PAGE 10, WEDNESOAV JULY 27, 1983, WH ITBY FREE PRESS w COIN VENTS CALENDAR YARD SALIE The Durham Brancèh of the Ontario Humane Society invites ail animais loyers and pet owners to join in a Giant Yard Sale to raise money for the care of animais at the local shelter. The sale wil be held Sunday, August 7, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the animal shelter on Thiekson Road, just north of Taunton Road, Whitby. By special arrangement, 'the shelter will be open from 12 noon to 4p.m. 50 the, kids 'can see the animais while mom and dad tour the facilities. Drinks will be available and there's lots of room tospread out a blanket if you wanit to take a picnic lunch.* Tables to seil your own Yard Sale goods can be rented for only $10 or you can donate items for the local bran- chtoseil. For moreý infor-, mation, oeil 576-3789, 579-2815 or 686-3399. IIANDICAI'PED The Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Association for the Mentally Retar- ded is sponsoring a summer recreation program for develop- mentaily handicapped children and adolescen- ts. The program takes place at the Ajax Com- munity Centre and runs Monday toFriday, July 4 WeAugust 19. The progr la stuf- fed by tralned can. sellor wlth backgroun- ds in recreation and programmlng for developmentally de- layed youngsters. Recreational ac- tivities are planned to include: swimminq, ar- ts and crafts, active and quiet games, com- munity excursions. The fee for the sum- mer program is $25. per week, including tran- sportation. For further infor- mtoplease contact Diane ' Cotteril, Program Supervisor. at 683-3740.' ALL SAINTS THANK YOU EVENING Ail Saints Church, Dundas St. W., Whitby, Is having a "thankyou" dessert and coffée evening in the church hall Auguat 25, at 7 p.m., in honour of Reverend and Mrs. J. Roney, who are leavlng the church after 15 years. If you* can donate a dessert, your time or have any pertinent pic- tares for a scrapbook, please cal Jody at 668- 5259.' Donations can' be made in a marked, separate envelope each Sunday or taken to Jody. FISHING DERBY If you enjoy fishing and want a chance to hook $10,000, Lake Scugog 18 thespot for you on Saturday, August ,6. Swixnming the waters of the lake that day-will be a specially tagged largemouth bass, and the lucky angler who catches that fish will be richer by $10,000. This 18s the first ever basa. derby held'te Port Penny and sponsored by the Scugog Chamber of Commerce, and alonig wlth the $10,000 fishf, there wil be other basa tagged with values from $25 to $200. Lake Scugog has a reputation as one of the best sport fishing lakes in southern Ontario. Easily accessible by road,' the lake ia just a few minutes drive north of Whitby. The basa contest, with the $10,000 grand prize is part- of the annual Western' Weekend festivities held in Port Perry and sponsored by the Chamber 'of. Com- merce. The bass will be tagged and released into the lake under the supervision of staff from the Ministry of Natural Resources. The cost of entering the conteet, which will. start at 6 a.m. and con- clude at 8 p.m., is $5-per person. ing? et out oing. on our draws luable prize a. Eara lots or < spending :"- Money = toofl o deliver LIBRARY SUMMER FILMS The Whitby Public Library wil be featuring a summer film schedule for boys and girls five years of age and up each Wed- nesday evening tbrough July and August. Fairy Tales wil be shown July 27.' The Adventures of J. Thaddeus Toad and Rikki Tikki Tavi, will be screened August 3. Best Horse will be shown August 10. Mice and Elephants wiIl be the- feature August 17. Flash the Teenfage Ot- ter wil be screened August 24. Wolves and Rabbits will bo the attraction August 31. The films are shown each Wednesday at both 10 toli a.m. and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the. library auditorium. The Whitby Public Library wiIl hold a ýpet show August 23, 2:30 to 4 p.m. Boys and girls over the age of 6 wil be able te show off their cuddly pet friendds. Show categories will. inclutte: pet with the longest tail, pet with the best trick, smalest pet, best behaved pet, most unusual pet,' cat who looks most like Garfield, and many mo're. If you would like your pet to -be in the show, you must pre-register in, the library. ,, A special pre- registration meeting will be held Auguat 2 at 10:30 a.m. At that time, boys and girls wil choose. their categories, complete an entry form and receive a list of rules. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS The July 28 meeting will 'ses congregate and attend the Concert in the Park, across the street. The August 4 meeting will feature a pub night, starting at 8:30. The August il meeting will feature a discussion "Split Decision-Before and After Effect." The moderator wil be Ann McGregor. The Auguat 18 meeting willfeature a night of coffée, cards and conversation. The meeting wil honour Miss Marion Fruhner, winner of the PWP In- ternational Scholarship. The August 25 meeting will feature another Concert ln the Park. The meetings are held each Thursday at St. George's Hall, Cen- tre St. S., Oshawa at 8 p.m. Ail single parents are eligible te join. For more information call léee at576-1853. ww Ah iLvlr%ýirlr4 a ip9kw%ýý DARLINGTON PROVINCIAL PARK Darlington Provincial park, near 'Bowman- ville, has lined up a variety of activities for the upcoming week. On Wednesday July 27 and Thursday Juiy 28, there wlll be a remote control airplane demon- stration at 7 p.m. On Monday August 1, there will be a windsur- fing demonstration at il a.m. On Wednesday August 3, there wiil bo a nuclear site tour, commencing at 2 p.m. PUPPET SHOW The WVhitby Public Library will have a puppet show Auguat 9 for boys and girls four to eight years of age. Three short puppet plays, "The Dragon Takes a Wife", 94HOW Summer Came to Canada" and "IVs 50 Nice to Have a Wolf Around the House" and a special surprise movie will be featured. The plays wlll be shown in the library auditorium 10:30 te 11: 30 a.m. Nýo 'registration 18 necessary. SENIORS' ACTIVITY CENTRE The Seniors' Actvty Centre, 801 Brock St. S., 18 off to the races this month. Because trips to the race track have been so popular in the past, the Centre has lined up a trip to Woodbine JuIy 28. Box lunches wlll be taken along., The bus leaves «the Centre at 11:30 a.m. and the cost is $6. 