PAGE 14,WEDNESOAYAUGUST 3, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLtASSIFIFD ALS V ~C S ARTICLES IHELPELP £ TOCLS LR SEMCS Wé FOR SALE WNTED . ERO~At NL O AEVACATION GýI A ' WA TED OR ALERENTALS RUG CLEANING HaeSPECIAL Hae Yaur Livlng-Room, Dlnlng-Room And Hallway 0f Any Sîze lGeaned. For400 Bedroome Are $10.00 Extra. Appointment Ciii: 668-1465 %ECAcfIONAL MW -SICES "1GRAMMAR for people who hais grammar" le the ideai pocket reference book for business people. $3.95 per copy and avail- able et Dickson Printing & Office Suppliesin the Aja Plaza. Deaer enquiries invtsd 683.1968. FREE: Drap into the Diokeon Prlntlng & Office Suppiy store in the Ajax Plaza and pick up a fres copy of their 1983 Metria Ceaen- der. Printed In two calaura, it makes for handy reference. 683. 1968. e ±NNOUCENTS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomlng marriage. Pieuse view aur simples of engraved wedding Invitations et your loi. surs ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Printlng & Office Supplies 683-1968. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modela, by the, weekend, week or month. Dscount» avili- able. Dickson Printlng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Coi us for business machine repaire, CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seats, sectianais, es than ½ prîce. Large selection. HcKeen Furniture. 524 Slmcae St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. "HEROES of the Bibis" colourlng book avalable et Diciçeon Print- ing & Office Supply,,Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquirieseIn- vited. FOR SALE waadsn lounge chairs, handmede, and pins craf- te. Phons 728-3608. FOR SALE Aille Chamers Gar- den Tractor, 18 h.p., hydroetatic drive, 4806 mower, 42#6 snawblawsr, $3850. 1973 YAMAHA snawmobile, 338 re- built motor and double traiter, $850. Phone 655-3528. VISIT aur ussd furnturs ware- houes by appalntmsnt'. Big savinga on deake, chairs, fIling. cabinets, etc. OelilDIckeon PrInt- Ing & Office Supplies ta arrange- an appointment ta view. 683- 1968. 15 FOOT red fibre glass runabout, white convertible top, slectric starter, 55 h.p. Chrysier motar,- new battsry, new 9-z loader traier. Asking $3,000. Phone 668-0932. VELVET CURTAINS colour wine, customn made, only a few monthu aid, coat over $900. Low sale for $700 or boat offer or wlll ssii separatly. 78"'x82%"', 130"x82Vlh'. Phone 728-837. MATTRESSES and box eprînge et haif price. McKesn Furniturs, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. GEOTYPE press-on iettering now In stock et Dlckson Prinllng & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a emaller sheet of lstlsrlng? 683-1968. WANTED: Reilebis part time help ta work ln Pickering arsa, ail day Mondeys and aiea Tuesday even- Inge. Muet be able ta li furni- tUrs. Ideel for heaithy, rstired or semi-rstlred persan. Oeil even- Ings - 416-985-8161. SALES PROFESSIONALS rosi opportunity ta make high com- mission incarne. High demand service, nsw ta Canada. Cali 686- 3354. A FOREVER business financilly free ln 83. Cali K.R. John et 433- 1741. HALF TIME teecher requires good, reilable babysitter ln her home. AFTERNOONS ONLY. oo.-ivo. __________________ ommsncing ln uptemuur. Cl r~MOVINGI __________ WATE CRTG MATURE reliabie persan to CD TO BUY babysit. Possible ight houes keeping. 8 &.m. tili t 'p.m. Host N B c days. Beginning Tuesday, Sep- HANKSAPPLINCEStember 6. References required. DELIERY CARAGE West Lyne, 80350. WEBYadSEL Specializing in Moving. PT WEe Y-dSEL .Offices *Apariments SUPPLIES USED APPLIAN CES « Pianos *Applances AERNDIRN GERMAN shart hair pointer pup, Aytime CKC reg., top hunting and show, 831-3171. BOATS & SUPPLIES. PROP and skeg repaire. Fast ser- RESORTS1 f !RESOIRTS vice. Fibergiase and aiuminumn boat repaire. Fibergiase sup- plies. Plastic sheete, tubes and rode. Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 DurhaM Street, Oshawa, 579- 1433. GARDENINO AND SUPPLIES HOLISTIC GROUP DYNAMICS Smail Study groupe warking tawards belianclng the whole persan; BODY - diet and exercs, MIND - atttudes and mottons, If you ever wanted la f ly but couldn't afford It, ws have the anewer. ROTEC ALTRALIGHT AIRCRAFT. Sais, service, fllght tralning, excessories. Book yaur lntroductory flight today. LITEFLITE INO. <416)852.3932. 