TRY FEF PESOAY AUGUST 10, 1983, PAGE 17 CALL A ~oç ESSiON4 'I *Home Improvements W TENINGABOUT k . new roof, fe ncing, patio roof, Sun dock, rec room or other home or business renovations? For free estimates & quality workmanship cail HILLMAN a SON CARPENTRY LTD. 416-6838552 ~11 -i 10% V for senior citizen s and DiS»COÙNT DPhysbally handicapDed_ *Fenclng *Fabrics Imported Couturier Fabries 100% Silks -& 100% Cotton Droes weights, suit wolghts, à blouse weights 157 KING ST. E. 80 M~ VILE 623«4831 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tii- Ing, Drywall, Rec.. FRooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doois. FREE ESTIMATES CALI 668-4686 668&2252 Curp.ntay ail types of queiity home Improvements ekitchens .baths *rec rooms etc. f reeestimites cati today- 683-3164 886-1853 Speciaiizing In Patio Doors and Repiacement Windows VISIT US IN OUR S HOWROOM. We repair> soreens and glass. 900 Hopkins St. Unît 3 (At Burns St.) Whitby' CHNGE ON LY THE FRONTS 0F VO UR 0OLO JCAWOOD OR METAL'ABÎNETS I SAVE 40% TO 60% OVER CONVENTIONAL KITCHEN, REMODELLINE 96 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA- 728.5310' AUTHORIZED R..B. DEALERs 2"Y Storm Doors Tripla Sealed 5colora a 4 " styles Inatalied lnciuding tax. Also oconomIcai and energy effi- cient aiorm or replacement thermal windows and patio doors. FRE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 e ePaînt& Wallpaper st Clair Safeway Plaza Mldtown Mail l150OSImcoe N. 200 John St., 576-9971lOhaa576-2431 eRooflIng *Alarm systems I UROLAR& FIRE ALARMS1 I ~ Residential & Commercial i579 -8226e Drlvlng Schools L NY.CO* DRI VING SCHOOL* 1 hour driving lesson $15 and free Dick-up. U Compiete course $1 49.00 (approved by Ontarlo Satety League) Income tax deductible & up to 41% insurance discount~ 686-2224 e Motorcycles * Insurance SENIOR CITIZENS] SAVE MONEY ONI AUTO INSURANCE PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 683-972,5 Coffee Tables, End Tables, AIl1 Kinds of Woodwork At LOW, LOW PRICES.> Scandinavian Style Company 79;3 e services Emergency Service 7 Deys A Week Yrcgstaw t-Al1lVai* qugmà wf New à Old Rofa Ter Ornaeà Shlngiing MUuminham Soff.te à Eav.tro 686,4939- Sewing Machine Repairs Ail Makes Free oick-up and delivery Complete tune-up $29 95 Heconditioned Sewing Machines From $49.0" 12 Months Guarantee 571-1385 Top Lino Sewlng Centre 400 King St. W. Dines Plaza, Oshawa *ASTROLOGY READING. * TEROCARD READING ByJulianne, *Paramount Readlngs She Wil Adviee you on the affaire of Life Telophone 657,1311 (TORONTO) LOSE WEIGHT WITH HERBALIFE«m>" * '100% GUARANTEED' Audrey Beard 6554263 Distributorshipe available *Career School t I 1orNw ith trnfor youta k action. Them laa cameer Ifor you..Contact .L ICREER\\'i7 S CHOOLOK~ 92f4i Bond St. W. 578-35 ADV ERTISE TOUR SPECIALTY UN THIS SPACE. Would you like ta have a Nutrent Deficlency Test? Ask Mrs. Piper at Go Naturai Heaith Food Store 668-2661 Norms Whitehead Nutrition Consultant 66,2565 Any evenings 4:30-6:30 *Catering Services rattern~ a criMyriete cattrintg zeriire (1 :fuaTn 7~- & I ITBY FREE P m ýý M 1 *Nutrition Services