Whltby's Most WidêIy Read CLASSI FI W ADS GARAGE & ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND SYARD SALES' jI J - J MY FRIENDS & l OiGANTIC YARD SALE GREATIUYS On north aide of Taunton Rd., 1V Mile West 0f Audley Rd. or a hall Mils ouet of Salem Rd. Watch for signe. Appilances, glass wear, ohlldren's clothes end toya, fur. nîturs, crafts an rsfreehmsnts. Plan to attend this one stop shopping ln Yard Sales, Auguet 13 & 14 from ".. Rin dite Auguet 20 & 21. YARD SALE FRI. AUGUS? & 4PMII-81011 SIAT. aISIUNAuea 7 ALL DAY Sale ofil aid dnew, lnaluding fumniture, other household Items, tays and har)d cnafted puces. Nalle RoedseUtti cf Hwy. 7, 2%1 mllee wet of rookiln. CORNSEIL AUCTION, BARN FRI. AUGUST 5 6:30 PM 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Road. Oak wash stand and matchlng highboy dresser, oak dining room chairs, hall tree, press back hlghchair, waln ut dlning room table, organ stool, corner sectional chesterfielid, harvest' gold Beatty refridgerator and 12 gage Remington shotgun, 3 h.p.Lawn Boy lawn mowr, Avocaclo grsr Westinghouse washor and dryer, 1975 Acadian (not certiled>, 1974 Mustang 2, four cylinder (certified), 1977 Camero (certif led), quan. tlty of toois, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 OFFCE8PAC FOR RENt -WHITBY- T hree-room htb office suite with pri- vate washroom. Has over 750 square feet of fuily broadioomed and air-conditioned splaclousness. 'Main office about 32 feet long. Could be divid- ed Into smaiier off b-. es. For further infor- mation cali 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. MAE FL. Hawod v. S. *yy t FOUND a set of ksys for a chiyoler, et WVhitby Free Prose, on Tueeday, Juiy 19. Ownsr may pick Up iCoys et the front dek, Mon-Fni, betwoen 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. PEARCEAUCTION WED. AUG UST 10 6:00OPM At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Road 4 miles South of Port Perry. Compiete' barn of antiques, furniture, c0- o11 lamps, newspapers and books as far as 1877, very large sale. Plan to attend. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 CORNEIL AUCTION BARN,' TUES. AUGUST 9 6:30 PM 3 miles east of Lttie Britain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/LIttie Britaîn Road. 2 plece wainut bedroom suite, Viking 2-door refrldgerator, chest of drawers, chesterflds, table saw, chrome kit- chen suite, mantie clocks, 21 foot freezer, Westinghouse ringer- washer, Chrysier 6 h.p. outdoor motor, Elgin 71/ h.p. outdoor motor, bed chesterfieid, quantlty of toois, ch ina and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 Why Net Attend An AUCTION SALE This Weekendi New garden With teMrglFetvlfst aPprochlng, a new garden at the corner of Rowland Street and Highway 12, bas benofcal neld tlat 12M flowers make'up the garden, which speils out St. John Am- bulance, 180-100. Pictured ief tto rlgt (clockwise) are: Kelly Couil (St. John Ambulance), Bian Worfolk (gardening staff), John Rousseau (head gardener), Doug Harrigan (gardening staff), Mayor Bob Atter- sley,- Lisa Hutchinson and Mark Fulerton (St. John Ambulance) These four youngsters are trying their hand at painting (with different shaped potatoes> one of the many exercises offered at Pour Les Peites a French-immersion playachool. Pird areMeisaEs, Brent Jamieson, Tracy Kapusanski and Keiôi Charabaruk. Free Press Staff Photo French- immersiion playschool> offered during August Local youngsters are buing given the oppor- tunity to participate in a suxnmer French im- mersion playschool during August. Pour Les Petites Camp offers pre- sehoolers, age three to fîve, the opportunity to learn French through themes such as colors, parts of the body and numburs. The children participate in a variety of songs, games and crafts. According- to the teacher of the program, Lina Coggins, one of its strong points is the children really don't ADVERTISUNG SALESPERSON REQUIRED Challenging, exCltlng work and frlendly atmosphere. ExperlenCe flot necessary but transportation Is. SmaiI local Company wlth 9ood reputation. lnterested parties Cail Andy at 668-61 11 for fu rther détai Is. have to know French to take the classes. "We initiate the kids to French. If they learn three or four French words then they're that much butter off," she said. "Some of the kids attend a French immer- sion schoolin the fali but some don't even know what bonjour means when they corne here. " Registration is being accepted, for the second session which lasts from Auguat' 2 to il and another session which iasts August 15 to25. Morning clases are offered at S.J. Phillips School in Oshawa, while afternoon sessions (1: 15 to 3:15) are held at Whitby's Florence M. Heard Sehool. The- classes are from Mon- day to Thursday and the cost for each two-week session is $23. Lina Coggins, the teacher, is completely bilingual and bas atten- ded Corpus, Christi Sehool in Oshawa and Etienne Bruie, School in Toronto. To register drop into the YMCA at 416 Centre St. South, Whitby or cail at 668-686. Imouz;IL 5 The walks start at the C.L.O.C.A. office, 1650 Dundas St. E., Whitby (above Cherney's). From. here the walkers will drive to the designated conservation areas. Walkers are asked. to dress for the weather and corne prepared for the mosquitoes. Camneras, field guides and binoculars are op- tional. Walks will'also bu held Saturday evenings at Hebur Down Conser- vation Authority camf- psite. Herber Down will also feature a series of alide shows at 9:30 p.m. each Tuesday and Saturday evenmng. Trees will bu the slde show topie Saturday August 6. The featured show Tuesday August 9 will bu fish and wildlife management. Inseets will be highlighted Saturday August 13. Man and the en- vironent will bu screened Tuesday August 16. Your Conservation Authority will bu the at- traction -, Saturday August 20. Reptiles and Amn- phibians will bu highigted Tuesday August 23 - Hebur Down's ecology will bu featured Satur- day August 27. Backyard habitat will bu the attraction Tuedy August 30. WHITBYfREE PRESS, WEONESDAY AUGUST 3, 1983, PAGE 16 SCONSERVATION AUTHORITY The Central Lake On- tio Conservation Authority has announ ced its August schedule of programs. Guided walks, each Thursday and Sunday, wilexplore various aspects of our natural environment. Each - Ik w o he conducted by 'a tour guide, who will identify wildllfe and plants and interpret points of in- terest along the way. A walk detailing edible plants wlll be held Thursday August 4 at the Harmony Valley Conservation Area, at 6:30 p.. - A walk explaining the principle of succession will be held Sunday August 7, 1 pm, at Stephen'sý Gulch Con- servation Area. A walk with the theme, using ail your senses, wil be held Thursday eugust il at the L=d Shores Con- A walk titledfsin wiIl be conduced Sun- day August 14, 1 p.m., at the Bowmanville Valley Conservation Area. A walk with the theme of trees will bu held Thursday #ugust 18, 6:30 p.m,' at ' the Cedar Valley Conservation Area. Pond iie willbu discussed at a walk Sunday August 21, 1 p.m., at Enniskillen Conservation area. A tree identification walk will bu conducted August 25 at the Har- mony Valley Conser- vation Area, at 6:30 p.m. Migration will bu the topie in a walk at the Lynde Shores Conser- vation Area Sunday