PAGE 18,WEDNESDAYJUNE 29, 19831 WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Mosi WIdeIy Read ~iLA51FEDADS( CEDAR NEDGES pianted for pri. vacy or fenclng. Aiso white birch trees. Cail W68"705. RUG CLEANING Hava Yu uCl;.Rom] Dinlng.Rloom And Haiiway 0f Any Size Cieaned For $4000. Eadroonis Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work la Guaranteed. For 'Appointment Cail:, M6-1465 SCUOG 'COTTAGE RAING 00&780. Free estimgtes. Ail work guâranteedl. " Top Quaîlty " Fast Service ,@ 8½/xll" or 8½/x14y' Canon NP INTERNATIONALLY Published' Author Will work individuaiiy wlith beginnlng or rejecteci writers. Pletting, revliirg, editing; sub- mission 'to aganta and publleh- ors. Write File No. 0622, P.O. Box 206, Whitby Free Presse. OR LESS M.B.M. PUBLISHING 131 Brock Street North Whitby 668-6111 Wall -Units, Kitchens & LOWLOW PRICES. -Scandinavian Style Compay 5792835 MOVNC .ýATAGE THE WORLD IS YOURS..IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE.. Wherover you movo the Wel- come Wagon hostoas ls the rlght persan te hoip you find a place i-1 your new community. Cal 668-8943 SVIECE DAY CARE availabie, my home, any ugo, any heurs, hot meais, fenced yard. Phonoe663557. RELIABLE lovlng rnother, wlshes to babyuit, any age. My bonms. West Lynde ares. Phono 6684892. MATULRE responsible womnan to babysit 6 rnth old chlld in your borne. Whltby. Phone o 6614. RELIABLE mother wlIl look ai- terchldren in ber home. Rob- rnar Street. Phone 655-W85. BUTTERFLY Daycare C entre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Quai if led Staff' ChIldren From 18 Months ta 2 Years Hot Meals German Lessons 309 Boech St., Whltby COMPUTER SCHOOL -FOR ALI. ACES INC. effare computer pro. gramming for adulte and chlld- ren's day camps, deys and aven- ings, In Pickering. 6837787. GENERAL ail around handyman and aiuminum aiding specialiat. Cali Pater for total satisfaction. WANTED mature babysitter or nanny. Nen-ernoker, to car for 6 mth old. mon. FrM, ln rny borne, Live-In or out. Pringe Creek, Wbltby. Cati 6601260 air. ter 6p.rn. WANTED: Reliabie part time help to work ln Pickering ares, ail day Mondays and aIse Truesday aven- Inge. Must b. able te lift furni. ture. ideal for heaithy, retired or semi-retired persan. Cali aven. Inge -416.985.161. LIVE-IN boume keeper corn- panlon for womnan, country bornes, non arnoker, drivers licence requfred. Phone 668-596 or 665459. EXPERIENCED NURSE AIDS à HOMEMAKERS We -have rocently expa nded our services in the cornrunlty. We require adltlonal staff on a' part-Ure basis. Live-In positions avallable. Paîd weekly. Put experience an aet. COMCARE 511-3501 rEE WE BUY and SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITIciN AND GUARANTEE SUPLIS] rnur ng B Ig jJlura- er- 166&892 OR 57-o«3 vice. Fibergiasa and aiuminum * M r. lImO ~~ J~ bout repaire. 'Flbqtgiase sup- V 7 9 7 8 U SSER VI CESI M- rode. Oshawa Glus Fibre, 341 1' PETS Durham Street, Oshawa, 579- VISiT our used fumiturs wure- "GRAMMAR for peopie whe hate UIW S PPIS I 14M. houai by ajýpolntmnent. Big grammar'" la the idesi pookot _ SUPPLIES__________Suvings on desks, chairs, fIiling reference bock- for business cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson PrInt- people. $3.95 par copy and avail- ing & Office Supplies te arrange able at Dickson Printing & Office HUSKY PUPPIES regiternd MM an appointmont to viow. 683- Supplies ln tho Ajux Piaza. Dealer wlth papes-s, 7 wks old. Cati 576- F RR dIN 1968. enquiries invtd 683-1968. 0S4anytlrns. ( TYPEWAITER rentai, manymakes fI~ UIA and modeis, by the weekond,MUIA woek or month. Discounts avail- UE INSTRUMENTSI E Ti FREE I . ~ FE able. Dicksdn Prnting & Office MARKET Suppies Inthe Aax Plaza. Cai LARGE YAMMAAuprîght piano, usfrbsinesmchinreair_______finih,__ntcondition, 6 FREE Drop into the Dickson -N-163-1968 Yomrs ld. Phonoe00-782. CHESTERFIELD suites, love.' 8eat8, sectienais, lae*than % prie. Large selection. MoKeen Fumiture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. CHESTERFIELD and chair, tradi. tionai, off-white brocade. Dînette set, weod, round table, four Bent. weod chairs. A-i condition. Cai 570-1927 weekends or afar 7 p.m. DO, YOU HAVE RUSTY IfARD WATER? Calii ary Young Piumb. ing and rent a water softener or iron filter. FREE iNSTALLATioN. Rentai stays the same forevar. Breoklin 65-4936. FOR SALE. ares street mapa, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and West Hiii. Dickson Prnting & Office Supplies Store, Ajax Shopping Piaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries Invited. FOR SALE - Office deake, TV, fridgo, chesterfieid suitabie fer cottage. Phoneof68414. GEOTYPE profs-on iettering new In stock ut Dickson Printing i Of- fice Supplies ln the'Ajax Shop- ping Plaza.