Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1983, p. 16

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PAGE 16,WEDNESDAYAUGUST 10, 1983, WH ITBY FR EF PRESS 0i.. PR... .Mp.rn hlM Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. ARTICLES ~ ~ C E ' FO AE FOR SALEI BUSH HOC, 5 foot, 1k new.. Asklng $490. Phono eveningo 655-3142. CAMPER CAP, alide In unit, fIlsý full size P.L., sink, tove & Ice box, excellent condition, $750 or noarest 9ffsr. 5 h.p. outboard motor, new, nover usod, warranty, $6W. 2 h.p. outboard motor, new, nover used, warranty, $395. Cal COLLECTOR'S RIFLE, Winchest- or Masterson 3030, $400>. Phono 655-4917. COMPLETE sot of mon's right hand golf clubs, bag Included, $300. On. pair of men's Etonic golf shoos, brown, size 9, $75 One 2piece pool cue and case, 17 ounces, $40. Phone 888-257. DUNCAN Fyfo table, two beaves, central poestal, $125. Old dlnling roomn table $75. Phono 683-663. FOR SALE vintage radio, $125 and grama phono, $250. Phono 88-2438 eveningo. FOR SALE Kenmore stove $125. Largo Caivînator, rofrldgerator $200. Phono 723-4771. MOVINQ SALE One record player with AMIFM radio $40. One sofa and chair $125. AIl items ln ex. collent condition. Phono 686& 4220., ONE 12 foot catamaran. One wood stove $100. One Tyco Nito Glb complote wlth lots of oxtra track $25. Two floureecent lights 8M5 oah, 4x4. Four twin win- dows, insuiatod, 4x6, $50 uch. 1960 Mercury Capri, ô cylinder, automnatIc, lîght blue, excellent condition, 47,000 km., $4,500 or beet offer. Complote sot of snow tires. Phono 655-4533. FOR SALE, 2-20 Inch gIrls bicycle wth training whoels, $20 each. One 3whoei tricycle, 20 Inche« hlgh, $W. One bed, qusen ie box spring matroe and eteel framo. Comploteset82M. Phono CLASSCAL GUITAR for sale. Hirade model seven. Handcrafed In 1961. Good for'Intormediate ployer. $W6, wthout caso. Phono. Ray 066-341,8 evenIngs.' KITCHEN CABINETS complote modem,$250. Mof fat stovo top and wali oven, $175. Front door perfect 34xq2, $50. White aîuminum storm door R.H. hîngo 34x84, $20. Swînging cafe doors 3V, $15. S5 kitchon slnk, $10. White bathroom baesl,$5. Space Baver bathtub, RH 'drain, $50. Phono 668&7404. SIX fluorescent Ilghts, $10 each. Phonoe683-3195 TWO MOPEDS, Mondas, Ilke new, $600 for bath. Phono 668-1387. TWO portable foldlng sawhorsee, $15 each. Three flfe boîte, $4 each. Phono afer 6 p.m., Whltby, 668-1506. FOR SALE crlb and dresser with closet. Asking $100. Phono 655- 3833. WHEEL DISCS $95. Oak Dining Room set, '6 chairs. Good con- dition, $395. Beige 9x12 carpot $25. Phone 68346638. WOOD lathe $150. SIX vinyl. covorod chairs 817 each. Phono 683-O83. MUST SALE î beautiful bar. At- tractive style. Sturdy buiit with luxuries matoriai. Wall worth over SM00Mili sale for $395. Fre dellvery. Phono anytimo, 668& 0207. FOR SALE double garage doar, modal, 7' high x 15' wide, com- plt. wth hardware, good con- dition, 835. Palnted oak desk, 2'6x5' with spare top, $20. 30#9 range hood\, copper colour, com- plote with fan, iight and filiter, $15. 6% busel lawn sweoper,$2. Single Iran bed, head tell and sping, $15. 8 h.p. eloctrtc start rIder tractor mowor-, 3 spood forward and reverse, 2- 17"1 biades, snow piough and chains, $675. Phonoe6682923. CLARKSON CUTTER GRINDER $300 or beit offer. Phono 723- 4562, Oshawa or 454827, Hoad Lake. FOR SALE 99 h.p. outboard motor. Good condition. Aeking $5.Phonoe6684782. E *_______ I -PLEASE READ - When the advertised item la sold, dlsposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wlll be deemed to have been sold and a commission wlilbe chargod based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as llustrated below, regardless If prîce se stated wlth "best of fer". