WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEONESDAY AUGUST 171 1983,,PAGE5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR w w Readerspeaks against abortion In response to various articles that have been printed in our local newspaper.... about abortion. Flrst let me say in regards to Pro- abortion groups - the groups of women who favours that a pregnant women has the right to choose the fate of her unborn child. She does not have the right! Why? Because we are ail God's property whether we want to be or not. We were made in His own image. But God didn't make us, we come from apes or monkey's! Oh yeh? No one yet has come up with any concrete proof of the beginning of the species getting sexually transmitted to us humans today. Therefore evalution is' only a theory because there is no evidence. Recentiy in the States a man called three best known university heads and asked for proof. Two of the three neer returned his call and a few weeks later the third man finaily retur- ned 'his phone cal saying I just haven't been able to find it but I know it has to be some where. I'ni relieved to find out, "ht I didn't corne« from sore ape but rather the supreme being God. Various pro-abortion groupe are telling people that the precious infants they carry inside are not babies but blobs, or just tissue. Wonder what narne they give us human beings who were fortunate to survive past abortions. Blobs or rather a fetus as the medics prefer to, 'cal babies are a problem, and problems are to be eliminated. Oh people what is happening to Our society? Problems are not to be eliminated but straightened or ironed out. Pro-abortion groupe (99 per cent women) say that t he father has no rights. Society does have rights. Society tells us whether we can drink and drive, don't they? Society says if you kil someone you must go to jail etc. I think we have gotten over selfish with ! our- selves. We are so con- cerned with ourselves, our wants get in the way of our children. Through, this we are destroying the sanctity of life. Jean Staton-Garton ahthor of book "Who Broke the Baby" once belonged to a pro- abortion group. One day while showing a film on an easy procedure of abortion to convince women that it was a simple procedure, a lit- tle two-and-a-half year oid toddler happened to be in the room and star- ted screaming saying,1 "Who Broke the Baby" Imagine the impact that1 had on that littie one. luet actually witnessed a doc 1 dismembering a babies body. That is how Jean r got the title of her book.t We are all breaking the babies by allowing abor- r tions to be performed ti and by keeping silent. I d feel a person who won'ta stand for something will fail for anything. - P in one state in b America, the college a kids were swallowing if gold fish. The Humane w Society stepped in and a law was passed that if you swallow gold fish you can be heaviiy fined or get a prison sentence. Imagine!1 For a goid fish. How about us Canadians?aWhat don't we do to protect our animais? And yet we allow millions of babies to be murdered every year. Where is our respect for human life and on behalf of the babies where is our respect for human rights? The animais get it! Why can't we give it to our little babies? I think it is OK for sex to be taught in school but they don't go on to tell them of respon- sibilities of what hap- pens when a girl becomes pregnant or that she could end up murdering her baby. Why stop at sex,ý tell them the whole story. As for doctors, I thought they were to orather than murder them. Doctors won 't go aiong with mercy killings but think nothing of murdering babies. Doctors say that 77.9 per cent of the time they abort because of the mental health of the patient. Well where is the mental'health of the patient at the time they tre enjoying sex? N'othing is ever men- tioned of that. Because there are n0W many means of bir- h control, I can't un- Ierstand why there are any abortions. When a girl becomes 'regnant her whoie ody gets geared up for nine month cycle, then she has an abortion, vouldn't her body get LINCOLN MERCURY SALEsLtIM/TED THE FORD TRUCK PEOPLE FARM - BUSINESS - RECREATION 1120 Dundas St. E. OSHAWA 723-0661 Whitby WHITBY 668-589 WE NOW HAVE VERMONT CASTINGS~ STOVES. T he Vermont Castings Defiant*. Vigilant®1,Resolute'. and Intrepid are a brilliant combination of art and science. Classic design, wood-to-coal convertibility, open fireplace/airtight heater. automatic thermostat control plus a choice of colors make these the most talked about stoves around. Come examine them today. THE DEFIANT'THE VIGILANT THE RESOLUTE'THE INTREPID The Firplare PIlus 900 Hopkins Si. at Burn 6 whithy 668-3192 Open Tues. thru