1982 OLDS 98 Regency Broughan, low mlege, excellent condition. Phons 668-1065. PRivATrE-WHITSDY 580 Mary 'St. E., ý3 bedroorn tawnhouse, 1½ bathe, separate dinling room, close toaechoolis and transit, goad financlng. AskIng 346,900. ro INTERLOCKING Drawing Provided CNO FOR RENT RED ROSE LANDSCAPING B1LUEWATER PARK APAR- 579-8285 655-474 TMENTS 101 Kathleen St., -- Whitby. 1 & 2,bedroom api. VIV SERVICES lm SERVICES.1 I bttetI CA RE >CENTRE *Inf ants-6 Years eGovernment Llcensed *Early Education Program *Hot Baianced Lunches *individuel Attention & Instruction eGerman Lesaons, Oshawa 571-0031 332'Elgin W. Whltby 668-8927 309 Bosch St. Stock St. cCentre St. c j Kent St. ~vvw~vvvvv vvvv-vwv- 100 iaying chicks, 6 wseks aid, $2.25 each. Nine yaung roosters, $4 each. Phono 655-4216. 68>41 43 Station Si Ajax c- Buying or SIIing o4ie..meyeN ym am ebuy. Me ,eheelNiow M»~$d I hie flIoef de yO hme. Yeo. dm'l houe .buy pme cleus g§» MWd umee"n ""Mn #mftgm feer hoi #0ee ph... ecou, eu mahv nme wed hie Sali deO, Whon effl ffSui b.soit cleo~ ad aila ialiered to oet 70.000 poeneu.I buyere. Thot mm edmey IwMbe et 668-6111 WHIT8Y FREE PRESS I 1982 KAWASKI motor biko, GPZ 1100, excellent condition, iow mileage. Phonse686-3539. COECIL P'RPRPERTY* FOFOSAER NTE/RENT HWY NO. 7 et Brock. Rd. 2,000 sq. fi. ail or part for light 'industry of- fice or storage. Phono 447-3585 aftsr 5 p.m. DO YOU HAVE RUSTY HARD WATER? Caii Gary Young Plumb- Ing and rent a water softener or Iran flIter. FREE INSTALLATION. Rentai stays the same forevor. Brooklin 655-4936. avallabie. ineide - colour co- ardlnated fridge, stove & dish- washer, en-suite etarage, broadloom, drapes. Outelde - tennis court, swimming pool, exercîse & perty facllilties. Cali 571-3522 for further Information. %ACCOMMODATION WANTED email two or thres bsdroom houe located ln VWhlt-, by or surrounding area. Phone 668-1311. WANTED two or three bedroom f lat located In Whltby or surroun- ding areïa. Needed lmmedlateiy. Phone 668-1311. BjjNo OIilNao NOW 5 DAYS AWEEK MONDAY ELECTRONIO KINSMEN Lic. No. 388745 TUESDAY Jaycses & Pickering 5BINGO Minor Basebail WEDNESDAY Wandsrers Rugby $5AO CASH THURSDAY w UTG FRIDAT $ 11 0(00JCKO JAYCEES MUST GO Lic. No. 3U8743 - T LIGHTNING ROUND 7:00 F.M. REGULAR GAMES 7:30 P.M. - PAY 19000 ea. TRY OUR NEW MINI BINGO MACHINES PLAY START AT 6:00 P.M. O ~ M 4OHW. ILVER D)OLLAR BINGO MC A---- L c 1735 Bayly (t Brock Rd.) e SSILVER DOLLAR PICKERING miBINGO HALL 831-2421 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure 10 publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear ln the paper one day before they can be changed or canceI led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1le each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caîling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst -?oo words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per Une. (No word ads aliowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour 10 forward replies 10 box numbers, however, we ac- cepi no iiabiIity regarding loss or damage alleged 10 arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wil not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior 10 publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior 10 publication 10 insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 ridyÇrespoôns ble pierson to-cor nnom ~PrlngIe, Creek home fl rom 8:00-4:45 Mofn..Fri. beglnnlng Sept. 6 (or Sept. 1Iif convenient). Must be abie 10 provide pleasant, stlmuiatlng super. vision for 2 yr. oid girl (ail day) and her 7 yr. old sîster (bel ore and af ter school). Further details by caling 688-4491. Excellent salary for someone who can provide happy home settlng for my children. Please call~ OPPORTUN ITY UN RETAIL MERCHANDISING A successful company lnvolved ln the sale of O.T.C. and H.B.A. produots ls seeklng a part- time (20* hours a week) retaîl merchandiser 10 caîl on Independent drug stores ln the Toronto East area. Remuneratio-n wlll be based on,-an hourly rate. Mleage and a lunch alîowance will aiso be provlded. For confidential consîderation, please forward your curriculm vitae lncludlng daytime telephone number to: P.O. Box 71 Bolton, Ontario LOP 1A0 AUTOMOBILESOSE FOR SALE "FOR SALE LAKE ROUSSEAU Lakheside -Lodge MUSKOKA * 3 excellent meals daily a Entertainment * Cottages - Fireplaces a Tennis, canoes, fishing * Chiid supervision e Try our 2, 3, 4, 5 day specials For Reservation Cati: Bob & Caroline Burns Box WH, Minett, Ontario PCB 1iGO 705-765-3380 r ýý ý !.-:!- M- 71- 71- 7!- «1 w Il! W " * * * - *7 *- 417 dW- qi- 4j- 4j- e- * m 16-q MI '1ý 416à " à mLl AIL JMCW IL il 1- A] Brock St.