WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1983, PAGE 19 VisitEurope without lIeaving, Whitby at Internation'al '83 You can visit Europe without leaving Whitby. International -'83, which. kicks-off the Whitby Marigold Festival, Thursday, September 8 at Iroquois Park Arena, is your passport to ethnie dining and dancing. Its and evening of fun for people' of ail ages, beginning at 6 p.m. and running until i a.m. International 183 is a festive display in which different' ethnie groups will present their music, dance, crafts and distinctive ,cultural foods . The ethnie groups taking part include Greek, Polish, Dutch, Scottish, Maltese, Chinese and Italian. Here is an opportunity to, be'adventurous and taste the delicious foods' of the various cultures. The menu will consist of. mouth-watering first course, dishes from Shish Kebab to Haggis and delicate pastries for dessert.' Authentic Inter- national Cuisine is not the onlY attraction of the MarigolId Fe st Legion The Marigold Festival Legion Dance will take place on September 9 at the main Legion Hall in Whitby on Byron St. S. Admittance by ticket only, the cost is $3,or $2 if you have a Passport Coin. The coins may be bought from al Service Club members or at event locations.. Buy your tickets early as quantities are Iimited. This is an event you will not want to miss, a festive way to enjoy this favourite weekend. A fun filled evening, music by Merle's Music, a Whitby dise jockey. A fully set up bar. wilI help quench your thirst and a happy group of people promise,-to make the Dane evening a success. Remember to buy your tickets early s0 you will not be disappointed. DRUG evening. You can relax and enjoy the folk dan- ces and traditional songs from aIl over the world. International '83 is an Opportunity to learn more about and share in a distinctive and en- joyable cultural ex- perience. Admission is two dollars for aduits and 50 cents for chilciren. (with MASSEYFERG USON SALES & SERVICE Y DON VALLANCE D EQUIPMENT LTD. E, 655 3291 BOKLIN, ONT DON VALLANCE one dollar for aduits and free for children.) Marigold Passport Coins are on sale, through ail service clubs, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, The ToUrist Information Centre, The Seniors Ac- tivity Centre, Choo Radio and Davidson and Smith Chartered Ac- countants or at event OPEN 7 DA YS>A, WEEK WHITBY. PARKS--& ,,RECREATIOI P * WHITY TIGERSCLU'8 7'~TheMargold estival Sponsored by Diet Pepsi A 10 KM. run starting and ending at .Iroquo'> s Park Co 'mplex on Sunday, Septemnber 11, 1983 at 10:00 a.m. There are several age-classifications and prize's Entry fee is $6.00 'Regular; Registered; $8. day of ra e. $5. O.T.F.A. ENTRY FORM---- Name AgI AddressTelephone: Classification: -Maie: 18 & under-19-39, 1 waive any rights, suits or damages against the Corporation of'the Town of Whitby, Pepsi Cola Ltd., and the Whitby Tigers Club. andhold the 'said Cor- poration and Pepsi-Cola Mt., harmless f rom any action whatsover f rom my par-. ticipation in the.Marigold Festival 10 Km. Run. 40 &over- I I I I I Signature__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - If under 18 yrs. Parent or G uardia'n Signature Mail or del !ver to: 'Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Rd.£E., Whltby; On~t - OF~formatior Is,6.7- 1 SCOTTS N~. 1 Date $5. O.T.F.A'. Female: 18'& under 19-39 MAR Mr< mlOKI' Ru«n-