PAG E 1,W ED NESD AY A U GUST 17, 1983, WHI1TB Y F RE E PR ESS- 0> Programs wlil commence in the pool the week of Se'ptember 19, 1983. Ail HOCKEY LEARN T0 SKATE. MREATION DEIT ther programs will commence as iisted ln the brochure. LEARN TO PAl Ff)LRE TO AL~ For more ifraino eItrngatrSpebr1,peaeoi M76 Ãe4-6 Year.Asic fun learnng experin# FI ) GM 1\ Sg) Mail-in registrations will ot be accepted after September 13, 1983. Letters daentaîs 0f skting andckey. Equ, lme n wIlbe returned to the sender by mnalil. gad s tc The e "oghSoc odo h) If the Staff of the Parks and Recreation Departmfent are unable to accom- andský-tos. A he"RughStckRoeop modate you 'In a, particular ciass requested or yourscn hceteywl uer Vlpond Memorlal Ar en: Jthen contact you by telephone to inform you. Ie Session: Monday and Wednesday AQUATICS iROCQcýUÃ"Iý ý Â M POOL SWIlM INTUTIN 4 -5 p.m. September 19- Classes commenee mte week of Septernber 19/83.- 12 Weeks-12Lessons. Fs 2 o ih esn PLEASE NOTE: Classes are filled on a "*first corne. firstseedbss Second Session: Tuesday and Thursday *The classes beiow are Ilsted progessiveîy, each day and time represents one 4 -5 p.m. October 25 - ciass. December 15,1983 FEES: Mom and Me - $26-00 ... Chilclren - $23-00O... Adults - $26.(oO Foe: $45 for sixteen lessons R. L. S.S. -$30.00 .... Leaders - $30-00 .... Instructors - $60-00 LEj N TO S KATr 7 AND OLDER - _______.A baslc7lIun iearning experience for the older chd LVLMO.TUESDAVY WED. THURSOAV FR1 SA TURDAY or aduliterstdn iearnlng tef undamentaiso 6:00;&,Me6:4$' osp.skating. *5. 515 5:.15;1600Luther Vlmond Mmra rn Yellow(Shark) ___:O;p.. _________________. Miio1l.,,. Orng Pr-bgnnr6:00 Twice Weekly: Thursday and Friday 5 -6 p.m. ____SU._Oane _______ine 6:45-7,-30 ___ 7:4p.m.____________ Sterting: September 22 to October 14, 1983, AG20AG21T7:30 700 Foe: $35 per person for 8 lessons. P..2 P.M. 1B.d <Beginner> __6:6.4 7 OCEY FliVNESS SC and - Mauroo uioro.. 0 - - It lB time again-to put on ail that ulmn 6:45 p.n(Junior__7:09_ start a new hockey season. We are offering Ble Pr ntrmdi e)___ 6:00 m- 7.i..______ gruellng on Ice f itness program *to helpipu- *00 ARUM $3D0OCIDUf G alon LlueSavle-n i. iel 6.00_____ ________ piement your other physîcaî activities to ou 1Grain (Inlermediale) 6Ã"45p.m' 745#0.wi _____ _______ bcki oShr wl e ½hu ~ SE~ WESLZN *SADL DRNCRIJN *Grey<Senlor) 7 00p.nL . ._sessions: S:ptember 24, 25.- 10:30 a.m. - 12:0 * LDZ0 BRRL ACU G.*CAL.RPUG * n fo r+e 70. ___ 4fS1:30 a.oo; ctrn- :30 on.11:00 a.m.; October 2,89- - . *JUL~RIDLeaerswI lb . :7 ôpu..:O .3.:0m *:0pm Iroquois Park Aron& 5..0 5.0 5.00 500 5-00Starting: September 24 to october 9,1983 * * *lb 6 *. * fflp.n _:3___ e._0P_ __ 00pm. 12S«1:30Foc: $35 per person. SATU RDAY Red croeWRoya .cd femaor, ma R-030 HOCKEYSOHIOOL UG T2THSù"Oeimptotlcnena(Aduitu) &3O,>î. __ 8:30p.m~. This course emphasizes skating skilis andth Mo&M ZOp 94a.. _____20TH_____ abIIIty to handie the puck ln order to prepareth VeItow <Shark) 2:SOp.m. 9:45 am., children for more advanced hockey play. Childre ROE TREET4 *RODEO FLEA ffl po*.n 23pm9:5a.,. shouid be able to skate and must supplyth DANCE ARKET quablo foiiowlng equlpment: skates, heimet with fac feAur h 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p..mien)<., 1 :3op.ns. and . .0UM (TwiceJVeekly> . guard, stick and gioves. At IroquolsArena. 