Report frorn Q ueen' s Park' ByTellIol. (;etorge A-she, NI>l>I (,~ I 'C-IDurham iWest) Mnster Of Government Services PROPANE CYLINDER INSPECTIONS MANDATORY Propane barbecues are commonplace in Ontario backyards, but many ownera are unaware of stan- dard inspection procedures whicb sbould occur regularly to ensure the continued safe operation of these units. Ontario's propane code requires that 20 and 40 pound cyindera commonly used for barbecues and other camping appliances should be inspected at lesat every ten years. The date of manufacture or the most recent inspection is indicated on the raised collar that protects the cylinder valve. Propane filling attendants, certified by the On- tario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations - Fuels Safety Branch, have also been made aware of the importance of regular inspec- tions. If an inspection is past due, or the cylinder bas large dents, gouges or la badly corroded, It is Illegal for the attendant to f111 the cylinder. A faulty cylinder could leak propane and, If lgnited, the escaped propane can cause aerious in- Jury or property damage. Consumera ahould personally check the date on the cylinder and if the Inspection is overdue or there is some doubt about the condition of the cylinder, it sbould be taken to one of the many propane dealers who have employees authorized to make inspec- tions. Inspections cost approxirnately $15.00 and include the replacement of the pressure relief valve. Several items to keep in mind when using propane: Neyer keep propane cylinders inside a bouse or garage. Escaped propane is heavier than air and will settle in a low area where it may be ignlted by a chance apark. Propane cylinders should be transported in an upright position in a well-ventilated part of the car. To check for leaks, connect the cylinder to the barbecue, apply a soap and water solution to con- nections and lines and turn on the cylinder valve. if bubbles appear, close the valve until repaira have been made. A brochure, "Living Safely witb Propane" is available at the Durham West Constituency Office,' 37 Station Plaza in Ajax. Please caîl the office (683- 6707) for further information. There are' lots of opportunities remaining this summer to use your propane barbeèue, please take the necessary stepa to ensure that your -sumnner barbecues remnain enjoyable and safe. East Central Art Association among those given grants The East Central On- tario Art Association, of Whitby, was among the 283, organizations and 234 individuals awarded a total of over $5 million at recent Ontario Arts Council 1meetings, Chairman Donald W. McGibbon announced last week. 44 Canadian-owned, Ontario based, publishing bouses were also1 among those rewarded. "Grants are made to publishing houses which produce original titles by Caniadian authors, in the areas of fiction, ver- se, the arts, and com- temporary Canadian social concerns", ex- plained Mr. McGibbon, "Publishers must also demonstrate a significant and con- tinuing trade publisbing prograni."Y Grant levels are based on the publishing performance of the 1982 calendar year. The 43 publishérs received a total 0 f just over $M'0000. "IWhile the publisbing industry bas made giant strides since the ear!y -1970s, it, still faces enormous problems created by the size of the Canadian market, the -coat of publishing and competition froni other English-language countries", said Mr. McGibbon. "Council endeavours to support 'cuturllysignificant' publishing that will en- sure the-voice and the marketplace for new and. established writers of poetry, fiction and the arts." The Ontario Arts Council's total granting budget for the 1983-84 fiscal year is just over Ajaxgirl off t o Englan AJAX - While Miss Janice Cooksey of Ajax leaves to serve a mission for The Church of Jeaus Christ of Lat- ter-Day Saints in the London ' England mission field, Miss Jacqueline L. Adcock' preparea to return