* - -. PAGE 2, WEONESDAY AUGUST 17, 1983,f WHITBY FREE PRESS Between You and Me By IUTIi Col.ES, And ln today alread walks tomorrow. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. (1772-1850) The followlng are a few of my tbought.s about the domed stadiurn which is about to corne into being. I have flot talked with our Mayor or any of the Council members 50 any figures or facts are out of my own head. My only thoughts are lu regard to building this structure lu Toronto, For many years the congestion down on the lakeshore, I think,.bas been horren4ous and on gamne nights, difficuit for traveilers who use the southeru route. Apart from ths the ned for new roads, subway extensions and so on would cost millions. Toronto is attracting thousands as a city full of interesting things te see and do. Let us leave well enougb alone and perfect what is already there. Whitby eau be thought of as the hub* 0f a wheel. Close te, Toronto on the west,. the Muskokas, Lake Slmcoe to the north, Port Hope, Cobourg, Halibur- ton and Kawartha to the east. To the south, the lake witb boaters comlung frorn the States, and from east and west of Toronto. Transportation need not be a problem. Hlghway 401 lu qulte adequate for those Who prefer to get to B from A in a hurry. Hlghway 2 provides a good route wlth mucb to see and lots of places te shop along the way. To the north a few miles, hlghway 7, whlch is scenlc and Is now belng upgraded and wldened. The Base Line from Oshawa to Bay Rldges Is another route which could provide a >road for people form local communities. Public transportation is more than adequate. Fir- st of ail the Go train from Hamilton to, in the near future, Oshawa. Our Wbitby transit could be*used to take people from the station to the stadlum. The Go bus from various parts of Toronto could be another advantage plus other bus lines which operate along No. 401 and No. 2. The ideal site would be the Iroquois property. I ar nrot sure about the actual acreage but I think it is large owned in great part by our Town and probably the Province of Ontario. Ample room for parking and in time expansion. Close to the General Hospital but not when it cornes to the noise factor. With great gatherlngs of people this is a decided asset witbout any loss of' tirne frorn the scene to the hospital. .OUr Marina in time- wiil be an even greater drawing card for Arnericans and boaters from ail over the province and Quebec. Once the area is developed which I hope wil be soon anythlng is possible. Brock St..lu a direct route from the Muskokas. A great iiurber of the inhabitants are Torontonians as are people from. Lake Simcoe Who could take Durhamn Rd. 23 frorn 48. The latter lu an excellent, road and bas very beautiful scenery ail the way down. Hlgbway 12 is another good route,. Once the Brock St. bridge lu complete and the Thlckson Rd. cloverleaf la completed, we bave great access to the Base Une and Iroquois Park. I cannot saythere need be great expeniditures -of monies.Some stop.lights would need to be instià lled and other such things. The bridge must be redone on Brock St., wbatever hapgi.ns, and the Go train is to be extended. Whatever great expenditures would be- needed? AUl 0f these projeets could be done witb tbe dorned stadiur; n lumind if the Iroquois site is chosen. A cornbied effort for ail concerned. If this could corne into being other fadilities would be needed. Hotels, motels and restaurants would need to be bult. The, Harbour complex could go ahead with provision for such things including shops. With sucb things in the offing such as great plans for the harbour area, the Brock St. bridge and the GO train the combination could and would be beyond belief. Easy and rather quick acceas from ail directions, adequate facilities; what more could one ask? Spread the people and the wealth to an unique town, our Town, of Whitby. One more tbought of rny own is with the Jail and it's im'mates close to Iroquois Park, rnight this not be a deterrent to the inrnates not to return? Witb a- stadium. close by they migbt tbink twice about breaking -the law and save their pennies to become ticket buyers? The temptation might be too great. Large arnounts of money, saved by the Provincial Coverument, could be put to good use. If tbIs in to bappen, we mut sow enau Look wbat bappened when the. city voeu. fl came up. Folks responded lu great numbersand lot their thousghts b. know. Participation lu the. namne of the game for ail concerned. No one can guesa wbat, our thougbts and ideas are until we becorne vocal elther voice-wlse or by the pen. Expressing your views does not diminlsb anything, but. it certainly lets your Mayor and Coundil know where you stand and I'rn sure makes their task easler. Historlcally new development always rnoved to the notb and west of cities. The larger the city, the larege the developrnent. This bas happened around Toronto until Mississauga and tue north end have become congested.' Try to get around Mississauga at rush bour in comfort and I could say tue samne thing about Oshawa. Good luck because you will need it. There are rnany other ideas and tbings to be thought of and I think none of thern are negative. Some day we migbt think of a srnall airport nortu of Whitby. Only for smail planes of cour 'se. I know a few men wbo fly, residents of our Town, and at tue present time they have to use the fadilities of anotuer city. If we bad the stadium and tue airport, think 0f the number of men and women wbo fly te their cot- tages, and there are rnany, who could fly into WhJt- by for a gamne? Also, tuer. lu the question of transporting beer'to tue stands. At what distance? A couple of miles, from our new warehouse to Iroquois Park. What a greatsaving in transportation this would be.- WASTE An informatioii meeting on uew proposaIs-for é.waste management by tue provincial mlnistry of tue environrnent wiil be beld Wednesday, Aug. 24 at the Whltby municipal bilding, Rossland Rd. E.' The proposaIs, whlcb are cornbined under tue rninistry'.s Blueprint for Wast Management, wil be explained and discussed frorn 3 p.rn. to 6 p.rn. - in. Cornrittee Roomi1. Written and oral sub- missions . on the proposal s wii be beard at public hearings to be held across tue province beginning next rnonth. Dates are to, be announ- ced lter. Ontario produces eight-rnilllon .,tons of solid waste, and 601- million gallons of. liquid industrial waste each year. * ailors Aho'y! Many people took advantage of slight breezes and bot sunny weather'to do some sailing in Port Wjtby this past week. The Toronto Star SalmonHunt also opend, providing boaters witu an opportunity to land that big fluh, whlle vieing for valuable prizes. Free Press Staff Photo CLASSE FIED AMSOe'-for r.sults PROFESSIONAL Diry Cl-eaninlg Same Day Service Alterations and Repairs K&M CLE ANERS 112 COBORNEST.8W. WHITBY 668*2831 Sat. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Friday 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.mn. r, . .~ *1