WHITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY ALIGUST 31#- 1983, PAGE 7 Run for caneer The Canadian National Exhibition i Toronto is bigger and better than ever. This portion of the midway 18 just a fraction f what the Exhibition has to offer. -fCNE Canadian National Exhibition offrsfun for everyone This year's version of the Canadian National Exhibition offers ac- tivities for people of ail ages. What makes tbis even better is that much of tbese activities are of- fered free of charge. Once insidethe Prin- ces' Gates, the Our Canada Pavilion - ffers' numerous, exhibits, in- cluding the 'Canadian Armed Forces and Take Attitude, an art display of 50' multi-media works. Also inside this building is the popular Sport Canada displays, givini the kids a chance~ to go face to face with a pitching machine in a batting cage. Walking along, you corne to Molson Stacium, where you can watch the Trans rsnRdsI Thriil Drivers in action or a lumberjack show. At night, the Molson tent offers live enter- tainment with Toronto bands such as Grot- tybeats playing the music. Tbe Agriculture Building offers a chance to sit back and sow some rural roots, as farm, livestock is highlighted. The Food Building of- fers a chance to get a good meal at an affor- dable price. The key is to beat- the rusb and watch for the bargains. The Sports Hall of Fame 15 a, shrine to many tremendous Canadian athietes and offers interesting tidbits of nostalgia. The International Building is an in- teresting comparison of numerous cultures. The Better Living Centre is a huge display of appliances, furniture and computers. The Carlsberg Pavilion offers enter- tainment by such old rock and rollers as Ron- nie Hawkins. The list of free events does not end bere. There are free band perfor- mances in various locations, water shows, daily parades, an air sbow, a museum of rock music art and hobby and art displays among other things. Admission to the Ex also permits free entry to Ontario Place, with its Childrens' Village, Cinesphere and miniature golf. The line-up at. the C.N.E.'s 'giandst.and CLASSE IED AD 00for resuits c'7arqo(ô LINCOLN MERCURVY SALES LIMITED THE FORD TRUCK PEOPLE FARM - BUSINESS - RECREATION 1120 Dundas St. E. OSHAWA 723-0661 Whitby WHITBY 668-5893 TVYPESETTIG ON THE PREMISES , wS. OMPUTERIZED APHOTO S, AJX.LZ this year has included concerts by David Bowie and Kenny Rogers and baseball ac- tion with the upstart Toronto Blue Jays. For the young at heart, there 18 tbe mid- way witb its collection of games of chance and spine-tingling rides. The Terty Fox run for cancer bas received ap- proval from the Town of Wbltby for, both a tbree and l-kilometre route. The run, scheduled for Sept. 18 from il a.m. to 3 p.m., was only recently orgamized by Bill Peel, a Fulwood Crescent resident. Both runs begin and end at the Regional Municipality of Durham Court House (Rossland Rd. E. at Garden ST.). The tbree kilometre route goes east on Rossland, south on An- derson St. , west on Manning Rd., north, on Garden St. and back to the court bouse. The 1-kilometre route goes east on Rossland, south on An- derson, west on Mary St.,p north tbrough Pringle Creek and north on Garden St. to the court bouse. Over the years, more than $27 million bas been raised nationaily in the Terry Fox run. Pledge sheets can be obt.ained but Peel, the run organizer, would like to take tbis em- phasis away. tiqPledges are an an- tuated idea," he said. "People can just show Up and run for $2 per person or $5 per family."1 Hie also stresses that the event 18 flot a race, it 18 a family event. For more information on the run cail Peel at 668-9670 or the recreation departnwnt BRIAN DEEGAN DENfTURE THERAPY HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683«6074 -00-0FERGUSON'S &KN ITTI N G ,MAC HIN E, CEN TR E O HAND AND MACHINE KNITTING YARNS. -- CN E Specials on Singer Knitting Machines ModeI560'l2âG&" 1199«.5 Bu 1ky S8K 120!3e.'28.5 q 111 Brock St. N., Whitby Model 360!544w-ý' 489DI15 SRP 50 Rlbber2894'"269.115 (noxt to Canadien Bank of Commerce> 666 1833 WHITBIY PARK$.& RECREATIONT in cnucinwt WHITBY TIGERS CLUB '83 ~g Presents /The Marigold--Festival 10OKmRun Sponsored by Diet Pepsi A 10' KM. run starting and ending at Iroquois '" x.I Park Complex on Sunday, September 119,'1983 .~y _ at 10:00 a.m. - There are several age classifications and prizes Entry fee Us $6.001 Registered; $8. day of rac Regular; $5. O.T.F.A. ENTRY FORM *1Name. *Address________________ Classif ication: Telephone: -Male: 18 & u nder -19 - 39 ___ Female: 18 & under 1 waive any-rights, suits or damages agalnst the Corporation of the Town of Whitby, Pepsi Cola Ltd., and the Whitby Tigers Club and hold the said Cor- poration and Pepsi Cola Ltd., harmless f rom any action whatsoever from my par- ticipation ln the Marlgold Festival 19 Km. Run. 40 &over. IDate Signature if under 18 yrs. Parent or Guardian Signature Mallordeliverta: -Town oi Whitby, 575 Roôssland Rd. E., Whitby, Ont. 10 LI N 2M8 For more information: 668-7765 I ~~1 I I I I I a I I I i , Age 19-39