home to Londoôn, after serving her 18 month mission here i the South Pickering ares. Miss Adcock also ser- ved- in the Brampton, Misaissauga and Sca- borough -areas. -While aervmg in Pickering, Jacqueline received -a commission from the Churcb to sculpt a bust of Jesus Christ which went on display at the C.N.E.'s Better Living buligls er CLOSURE Public submissions on a proposai to close an untravelled lengtb of Pitt Street wil be hear by Town Coundil's operations committee on Sept. 6 at 7:30 p.m. Coundil intends to permanently close the stretcb west from Peel Park to Athol Street, unless concerned ratepayera can show the step would prejudice their properties. "I've made many new frienda here," ohé reflected. III hope to return to Canada. I will miss it Ivery much." Meanwhile,, Janice Cooksey la anxious to get ber mission under- way. At ber fareweil address on Sunday, Janice expressed With deep emotion ber love and gratitude to ail the membera 0 f berý Pickerinig.Ward. "Everytbing wii be different by the tm returà , " ahe asaid. » "Wee'lhave'o-ur new chapel built in Ajax, and there will be '80 ,many new membera. It's all s0 exciting."1 Janice bas been a member of the Church GL~ septY for one-and-a-half years. She leaves August, 8 to serve in London, England. WHITBY OR EE, PRESS# WEDNESD Y AUGQST 17, 1983, PAGE Il Oshawa Hope Center This is a story of a peraon who was men- tally 111, underwent psychiatric treatment, and now is living com- fortably in ber com- munity. Martha was in ber late teens when ber problenis began. Her parents had always found ber overly inquisitive. In fact she seemed, to them, bent on causing them eni- barrassment and frustration. When Martha's boyfriend began seeing other girls, Martha en- tered a deep deression whicb left her exhausted and moody. It was at this point that. ber parents placed ber at the local psychiatric hospital for assessment. That was the asat Mar- tha and ber parents saw, of eacb other. Fifteen yeara later, Martha left the hospital having experienced electric 'shock treat- - BE SUBARU SMART- SAVE TODAY If you thoughw that a spaclous, economîcal wagon couldn't be lux- urlou, you haven't wue the Subaru GL Wagon. START GOING PUACES FOR LESS C&CMOTO R7 10Sîmcoe St. S. Osaa 7818. 155 King et. W. sehawa 57"224 ment, bydro tberapy, a lobtoyand chemo0theýrapy. Confused and lonely, Martha chose to re- enter ber community tbrougb Hope Center in Oshawa. The volunteera and staff at Hope con- sidered Martha* special and important. This enbanced Martha's self- esteemn. As she gained social confidence through ber par- ticipation in life akilîs progranis, she began to participate in other community groupa. Over the montha and years of ber re-entry in- to the- community she became involved in a women's auxiiary, a senior citizens group, a churcb and a crafts club. Martba la now spen- ding lesa tume at, Hope Center. Martha is an example of wbat people often describe as a "sur- vivor". Ail the negative experiences bave not dampened ber love of live and now she lsaa positive and carirag con- tributor to ber com- munity. Hope Center is a ser- vice provided by the Canadian Mental Health Association/Durham Branch, wbicb is a FOR PROTECTION' & APPEARANCE IN 12 ATTRACTIVE COLOURS Ventilated Aluminum AWNINGS Manufà ctured by Free EstimateseOuick Delivery & Installation III 11111728-1633 FACTORY & SHOWROOM a 845 FAREWEILLSI OSHAWA L ALUMINUML"IMr rEDOOE A-PMNFR CUSTOMER SANOS &.MASKS PAYS FOR MATERIALS ONL Y TOP OUALITY MATERIALS USED Mernher- ni the Beller Biusmne.sB,,roe., opYA PRNC AUO. OD NOW IN -WHITBY, GrandOvening *eHand Knitting'-Yarns, *Accessories *Embroidery Kits M SINGER KNITTIN'G'MACHINES "IN S TORE DRA W D URING OPENING DA YS CELEBRA TION" 111 Brock St. North Whitby (next to Canadian Bank of Commerce) M 666-1833 *ýAugust l8th, at 9:30 a.m. M FER G USO,N'>s KNITTING MACHINE CENTRE[ *Machine Knitting Yarns, *Patterns *Lessons 1 m 666m 1833