows. Colour: dark- brown, $60/pair. Two wooden achool doaka, $10 each. Typowritor matai desk with two drawors. Colour: beige, $15. G.E.C. aspacoheator, $20. Kawasaki motorcycie. Seat colour: black, $40. Cmliafler 6:30 p.m. 668-6710. EZPI There is no rea- son ta keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are CuStomers wiîling ta pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wilI be pleased with the quick resuits. As fast as a phone Cali, re- suits happeni I M M -PLEASE READ - -M When the dvertised Item ls sold, disposed of, or unavailable for whtever reason, the item will be deemed f0 have been soid and a commission will be chmrged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilustrated below, regrdloss If prico Is attd with '"beat offer" If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or disposod of, the md wIll b. run for 3,MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $6.00 wili mppiy payable ln advance of publication of th. f irst md. Otherwiso a $750 charge witl ap- piy If billed which muet bo paid upon receipt of bill. rho abovo minimum chargea wiii bo applied 10 the final commission due but In any case the highor amount wiil be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pro-paid; $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisemonts muet bo placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ademet one month.Lf not sold. 5% of advertlsed prîce Up f0 $400.00 RATES (if article la aold): 2% of balance ovor $400000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlaed for $120.00. Commission due $8.00 (minimum charge la $6.00>. Private mdvertising onlyl Peaseeiotify the Whitby Free Press Immediatoiy whon item la sold Bo that we may delete it from the foiIowing Issue. Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelines wiii be troated and chmrged per week as regular cîassified ads on a pre-pald basis such as: services, help wantod, cîothing, reai estate, and personai message type ada, or ads nol quoting price or quantity Private classIfied ada may appear ln the Emporium section underappropriafe headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: OREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LUN 581 If ln doubt cmii: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whilby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE i FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. a,MOTORCYCLES HOUSEHOÉO FO SAE< oD FOR SALE 1981 Vamaha '400 Speciai. Mint condition, $1400 or beat offer. Phono 655-3203. 1981 'YAMAHA, 1100 apecimi, great shape, 10w. mloeago, ex- cessories, Asking $3,300. Cali 579-1787. 1981 HONDA CR80, excellent condition, amking $600. Phono Andrew Giies 655-4271. YAMAHA YZ 80 Excellent con- dItion. $450 or boat offer. Phono 655-4882. 1978 HONDA 550K<, four cylindor, Am radio, excelont condition', 7000 klometers, $1200 f irm or wilI trade for a car or a van 0f equai value. Cali 655-3006. ARILSARTICLES AUTOMOBILES AUOTIVE FOR SA E FOR SALE FORRSAL VIKING WRINGER WASIIER ln very good condition, $80. Cal 686-3735 affer 6 p.m. FOR SALE Royal Albert China - lavondar rose pattern - complote tom service and varlous other pieces. Witt not sait seperateiy. Soul as set. A-i condition. Nover been usod. Asking $750 f Irm. To view appiy at 182 Verdun Romd, Oshawa. ANTIQUE parior table (plain>, $20. Portable sleroo record player, $20. Smith-Corona office fypewrif or, $35. Reel-to-reel Telefunken tape recorder, $75. Record rack, $7.50. Puahmower, $10. Judo-suit, noarly new, size M, $20. Phono 668-7404. CONTENTS 0F HOUSE. MOVING- one lovo-soal, blue background border prini, $250. One buffet, $200. One dozen fan- cy cups and saucera, $7.50 emch. One tea wagon. French Provin- ciel styIing, $200. Four Doulton figurines, $80 each. Other items, odda and onds. Phono 655-4416. FIREPLACE FOR SALE 0' clearance. Can be uaed anywhore. Uaed only 1/2 season. Virtuaiiy brand new. Coal $675. Pick-up for onIy $225. Excellent value. Cal 668- 1760. NIKON FIT 'LENSENS Nikon erles E 35mm., $80. l00mm., $80. Vivifar 24mm.,$95. Unitax 85- 2lOmm., Macro zoom, $120. Vivitar foie corIverter, $20. Phono MUNRO E LITTON CALCULATOR Computer mode> 1860, 64 K capacity, $200. Phono 668-0009. 