- Large selection of styles and sizes. Why puy more for a amailer shoot of lettering? 683-19M8. "HEROES of the Bible"' coiouring book available ut Dickson Print. Ing & Office suppiy, Ajax piaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries ln- vitod. ONE SET of heavy duty acetylene torches complote wltb three tips and hae. Liko new. Plus two wbsel cart. Phono 668- 8047 APARTMENT.SîZED washer and drior with stand, iiko now, $450. Cail 66-1240. MATTRESSES and box apringseat haif prico. McKeen Fumiturs, 524 Simce Street South, Oshuwu. 725-5181. THERMAL WINDOWS < ny1495 q. ft. eS. For rurtner Infor- FLORIDImation calI 68-6372J WU VACATiON b8tweefl930a.m. anld FLRIDA* Clourwater - Three badroom __________ Lmobile homes. Pools, tennis, q :4 1agg close te beaches and major U attractions, chiidren wei- coma. $225.00 US. weeiciy (lots than motel room). GARAGE, or similar, fer fixture 683553 storage. 787-73M. thie Doctor 0.ep QRuddy General ~ Hospita rrining uTTc upiq>y strin 1 the Aax Plaza and pick up a fres copy of thoir 1983 Metrie Calon. 'dur. Printed ln two colours, It makos fer handy reference. M83- 1968. I SLL"IN S~EJ CLEANING LADY - Experiencsd, with references, own transporta- tion. $35 Includas frIdge and steve. Phono 000-3387. ~~TS OT!J LAKE ROUSSEAU LakesideLdg MUSKOKA *à excellent rneels daiiy a Entsrtainnment " Cottages - Fireplaces a Tennis, canoes, f ishing " Chid supervision e Try our 2., 3. 4, 5 day specîalIs For Reservatjon Cati: Bob & Caroline Burns Box WH, Minout, Ontario POB 1GO 705-765e3380 MARKET Aja HowodAe S &, eySt AUTOMOBILES FOR SALESL TIME FOR ACHANGE ow4qnlity R5C Motors Us.d Car l1t, 155à Klusg St. W., 5 79-6224 DOMINION DAY Please note that the' Whitby Free Press off ice wlIii be ciosed FRIDAY, JULY 19,1983 due to the Domnifon Day holiday. mhe Emporium deadllne wiliIb. changed ta Thurs- day at 4 p.m. Classified and display advertising deadilnes wIll remain the same, however, we would ask that advertlsemnents b. pîaced as earîy as possIble to avold the Monday rush. 1M0 CHEVELLIE, 350. ne trans- mission, mag tires. $1,500 or bet offer. Cati 008-1130. 1M0 CULABS CALAIS 2,000 kiloreters, 1ion CuIta Broughamn 13,000 kilorneterS. 301h loaded, asklng *8,900 & $11»P00ruectdley. CatI 725- 778. lS7ZPOîqTLC VENTURA, rutu but ,eeà repair, M u 10 1912 LEMANS uncerWfed, good for parts, boit offer. Cati M lm1 FORD CAPRI browna lu , $M. Pleaus 88$m.-so ~FOR SA LE AND SUPPLIES INTERLOCKING BRICK WALK.WAyS Drawlng Providad i RED ROSE LANDSCAPING 579-8285 6554]749 NEW $cuba tank, aluminum, 80 cubic foot, with K-valve, $215. Pieuse eall 72".709. ,CONGRATULATIO0NS on, your forthcomIng marriage. Pieus view our samples of engravad wedding Invitations ut your loi- sure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Printing & Office Suppiies NELP ARTICLES (iD WANTED. FOR:ISALE TENDIERS FOR CONTINUING UNIT Tenders wili be received Ruddy General Hospital, 2:00 p.. CARE by the Dr. Joseph 0. Whitby, Ontario, untîl1 for the renovations of the existing second flbar, approximateiy 6,000 square feet. Plans and Speif icatlons may b. obtalned f rom the Archtect's off ice upion payment 'of a deposit af $150,00 certif led cheque, per set, made payable ZEIDLER ROBERTS PARTNERSHIP 315 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario MVMX Lowest or any tender flot necessarlly accepted. PHOTOCOPYI NO --7771-,7, -, -7 =ý , 1 i 1 1 ýý -- 1-, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20,1983 ARCHITECTS :c 7STANDING HAY For the rentai of approx. 14 acres of land, ocated et the WhItby Psychatieo Hospitai for the 193 growng sesson only. Ihe land la for growIng standing hy ouy, no pow- ing or growIng of atemate crop allowed. The ucceaful bidder &hall cu, baie and remnove the hay from th. suId ad no ltr than Octobr 111963. Lump sumn rentai price la requred. Chque. wl ba r- quIred pror to rentai taking ffect. Contact Mr. R. Inge- ton,- Grounde & Gardons Manager, for mocre Inform- tion, If rquired. Tenders ehoud be address- ed to:- WhitbÃyOychiatrlc HopIta, Box 613, Whitby, Ont. LiN 589 REF* Tender for standing hay Tender numnber 838 Tndersare to be rceved by 12:00 noon, on Wednesday, JulySil93. SMinistry of Governn-int Services Ontario OFFICE SPACE OR FIENt -WHITBY- Three-room Whitby Office Suite wlth pri. vate washroom, Has over 750 square feet of fuily' broadloomned and air-conditioned spaciousness. Main office about 32 feet long. Could be divîd- 1