'B us r"kS~~sIIng tpaeheala-ePUBLIC SWIMMING TIMES (STARTS SEPT. 12/83) Fridmys: 4 -5 p.m.j ABUte rFyks BndSelig saceavilaleBusiness Swim (Aduiîs) Parents, Tos -MondayIo Friday. 1200 - 1:30Pm Sterting: Septemfber 23 to November 11, 1983 Tickets $5.00Qe~c atepbi PUBLIC SWiM ADLL IM Ages: 7 -14 years Foc: $35 for 8 weeks -0.8.00 p.m. - 12 mldnlght $1 2.00 per space Monday 7:30-8.30prn <Monda y 8:309:30 pm Wednesday 7:30-8:30 pm Wednesday &39.-30pm PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE IROUOS AR CO PLX rlay7:00.8:00pm Fniday 8B:00Opm IROQUOIS PARK ARENA NRO UOI PARKNG L Srdy 23-S0pmS0udy X9:00pmn Sunday:' -2 -3:45 p.m. Starting October9, 1983 NIE A R K N GI T 7.fl .Oo- Tuosday: 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Starting October 4, 1983 *01 *** Sunday 200-5:00pm LUTHIER VIPOND MEMORIAL ARENA ý0 FA MIL YS WIM -Sundays, 5:00- 6:30 pmn, Parents must accompany chhîdren Sunday: 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. Startlrîe ;0, RES NTE BY - S NIO CIIZEN 'SWM- ondys,1:3 -2:0pmOctober 2, 1983 CAL -heTo n f hiby SWIMMING FEES: Famiiy passes - $60.OOlyeariy or 3 mont hsl$20.OO Wednesday: 3:ctober4519, 1983 Tin 668-7765 *Whltby Kiwanis Club Aduîuý,$1.25Adult passes-1/$1.00FRMR iFRAINCAL6876 FOR INFORMATION -Choo Countryý Radio Seniors 25« Senior Passes - 10/$2.00. OT HER PROGRAMS PO E ALRATE $35.00 per hour 658-7765 for further Information., E YM-ýN-U - ___ _____ __ P OL RE TAI TH ER A Q U A TIC PR O G R A M S . 0 MEM Y MO MA ND U -SPEC IA L 1! 0 Arsc aTU C t ryTIO N sadg m saej s o REGISTER BY MAIL NOW! RED CROSS/ROYAL LIFE %0 fthe atviisplined for the PreSchooler and MAIL REGISTRATIONS TO INSTRUCTORS COURSE (EXTENDED) ~ Parent (there wiIi be a ½h.wmeah week.) Piea PAR KS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Mondays ..8:30 p.m. to bring your Mom or Dad out once a week to enjoy WhîtbyOntarloLiN 2M8Commencîng: Monday September l2th/83 thsrgam Ai hqe r ob aepayable to "Town of Ca.6.0 5wes IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX, WHITNEY HALL - -Whitby. SEMJ-PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS!!!! Sestember327 to November 21983 lwe POSTrDATED -tHEQUES WILL NOT BE Due to public demand, only semi-private lessons wiIi be offered. Each cîass Tedy:0 13am e:2.oo Oek i- ACCEPTEQ. wilI consist of a maximum of two (2) participants. RANcýzýR yor MARegistration forms may be obtained from the Six (6) haîf hour lessons --25.001esnacr ersyu body in'just days along with 7 Rerea io Deartmnt.Regstrtionwil beon NOT: . OlPrso ..strengthening your Iungs. its fun, easy dancing ;.flrst corne, flrst served basis provldlng: the form la As a resuit of limited pool availabllity, It wlilI fot be possible to make up classes aexrsgriky to the iyor oorlatst