1977 GRANADA, standard steor- Ing ana power brakes, 2 door, 200 engin..,, 27 miles f0 the galion, 7/8 trailer hitch on il. $1,000 firm. 1971 Mercury Marquis, Coiony Park, 4 door, station wagon, 430 engine., utommtic, 7/8 Irailer hil- Ch on if, $900 or boat of fer. Moving, muet soul by Auguat 30. For more information cmli 655- 4407 or ovenings 284-4139. 1978 DODGE DART, 6 cyl. 3 spd. Standard, needs repaira, parts inciuded, $650. Phone 655-3379. 1975 DELTA 88 OLDS, 4 door, hrdtop, 454 CID. Ail power op- tion.. Good condition. $1.650. Phono 655-4003. FOR SALE 1974 Ford Van, $300. Cmli Andrew 723-5945. 1973 VEGA 15,000 on robulit engins, four speed, new clutch and f lywhei. Brakea Just dons wif h new front calipora and master cylinder. Good tires. Neoda body work. Self as la $400. Phono 668-2187. 1973 SUBARBAN Nof in running condition. Good tires. $300 or beat offer, as la. Phono 576-1058. 1972 TOYOTA 1900, demi for good parts, $200 complote. Mmnd biower speakers for cars, com plots, juat 1ke new, $60. Phono 655-3006. 1972 NOVA, 6 cylinder, auto. matic, AM radio, new carburotor, radialor, exhaust. $600 or beat of- f er., As la. Phono 668-0358. MOROCCLES' SfOR1011 SALE FOR SALE 1983 Yammha 1751T. Excellent condition. Including hoimet and mli leathora. Aaking $1500 or beat offer. Phono 668- 3495 msk for Steve. 1982 YAMAHA MX80J Excellent condition. $500. Cmli 68-3934. 1e tbe',"Recycler o! Unwanls v The EmPorlumSection Gi the WhIby Free Pressi 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise-j ment placed under thissection of the Whitby Free Press. 1 (don't forget to inClude your phone number) 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f irst and Iast name) Street Address City Postal Code M A1L F0: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby'LI N 5S1 1970 NOVA four doors, complote front end and 2 Nova Rmlly whooîa. Alil parts good. Complote $150. 1973 TORINO 302 engins and, transmission. Complote $200. 1973 VEGA GT for parts wlth good tires and RaIIy rima. Complet $100. 1973 DUSTER 225. 6 angine and transmission. Ex- collent condition, four radial lres. Complote $250. Phono 655." 3006. FOR SALE Voga transmission. $100 or boat offer. Caii Dan 728- 2578. GeAIRLERS 22FT HOUSE TRAILER situatod on Rico Lake. Water front lot. Asklng $300or beatoffer. Phone 668-0384. 1966 TRILLIIIM, model 333, new canvasa, soft top, new lires, large box for storing ext ras. sleeps 4 or 6, 7/8 trailer hitch uî if, weigha aPProximateIy 500 iba., $800 or. beat offer. Moving. muaIst ul by Augual 30. For more information cmii 655-4407 or evenings 284- 4139. wý> cou Ur, Now At 668-6 1.11Y Or use This Form To Mail Tour- Ad 1 ' n* FRIDGE and stove, $700/palr, gold, lke new. Automatlc washer, $300, 1 year old. Dryer, $100, workds welI. One round table, $20. Two wood square talbeà , $10 emch. OId atove, $55, worka good. Fireplace acreen $10. Big mfrror $35. French Provincial chesterfield and chair, blue, $30. Gas-heater for tent trailer $25. Campotove $35. Suspended drop ceing, 1,000 feet, $150. Movlng, must seil by Auguat 30. For more infor- mation caU' 655-44« or eveninga 284-139. KITCHEN CUPSOAR DS: top and bottom, approx. 91 longths, sink and arborito countor Included, $175. Phono 623-3519 atter 4 p.m. 8 PIECE AnItque Oak Dining Room Set. Excellent condition, Asking $4,500. Aiso, walnut china cupboard $350. Cail868-0495. FOR SALE' Apartment size washor-dryer - with stand. Ex- collent condtiôn. $450Ipair. Phono668-1495. FOR SALE In good condition. Two, pairs of twin mattrosses. Complote with box aprings, $100. Double mattress with box spring, $50. Phono 666-1532 ovoninga. MUSICL INSTRUMNTS RICKENBACKER MODEL 4001 Bass Guitar, 4 years oid. White, with case. Immaculate Condition. Aiso GBX Bass amp. 80 watts. WIi seli seperate. $900 or beet offer. Phonoe68-2187. (AMAHA SG700 guitar, similar f0 2000, excellent playing condition. $425. Calil 655-3791. CLASSICAL GUITAR for sale. Hirade modol seven. Handcrafted In 1981. Good for intermediate player. $550, wlthout case. Phono Ray 888-3418 evoninge. FOR SALE Kimball organ. Swingor 100. $800 or beatoffer. Phono 868-4760. FOR SALE Harmond Organ 100. Asking $1200. Phono 576&4227. ELECTRIC GUITAR Nashville, Les Paul Copy, $150. Calil6W8. 5587 affor 6:00p.m. Very Important Jý: e/-i l>..ople of ail ages anid ail walks of lifé do important and e'ssentiaI jobs as Red Cross volunteers. YOU CAN HEU' TOO." AWA Lune AeIaU.*7I3.3ib, -___________ '\.- , 5at*' ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE m 1 ý m 1 ý . '