Car a cc id<ent> wom an 'S.ife A 2-er-old Brooklin woman is dead fololn head-on collision, in Whitby early Frlday afternoon. Susan Llntjess, of Cochrane St. An Brooklin, -was% prnouned, dead on the, scene of an ac- cident wâ which the vehicle she was, drlving collide d with a veicele o'perated by- Diodato Cin onef Oshawa,, at the intersection of Anderson' and Bradley Sts. Durham Reglonal. Police say the. i4ntjess vehicle was travelling ýsouthbound i the An- derson St. passing lane and the Ciancone vehicle was moving northbound, alà o on'An- derson. Police say it would appear the Clancone vehicle crossed into the southbound lane where the impact took place atap proximately 1: 30 p.m. Clancone, 60, was treated at Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital and released. No>l c hareave been lid to this pit Chinch bugs causing more lawn ,damage.- Have you noticed your lawn lookizig brown and bare inspots' tmay not-just be the dry summer. Accor- ding to Gord Shannon, franchise owner of the Weed Man in Whitby, chinch bug& are causing more and more lawn damage each year.lý 1He says the probleni just koeps getting wor- se i the Whltby area. "'The> bug bad been kind of anonymous in this area -until.five or six years ago," he said. diYou can walk across any.lawn and they're so bad now, thoy'll almost, run right acroos your féeet." See story on page B. ýMarigold ýFest Set to begin The Whitby Marigold Festival, schoduled for Sept. 8 to il, bas a full slato of ovents, of- foring a little of something for overyone. A variety show, featurig the. Whitby Theatre Company, will be hold Sept. 8 at the Centennial Building on Centre St. S. A'mult i-ceultural show will be hold also on Sept. at the Ir-oquois Park Arena. A pocial dinner for all marigold contest winners will bo held at Cullen Gardens Sept. 9. on the sanie night, a dance will be hold at the Legion'Hall. Events Saturday, Sept. 10 includo a parade, bailoon rides, an antique car show,, a bus tour of thewlnnlng marigold gardons and a casino. Sunday's events include a pancak e breakt- faut, soap box derby, a l-kilometre run, ýa efurchservice and bathtub races. For more informationon the events seethe supplement enclosed in this edition, fromn pages 15 to 22. Vol. 1 o 6Wdesday, September 7, 1983 32, PAGES Rabies cases, The- WGR'minor- Peewee lacrosse teamhas won. the silver medai at .th.e national playdowns in the "C"l division. Picturedteam members are: (Back..row)ý Steve, Ainsworth (assistant coach), 'Tom , Santos (coach), and Del Ainsworth -~ manger. (Mddi ro):Richard CarrRIcky Bdowick, Jamie. Smith'-, Bria Munroe,.ýChrils Husted, .Brian, Grieves', 'Shawne Ayiesworth 'and Julilus Cseresnyesi. (ro-nt row): (à arrett Camnpbeli1, Chri s- Vnci11ff,- Derek Elileff, Troyann Santos, Steve Mercer and Paul Hamhilton. (Missing): Trevor Rands. Peewees second eat Nationals BY TOM FRANK The WGR-minorPeewees.have won..the Silver Medal at the National Peewee Playdowns for. lacrosse, in "C" division. They,,won -their',fir't- game 10-4 over' Windsor. Garrett".Ca 'mpbell ,sparked the attack with, threo goals, withtwýo each by BrianGrieve a nd Chris, Hustod and -singled by Paul Hamilton,« Shawne Aylesworth and Chris Van Chef. The second game was-a 7-4 victory over Aurora. Campbell led the scor'nng again with threo markers.,two by Paul Hamilton and other markers by Husted and Bilan Munroe. The Whitby, second toam kept winning with a con- vincing 9-3: trouncing of Orillia. Pairs of goals wr by Hamilton, Griove, -Munroe andCampboll with an. unasslstod goal1 froni Troy-Ami Santos. On the fourth day of tho Nationiais, the local toam» bad a tougher tume with White Rock, B.C. but shut them out in the third period ,for a 5-2 win. Campbell had three while H usted scored two. In -the last, game of the round-robin play, they played the hosting, club from Barrie and won 7-3. Whitby scores wer e two each by Grieve and Cam- pbe1 with others by Aylesworth, HÈusted and Munroe. In ýsemi-»finial' action,. they had to beat our neigh- bouring club from Scarborough in a game- that wàs novýer in -doubt. Final score was .7 -1. for Whitby thanks to Pairs of goals 'by Grieve and, Campbell, and singles by Jamie Smith,. Santos and Munroe. Midland and ,Whitby No.ý 2 met'in thé Gold-and- Silver gamo. Tho local, club foun .d thomselves in the unusual position of being bohind <24, at the end of the firt orid.Thoy. collectod.14 penalties comparec tow frMdland, and bast the game 11-4. - The Whitby goals wereby, Husted, Munroe, Griove and Campbell. Continuing care unit George Banyasz, president -of- H & N Construction signs the contract for the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital's continuing care- unit whiie Harry Je.rmyn,..chairman of the Ruddy board. of -governors iooks on. 'Also watching- is Cathy Weber,. ad- minfistration secretary and John Kunetsky, ad ministrator 'of the hospitai, H & N Construction was awarded the contract with a bid of $405,OOO. Free Press Staff Photo ,-increase BY TIM BAINES Cioxnmuulty Editor Wlth incidents of rabies cases reaching record. heights, a Brooklin- veterinarian' thlnks it is about time government - 1 and medical officials responded td the threat JmesL.Wells, of the Brooklln Village Animal *Hospital, is, hoping, that public outcry wil con- vince officiais how serious the 'problem really is. According to Wells, the Ontario Veterinary Association advocated compulsory vac- cinations for 'ail pets, 1"to protect humans. as well as animais."e Hesays government and medical officiais, responded to this urgent plea by saying that compulsory vaccination la Impractical and would be.very difficult to enforce.-> y "Dismising the IOVA's proposaI is a poor way of dealing, with, a jserious human health hazard,", said -Wells. Over 2,400 people were s trea ted in Ontario: in 1982 for rabies ex- posure. The cost of- the Province. for vaccine _ alonee-was.,$1.5 million. The additional medical, laboratory and ý ad- î minitrative costsa in-, creased. this drain on, Ontario'shealth budget significantly."' According to Wells, a warm winter bas con- tributed to the problenis being worseý than ever this year. *"A lot 'more wild« animais- survived- the warm, winter and this, bas added to, the ini- crease,"he said. Wells cannot 'under- standý why -the Ministry of Health, hasn't taken any action, especiallyÎ since they recognized' the ýprobleni in a May newsletter, with an ar- - ticle titlèd, "Ontario Could- Face Rabies Epidemic". The article stressed ' public awareness of rabies is. critical and urged that ail dogs, cats and farmn animaisbe vaccinated. "The last actual human death froni rabies. occured in 1967.