admus lc.gra -compieteiy fIiled; time requested Is availabie; a missed. Therefore, before registerlng be sure your chIid can.attend ail 6 wy t mprolases yourcoordatotadhevequl ;4cheque or money order 18 attached; and al infor- lessons. ryh.Casswi ehi tteioul mation la printed and legfible. NOTE: Recreatlon Complex ln Whitney Hall on Thursda r 0, eodadtir hiems e niddo h Please read. Information on levels before registEring your chiid as there will be evenIngs. Instructu.r: Jacqueiynn Tanner. formAwse c o b e nd s red nc o m et e n l d e d re tur e d r n f r f e o 3 0 o e o a l g y u h i .S p e b r 2 o D c m e , 9 3 Monday OR. Wednesday;- 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. SREGISTRATION FORMS maybe obtained PW RSKATINîîG CHOO - rmteRecreation DeDartment. Pwrsaigtahsyungsters control, balance and manoeuverability on Teste tmer 9t emlberonb5,19 en8g3 Stetiq fro Agus 2, 183toskates. This new method of skating Instruction assists participants in using FoepteMbe fr 12to Deebs,98 0 Spt rom Au u1 9, 1983 f their natural ability to the maximum potential. This progra mn la especiallyFe: 30 0fo 12 e ks Spe er1193beneficiai to young hockey players who wish f0 Improve their skating. This la K 1 NJT IlG C"JRSfo otekitn n e MAILING PROCEDUJRÉÊ not a iearn-to-skate program. orne ouftn erod tekitn and peari - a) Participants may mail ail forma direct ly to the Ages: 7.- 14 years kos n obn oh omk euiu ye - Parks and Recreaf ion Deparf ment atartlng Auguat Iroquoia Arena: Monday, Wednesday,-& Thursday of clothing. You wMil be..taught the varlous stiches j 29, 1983-f0 September 13, 1983. (Poetatsred no45pm trtn etme 9 oOtbr618 such as the popcorn; basket, anid table stiches. Slater than Sept ember 13, 1983). Fo. $35 for nîne lessons Youuter s pl oronnedewo n -ýd b)lIf you wsh f0 deIvýer a seaîed envelope f0 the pR.C O LRLERNioSA OATrN : F- Iroquois Park Compiex, you may do s0 after PR SHQ LR EANT SK ELO TON August-29f h. Envelopes wil be marked -recelived Professionaliinstructors wlII teaCh you and preschooiers the fundamentals of <lroquois Park Arena, Starting Monday October3, andth dae f he elver mrkd o te otsde skating.« Both parents and chiidren will be-foiiowing the CFSA National SIkating Whitney Hall. 1983 to Monday December 5, an t e a e f h d li e y ar e o t e ou si e tests. $30.00 per person. 1983. 8:00 p.m . - 9:30 0.m . - of the envelope. Luther Vipond Memorlail Arena: Iroquois Arena: A N U CE.T - c) Ail Participants are requested to pay by cheque Frdy ensdyI OUNCS ARK'OOL - or mail order. Your returned cheque from the bank 2-J.mR-1 rn N UM INTEANCE.I(c!IJ, - or you cop 0f your mon y or er ilI erv asFIrst Session Starting First Session Startng roquo s P&ar Ã"oo1 we or s a a your receipt of payment. mitnnepe mda h nd o 1 anRa d) AIl questions or programs wiii be answered by Septemfber 23' September 21- maintenance period at the end of Public Swim. Noveber 1, 183 Nvembr9, 983 ming on September 5 h, 1983 and wiil re-pen opj #~teePh ning668 765 Foc 83.00for we ks.M onday, September 12,1;983. t' I I