PAGE 8, WEONESDAY AUG UST 10, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS COMIN G EVENTS CALEND AR ALL SAINTS THANK YOU EVENING Ail Saints Church, Dun- das St. W., Whitby, is havinig a "lthank youl' desert and coffe evening in the c hurch hall August 25, at 7 p.m., in honour. of Reverend and Mrs. J. Roney, who are leavlng the church after 15 years. If you can donate a dessert, your time or have any pertinent PI'c7 tures for a scrapbook, please cail Jody at 668- 5269. Donations can be made in a marked, separate envelope each Sunday or taken to Jody. i ONE PARENT ASSOCIATION The Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Familles Association of Canada has announced Its' August schedule of meetings. Lynda Lee will speak on Big Sisters August 16. Coffee, ,carda and conversation wil be available at the August 23 meeting. The ý One Parent Familles Association meets at Lake Vista Club House, at Cedar Street, on Emerald Avenue every Tuesday at8 p.m. For further infor- mation cal Norma at 723-878. '$ACCEPTING FALL ITEMS Mon., Aug. 15 to Sat., Aug. 20 1983 *KIds Books Hardoover FictionI Rom ance, Serles 2 * Magazines (Alil sale temscaeh only) Celébrate Aug. l5th with- *FREE BALLOONS *WE WILL PAY YOUR PARKING HEY KIDS! ! corne 880 the clown.Mon., Aug.. 15th ati11 a.m. Brlnig your. parents.' 113B Dundas St. West Whltby.- Ontario PET SHOW The Whltby Public Library wiil hold a pet show August 23, 2:30 to 4 p.m. Boys and girls over thé age of 6 will be able to show off their cudd1ly pet friends. Show categories wil include: pet wlth the longest tail, pet with the best trick, smailest pet, best behaved pet, most unusual 'pet, cat who looks most like Garfield, ,,and many more. If you would like y'our pet to be in the show, you must pre-register in the library. A special pre- registration meeting will be held August 2 at 10: 30 a.m. At that time, boys and girls wil choose their categories, complete an ntyform and receive a list of rules. PAINTING EXHIBITION An exhibition of oil and water colour pain- tings by Maureen Remington, la being held for the month of August in the Auditorium of Whitby Public Library during Library hours. .m., wiil cost $6 for gallery members and 7i.50 for non-members. For more information ail the gallery at 66&- *Infante to suze 12 (Boys a Girls) mtemity Wear *Nursery itëes You gain two ways- turn yolJr unused ciothing andle chlldrens Items Into extra cash AND SAVE $$ on al your ,back to sohool needs. OPEN MONDAYS STARTING AUGUST 15 WEACCBYT BABY BONUS 215 Dundas St. E. (acros from the Post Office) diiiderv&~WHITBY chHt slurs: Monday C""~ Tuus.-Thurs. 10-5 MFr1. 10-S Set. 10-5at The Consignmens Shop Wah A Différence! BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible TimE will take place at AI Saints Church, Dündai St. W., Whitby- fronr August 15 to 20. Each morning bet. ween 9:30-11:*30 therE wiil be atonies, craftâ and songe. Ail children, age -5 tc 12, are invited.- Donations wiil be ac- cepted. Corne and bring a friend., <For more information caU 668-1452. jPARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS The August i meeting wll feature a discussion "Splt Decisi on-Before and Af- ter' Effeet." The moderator will be Ann MeGregor. 1The August 18 ,meeting wiil feature a night of coffee, cards and 'conversation. The meeting will honour Miss Marion Fruhner, winner of the PWP'In- ternation Schol arship. The 'August - 25 meeting ,will feature another Concert in. the Park. The meetings are held each Thursday at St. George's Hall, Cen- tre St. S., Oshawa at 8 p.m. Ail single parents are eligible to join. For more information eall Lee at 576-1853. FREE FILMS' Whitby's Station Gallery, Henry and Vic- toria Streets,, has an- nounced a summer schedule, of free films for both children and adults. The films will be presented each Thur- sday in July and August with afternoon flicks at 3 p.m. for children and evening shows at 7 p.m. -for aduits. The features'in the af- ternoon of August il are Popeye in Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp and Eugene the Jeep as well as the Lorax. The evening flick wll be the, Caill of the Wild, starring Charlton Heston. The afternoon flick August 18 will be The Little Princess, starring Shirley Temple. The evening show will be SENIORS'ý ACTIVITY CENTRE' The Seniors' Aetivity 5 Centre, 801 Brock St. S., 1 is off to the races'this month. A trip to Greenwood race track August 16 is also planne. The'bus will leave the Centre at 5:30 p.m. and the cost is again $6 per person. A box lunch wlil be taken along. A trip to the old- Vic- toria Theatre,'>in Cobourg will take place August il. The attrac- tion will be Tracks, a musical about the building of the railrod around 1850. A brief visit to Port Hope and a hot turkey dinner are also included in the agenda. The cost is $17 per person and the bus leaves the Centre at 10: 30 a.m. There wiIl be a Hun- tsville boat cruise August 15. The two-and- a-hali hour cruise of Fairy Lake and the Por- tage to Lake of Bays wil precede a hearty lunch at the Hidden Valley Inn and a.tour hometbrough Gravenhurst and c offe stop. The cost is $25.50 per person. This in- cludes meal, gratuities and boat trip. Bus leaves the Centre at 8 There wil» be a-Har- vest, Moon Dance August 20at 8p.m. BABY BOOK BASH The Whitby Public Library will have a baby book bash each Thursday in August., This is a four week prograni of stories,, songs and -games > for ehildren 20 to 35 months of age and an> a ccom- panying adult. This llrnited registration program is offered at both 9:45 to 10: 15 a.m. and 10: 30> to 11la.m. Nazn will be accep- ém ag tiu OWidrenS M& bqonnIngJuly 22, by phoneor nnperson. LIBRARY SUMMER FILMS The Whitby Public Library wlll be featuring a summer film schedule for boys Whltby Parks& Recreation ti. Department_ In Co-oporation wlth Choo Radio and the Klwanls Club ... . PARKING LOT MARKET COMINO BOOK EARL Y (Llmlted Space> Groups, individuals & organizations book space for garage sale items, crafts, tools, sports equipment, et.12.00 per space (2 parking spaces) Table rentai also available Cali 668-7765 Saturday, Augusi 2Oth 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Ramn date August 21lst> IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX-north parking lot victoria& Henry St.