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wlll be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 wiIl apply payable ln advance of publication 0f the firat ad. Otherwlsa a 87.50,charge willl p- ply If bIlled which muet be pald upon recelpt of bill. The above minimum charges wlll be appiled ta, the final commission due but ln any case the hlgher amount wiil be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald; $750 bllled. Maximum commission: $100.00. AIl advertisernents muet be placed on an ex- clusive basîs with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month If flot sold. 5% of advertleed Mrc. up b $400 RATES if artIcle ls sold): EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertleed for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge le $86.00). Prîvate advertIslng oniyl Please notify the Whltby Free Prose Immedlately when Item ls sold Bo that we may delete It from the foîlowlng Issue. Alil ads flot fittlng the Emporium guldelines wii be treated and charged per week as regular classifled ade on a pre-pald basie such as: services, help wanted, clothIng, rosI estate, and personal message type ade, or ade flot quoting price or quantlty. Private ciassified ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinge.' ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFîED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhItby, LIN S1i If in doubt caîl: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTOILE1 j OUSEHOLD 1971 MAZDA 010, repiacod motor, roconditloned brakes, oaslly certIfiod, rodons body, good tires, storeo. $495. Phono 683-683. tNTOMIVE 1903 BOX TRAILIER, 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 30 Inch aides, 3,500 pound cape- city, 14 Inch tires, $575. Phono 655-4223. 1970 NOVA four doors, complote * front end and 2 Nova RalIy wheels. Al parts good. Complote I $150. 1973 TORINO 302 engins * and transmission. Comploe * $200). 1973 VEGA OT for parte with good tires and Rally rime. *Complet $100. 1973 DUSTER 225- ______________________ osient condition, four radial tire.Complote $2W. Phono 655. ~ ATILE IARTICLES AUTOMOI1LESl 3006. SALE FORSALE WORF~IOR SAI.J INTELEVISION, including 9 ANTIQUE dinlng table, round 1977 GRANADA, standard Ber- games. Asking 8400.-Phono 579. podeatal, $30. Antique caplaîn Ing and power brakes, 2 door, 200 T A ý R 9029. Chair, 820. Antique parlor table engino, 27 mlles 10 the gallon, 718 .IUVENILE chiffrobe $50. Change table $20. Couch and chair $75. Ail ln gooci condition. Phone 688- 7253. Q.E. HUMIDIFIER $75. Baby crib $20. Yogurt maker $15., Portable billiard table, 38" x 71", $55. Phone68-8762. MENS 10.PEED $85. Tri-level chees set $12. Lamp $5. Old Viking stereo $20. Phono 66-. 3712. FOR SALE one Moffat Deluxe stove ln excellent workIng con- dition. $150. Cali 655.4S7. 80' ALUMINUM heavy duty TV towor, six sections, good for Ham radio operator. Asking $30. Phono 579-3353. 3 M.P. thre phase electric motor, 220 440 volts, $150 flrm. Caeil 655. 3838 betwoen 4 and 6 p.m. and ask for Paul. FOR SAIE Kimbail organ. Swlnger 100. $800 or beot of fer. Phoneo 60-760. (plain), $20. Portable stergo record player, $20. Smith-Corona office typewriter, $35. Reei 1 roi Telefunken tape recorder,$75. Record, rack, 87.50. Pushmower, $10. Judo-suit, noarly new, size M, $20. Phono8688-7404. ONYX CHESS SES, Aztec style, assorted colore, $55 oach. Frigidaire automatîc drîer $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 men tent $160. Ballyraceway pinball machino, needs some work, $350., Phone 985-9258. CUSTOM bulit pick-up seat wlth fold down console, rod crushed velvot, excellont condition, $275. Phono 655-8787. 3 HP. air compressor, 4 monthe aId, 30 galion capecity, *$85. Air file $85. New feather -duster $75. Impact gun $65. Torches $150. Phono 686-4874. AT MUSKIN SWIMMING POOLS, 15 x 21 -.4f. above ground, stool sand filtor. Ail ln good condition, no liner. $275. Oelil 72'3-3940. CALL 0084111 to place your ar- ticle for sale.. tralior nîtch on il, 81,000 firm. 1971 Morcury Marquis, Colony Park, 4 door, station wagon, 430 engins, automatic, 718 traloer hit- ch on It, $900 or boat offor. Moving, muet 8011 by Auguet 30. For more Information cail 655- 4407 or ovonings 284-4139. 1976 DODGE DART, 6 cyl. 3 spd. Standard, needa repafre, parts included, $65. Phone 5-39 1975 DELTA 88 OLDS, 4 dloor, hardtop), 454 CID. Ail power op- tions. Goad condition. $1,650. Phono 6554003. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, aRutomatic, power brakes, power steoring, heavy duty, rune good, neode somo body work. 825 as sa or trade for air compressor, sand blasting equîpment or peint equipment. COeil668-785. 1972 NOVA, 8 cylinder, auto- motdc, AM radio, now carburetor, redîator, exhaust. $SIX) or boat of- for. As le. Phono0608035. 1972 TOYOTA 1900, idoal for good parte, $200 complote. Mind blowor speakers for cars, com- plote, Just 1k. new, $60. Phono 655-3006. 