1A trip to Greenwood race track August 16 is also planned. The bus will leave the Centre at 5:30 p.m. and theýcost is agamn $6 per person. A box lunch will be taken along. A trip te the old Vic- toria Theatre in Cobourg wiil take place August' 11. The attrac- tion willbe Tracks, a musical about the building of the railroad around 1850. A brief visit to Port Hope and a hot turkey, ,dinner are also included in the, agenda. The.cost is $17 per person and the bus leaves the Centre at 10: 30 a.m. < There wil be a Hun- tsville boat cruise August 15. The two-and- a-half hour cruise of Fairy Lake and.the Por- tage te Lake of Bays wil precede a hearty lunch at the Hidden Valley Inn and a tour home through Gravenhurst and coffe ~stop. The cost te $25.5o per person. This -n cludes mal, gratuities and boat trip. Bus leaves the Centre at 8 a.m. There will be a Har- vest Moon Dance, August 20 at 8 p.m. ASSOCIATION, The Oshawa 'Chapter of the One Parent Families Association of Canada has announced it s August sehedule of meetings. A general meeting wiilbe held Auguat 2. Lawyer Gary Shewan wil speak on "how to prepare your wil" at the August 9 meeting. Lynda Lee will speak on Big Sisters August 16. Coffée, cards and conversation will be available at the August 23 meeting. Block Parent's wil be the topic. at the August 30 meeting., The One Parent Familles Association meets at Lake Vista Club House,- at Cedar Street, on Emerald Avenue every Tuesday at 8 pm. For further infor- mation oeil Norma at 723-8784. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society wll hold its next meeting Tuesday Auguat 2, 7 to 10 p.m., in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W. Meetings are free and open te the public. For further inormnation cal Gil Mclntosh at 668-2M9. n I. B 1 e I 3 I e I B i f i B I BABY BOOK- BASH The Whitby Public Library will have a baby book bash each Thursday in August. This is a* four week program of stores songs and gamea for children 20 to 35 months of age'and an accom-' panying aduit. This limited registration program is offered at both 9: 45 te 10:15 a.m. and 10.430 te Numm wtllb. ccsp- .Mýxoeý*à ingJuly 22, by phone or in p.nso CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FREE FILMS Whitby's Statior Gallery, Henry and Vic. toia Streets, bas an. nounced a summer schedule of free films for both, children and adults., 1The films will be presented each Thursdy in July and August with afternoon flicks at3 p.m., for children anc evening shows at 7 p.m. for aduits. Those lovable Little Rascais will star in a couple of short flicks July 28 in the afternoon. The evening feature wil be One Man, the story of a, manps -confrontation with himself, his ideahs and the realities around Sand Castle, Green Egg and Ham and Cat in the Hat wlJl ail be featured August 4 in the afternoon. The evening show wil be The Scarlet Letter. The features, in the af- ternnon of August il are Popeye in Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp and Eugene the Jeep as well as the Lorax. The evening flick wil be the Call of the Wild, starring Charlton Heston. The afternoon flick August 18 wil- be The Little Princess, starring Shirley Temple. The evening show wlJ be Notorlous, starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman and 'dlrected, by Alfred Hitchcock. SThe afternoon show August 25 wll be Laurel and Hardy in Sons of the Desert. The evening feature wiil be Portrait of Jennie. 30. The Authority collection slides and would donations nature and consier- vation. For more information cal 579«011. Conservation maintains a of 35 mmn printa. They ,appreciate of any Ted ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LTD. 13ROCK RD. N., PICKERING (1 % mles north of Highwey 2)' TOP SOIL Sand, Limestone Treated Tim ber, Stone Pinemulch, Patio $Labs Curba Firetvood Peat-Loam INTERLOOKINO PAVING STONES <DELIVERED & OR INSTALLED) 683-0887 The Central Lake On- tario Conservation Authority has announ- ced its ilst of summer 'programs. Guided walks, each. Thursday and Sunday, will explore various aspects of ,our natural environreent. Each walk,- two or three kilometres long, will be conducted by a tour guide, who. wil identify wildlife and plants and interpret points of in- terest along the way. A walk detaiing woodlot management Wil be held Thursday July 28 at the Purple. Woods -conservation Authonity,' 6:30p.m. A walk, featuring wildlife -signa -wil be held SUnday July 31 -at- >the Cedar Valley Con- servation Authority, 'l p.m. The walks start at the C.L.O.C.A. office, 1650 Dundas St. E. , Whltby (above Cherney's). From here the walkers will. drive to the designated conservation area. Walkers are asked to- dress for the weather and' come prepared for the mosquitoes Cameras, field guides and binoculars are op- tional. Walks wi llaso be held Saturday eveninga at 7:30 p.m. ýat Heber Down .Conservation Authority campaite ., Heber Down will aiso feature a series of alide shows at 9:30 p.m. each Tuesday and Saturday evening. The featured show Saturday July 16 wil be endangered species. Conservation and weather' extremes will be shown Tuesday July 19. Wildflowers will be highlighted Saturday July 23. Wetlands wil be the attraction Tuesday July 26. Pond life wii be featured Saturday Julv