PAGE 12.WEDNESDAY JULY 27, 1983, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS SPORTS WEEK WHITBY MEN'S SLO-PITCH Withers leads Legoarst itr STANDINGS AT JULY 21 The Whitby Leglonaires contlnued an up and down season as tbey split a pair of games i Osbawa City and District, Brady Division, fastball. Dave Wtbers retur- ned from sick bay to pit- ch nine strong innings as Wbltby snuck by Oshawa Mr. Gls 4-2 last Tuesday nlght. Withers, wbo bad been il1 for thre weeks, struck out five batters and allowed 2Duha s N.west1Golf Coure.S hAny WeOkaa Hour: Modayontuday &o Frlday SPECIAL-1 JUNIOR. 16 yeors and under 11 a.m.4 p.m. Any Weokday Monday to Frlday (excluding holldays) only five hits over the nlne innings. Darryl Blake and Terry Kuchirka led the' Wbltby 'offensive wltb two bits a piece. Wayne Owen smacked a double wbile Peter Sidorkiewîcz, Peter Davidson, Bob Muir, Dean Knlgbt and Dan Denyer rounded out the Wbitby attack wltb a sigle teach. The Legionaires opened the scoring i the third inning as Davldson and Blake singled, advanced on an outfield error, and scored on a single by Muir. Osbawa knotted the score ln the sixth as Reg Wasylyk belted a two- run borner.. Knlgbt singled to open the Wbitby sixth and advanced to second on a sacrifice by Kucblrka. Owen followed wlth an RBI double and scored on a single by Denyer. The Legionaires could generate only two bits the previous nigbt as tbey feU 3-1 at the bands Of the Osbawa Sbamrocks. Wlnning pitcher Brad Baker cbalked up 12 strikeouts. Daryl Blake, on the mound for Wbltby, allowed only four bits and struck out four. OSHAWA. WHITBY NEWCASTLE y Way OSHAWA & DSRC HOCKEY SC HOQ. HARMAN PARK A BENA 10 SUCCESSFUL YEARS IN OPERATION Boys 5-16 yrs. of age Instruction by Grog Gravel 4 Weekly Sessions August 8 le, Sepember 2 *Every boy;is nvolved *Professional instruction for every boy *Shooting, passing. checking, stick handling powerskating, skating development, positional play. forward and defence *Daily scrimmage * e 4 hours of instruction per day BOX 1331,9STATION B OSHAWA, ONTARIO Li J MY ~ 576-2864 Bo -ï .Coupon valid on afternoon classes* the week of August 8 and August i0 bOF15 (Sessions 1 and 2) 10----------------O--------- Jon Campbell scored a -run for Osbawa in the fourtb as be slngled and eventually scored on a fielder's choice. Whitby tied the game i the flfth as Blake singled and crossed borne on a double by Kucblrka., Oshawa put the game away on single runs in botb the flftb and sixtb innings. Whitby will do battle with R&H Cabinets Wednesday July 27 i Osbawa before retur- ning borne for a match witb arcb-rival, Brooklln Tuesday August 2. Roller champ A -Whltby y'outb recen- tly captured a pair' of bronze medals in the Caà dlan '.RoUler Skating -Cbampionsblps i Calgary. Sbayne Bayford, 9, took third place in botb freestyle skating and in the overail competition in tbe cbampionsbips July 12 to 19. Sbayne, wbo bas been skating since be was 10- montbs-old, bas collecte montbs-old,. bas collec- ted 27 medals and trophies in only two years of competitive roller skating. Last year, be won a gold medal in freestyle, a bronze in figures and a silver overaîl at the Canadian finals in Quebec City. Shayne, wbo skates out of Zodiac 1 in Ajax, is also, a member of Cbeckers Variety Minor Atomn rep soccer teami in Whitby. DURHAM GIRLS SOCCER SQUIRT Gus Brown 6 Ajax ..............O0 Jessica Immo............ 5 LaurleLambert............i1 ATOM Pickering Silke Viscount...........4 Wbitby Optimmis. Ajax A.............i1 Brookih Kinettes. J.M.T. Sports.. ..4 Nicoe iebil............. 3 Janle Smith ............... 1 Bowmanville United .. 0 MOSQUITO Wbitby Knigbts of Columbus.......... 5 Mari& Guldott..............3 JennferRoy .............. 1 Ani#e]Be.................1 Ajax Pbillip and Moore ............o PEEWEE Subway Mobile Homes 3 Wbitby Rotary......0 Jennier Clemets .......... Sherry Nauliu.............. i Jennfer reer .........i SENIOR Ontario Cup Game (thfrd round) London Concordes .... 2 Whitby Paris auto Dazzlers .... .. DebbleF.Igemcer .... i Canadian Open An Asbburn resident is among at least 18 Canadians hi compete at the 1983 Canadian Open Golf Champion- sbip this week at Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oak- ville, " JryAnderson is among eigbt Canadian golfers granted exem- ptiOns to the tournament for bis finish i the 198 Canadian open. Jim Nelford, Dan Haildorson, and Dave Barr bead the list of Canadian professionals battling for the top prise of $76,500 and the Peter Jackson troply., Such golf stars as Jack Nicklus, Lee Trevino, Craig Stadler and Jobnny Miller will, also, compete for the $425,OOO i total Prime. TYPESETTJNG ON THE PREMISES., COMPUTrERIZED& IHTà RATE $2.00o SOh CoMn oo .wOThlclwon& ThonRds. ICE TEC HOCKEYSCHOOL Sat. Aug. 13, 20e,27 e.:30 T0 11:00 Sun. Aug. 14, 21, 28 MORNING At ART THOMPSON ARENA WMINYIR UIO LARTS OCT. J for more Information cali- GLENN EVANS 621-7084 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE BROOKLIN WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Tii. Regionai Mufllcipality of Durham has engaged Pipeline Cleaning and Hydrant Service Limited to clear accumuiated deposits out of Brookiin watermains. The cieaninq program wili be started Monday, Juiy 25th, and wil be compieted by August 4th, Bp. proximateiy. Pipeline Cieaning and Hydrant Service wllt notlfy consumers by sound truck before starting opierations ln each section of watermain and again when work on that section la finished. There may have to be brief water shutdowns In some areas, ln which case, consumera will be similarly notlfled. The work wii be carried out expeditlously, wlth the least possible Inconvenience to consumera. Consumera ln an area belng cleaned are cautloned flot to draw any water, for any purpose, untit the operation ln that section la finished. Fallure to observe thia precaution could resuit ln material belng drawn into buildings' plumblng aystems, and possibly ptugged wvater Unes f rom the street to buildings. It la the consumera' responslbility to take preventîve measures. It wIIl be advlsabie to keep a auppty of water, ln containers, on hand for emergencles. For furtiier Information, please contact the OshawalWhltby Depot at 655-3344. Thank you for your anticlpated cooperation. W.A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG., COMMISSIONER0F WORKS ý - lýIl0 - lý 1 Ilý77,ý ýý 4, , . 1 ýp , , , ý ý ', ý>ý 'i ý lý !ý ý, A- - ý, ý--' ... > ý > l .- , ý 1 ";!,. ý , ?iý ý >ýý '. >','-'ý-,,,