1900 TRILLIUM, model 333, now canvass, soif top, new ties, large box for storing extras, sîoeps 4 or 6, 718 trailer hltch on it, welghs aPProxlmateîy 500 iba., $800 or bost offor. MOVIng, muet sel1 by Auguet 30. For more informationl cail 655-4407 or ovoninge 284. _________________ WESTINGHOUSE STOVE for ~MoT RcYc ESI sale.' White. Good condition. ~ FO SAIE~ORSALE Aeking $75. Cali 668-7269. HARLEY Sportster extonded chrome tube front ond $25.250 5 IU MUSIC£ I Ducadi front end $75. Harloy rear INSTRM ENT wheol and sprockot $225. Lleed E VNTUM TS Yokohama tire 820. 1977 Can, Am - 175 cc, 1,900 mlles, $«0. Phono YAMAHA 80700 gultar, eillar to 985-9258. %ý' FRIDGE and stove, $70/palr, gold, 1ke new. Automatic washer, $30, 1 year old. Dryer, $100, workda wefl. One round table, $20. Two wood square taibes, $10 each. Old stove, $55, works good. Fireplace screen $10. Big mirrr $35. French Provincialcliesterfleld and chair, blue, $30. Gao heater for lent trailer $25. Campetove $35. Suspended drop celllng, 1,W foot, $150. Moving, -muet seil by Auguat 30. For more Inor- mation cafl 655-4«( or evenlnga 28"-139. MOVING - Complets living room sot, new, custom made to match, off-white veivet. Large sofa, love- sent and two swivel chairs. Exqui. site. Paid $3,500. Asklng $2,500. Caîl 668-2395. FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch and .dlning table wlth six chairs. Very good condition. -Asklng $1,500. Phone 839-3731. 8 PIECE Anitque Oak Dlnlng Room Set. Excellent condition, Asking $4.500. Also, walnut china cupboard $350. Caîl 668-0495. KITCHEN CUPDOARDS: top and bottom, approx. 9' iengths, sink and arborite counter lncluded, $175. Phone 623-3519 after 4 p.m. 1001 YAMAHA, 1100 epeci, greea" p, 10w mîlsago, ex-* cossories, AskIng $3,300. Oell 579-1787. 1970 HONDA M6K, four cylindor, Am radio, excellent condition, 7000 kilomotors, $1200 f irm or will trade for a car or a van of oqual value. Oeil 655-300. 1981 HONDA CR00 excellent co 'ndition, asklng 860. Phono AndrowGiMes 654271. 20Wu, excellent layir>g condition, $425. OCal655-3791. Donetput off advetising in the Whitby ---FreePres Emporium-,sim- tions,. Hopefully, ýthe .explanation-below ýcan ý.clear Up many-of your pj W um, oufný he-a etiigielin o !fmig-,,,Don't. questions.--if hot, do aU ,668-6111 and we'll 'be,-pleased to epa h miuss out .on our low adertising rates:-jus t because ,yoit have qe-Epru etont o esnly Iif yoti: " have an articil oseli; and,--ý then you. can. advertise' underthe, Emporium sec-; tion (see guidelines aboya for more details).. Vour ad wili run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies toeach Emporium ad: $600 If paid before the f irst Insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are billed after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT sali within three months, you pay oniy the minimum charge. It Is unfortu- nata that no newspaper can guarantee your article wil sali, but, where elsa could you gat three mon- ths advertlsing for only $6.00? When your article salis, a commission is chargad, based on the advartised prica. Commission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance ovar $400; LESS the minimum charge described aboya. [~'~averadthEmpoiumguldelînes-above and w shý toý have Ahe, follow- i -Ing advertisement piaced, under this section of the Whitby.-Freeý Press.- (don't forget to Include your phono number) Cl I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. El Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. El Bill me for $7.50 at ter f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Naine(please print) Chi Pstaicode MA IL TO: d WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brook St. N. Whltby LiN 5S1 Balow are some aXamplas 0 f what-you would bu-. chàrgad. if your article soidwithin thraa -months. Commissions shown Includa tha minimum charge. and are-thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Advertlsed Total Aoun PricePabl IUp to $120 $ 150 $ 200 j $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 k $ 600 $ 700 I $ 800 $900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 j $5,000 and UP $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20,00 22.00 24.00 26.00' 28,00 30.00 3 2, 00 52,00 72,00 92,00 100.001 /- 1 m 2% of balance over $M.00 1 1 Lý

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