s.s. We're proud to represent Vermont Casti The Vigilanteé 1492 V . g..19 . A i , r-n vd ULC UB<Sd. all topsy turvy inside? Of course. Another reason that the doctor's use is that the mothers state is in danger of death. That is a lot of bunk, not with today's medical advances. When abortions were first mentioned, it was only if the mothers life was ini danger, you know Hilter started with only the feeble minded. Yes Canadians, we are living in a world wide Holocaust. During the war only 6 million Jews were killed, in the United Sates alone since 1973, 15 million babies have been aborted. Never mind adding up the one in four in On- tario right now or the 140,000 in Czechoslovakia, 67,000 in Yugoslavia and the 1 million in Hungary in the past 10 years., Recently in Santa Monica, 17,000 tiny bodies were found piled in garbage bags, at a dump. What a beautiful burial ground! Tell me that we aren't in a Holocaust., Hitler started off with the feeble minded but ended up with babies, women, men & children. If we continue to allow abortions pretty soon we'Il be deciding to get rid of the elderly and in- sane also. Wonder who- will be the first to have One hospital officialin Nebraska was walking down a corridor past a refridgereated room where the babies are dumped after being aborted and several cries were heard. They were just left to <ie on shelves because the abortion was not carried through totally. No wonder, I've heard on T.V., how abor- tionists die 1 0 years earlier due to pressures and how they often have nightmares. Mind you theywill never admit it. Has anyone ever followed up on the girls after they've gone through it. Some com- mit suicide as they can't live with themselves anymore, some end up in institutions for the in- sane. They go into depression, go to drugs or alcohol, end up not his mother put away. I've heard rumors of drastie things already happening to the elderly in Europe. Two coun- tries already have come up with a pili and by the end of the 80's when the elderly reach a certain age, they will have to take them. Hilter's ways are being done ail over again. Wenhave to step out now to stop this. Does the public even know how abortions are performed? In early pregnancies, babies are sucked out with a vacuum as if the mother is getting a spring cleaning. Mind you manytimes the arms & legs get sucked out of their little sockets first, and if that doesn't work, the warn comforting fluid that the baby is so secure in inside the mother gets drained out and it gets replaced with a saline solution. This scalds and burns the baby that the wee fetus is ail charred. Babies can be aborted in the states (don'tknow about Canada) up to nine months. It is done by cesareannand the baby is strangled with the umbilical cord. In Omaha, Nebraska, doctors prefer to wait till later in the pregnan- cy because they get paid according to the length of the babies feet. This was the ruiing made by a court judge. Terrifie justice by the judge eh? being able to have children when they do want them and become frigid.. With 50 many millions & millionsyof these women and girls around no wonder we have a sick society. Lets shorten the long years of waiting time for the loving couple who want to adopt. It's pretty bad when so iany want to love babies but we ,would rather murder them in- stead. Where have our morals gone. Lets cail our member of Parliament and ask how he voted on the abortion issue. We have that right. The blood of these babies is on every one of our hands. Let's clean up this world and make it a better place to live. Fran Hewell Oshawa A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE e218 Harwood Ave. S.,Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683.1968 and 416-683-1970 BLUEPRINT FOR WASTE Ontario MANAGEMENT The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has developed for public review a compre- hensive proposal of new programs, controls and regulations for the better management of the eight million tons of solid waste and the 60 million gallons of liquid industrial waste generated in Ontario each year. The public is invited to discuss this 'Blueprint for Waste Management' with Ministry staff at an INFORMATION MEETING Wednesday, August 24 3-6 p.m. Committee Room No.1 - Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Rd., Whitby Written or oral presentations on the 'Blueprint for Waste Management' may be presented at public meetings to be held through-out Ontario starting in September. Ministry of the Environment Ontario Hon. Andrew S. Brandt- Minis-ter Onai lo. And.r.w S ,rnn.lt Mincter Gérard J.M. Raymond, Deputy Minister / ('\ ~ FORMS REGISTER, CONTINUOUS, CARBONIZED & MISC.