WHITBV FR EE PRESS, WEIJNESDAYJUNE 29, 1983# PAGE 15 Plant those marigolds Ruddy Week successful HumryJermyn (middle), on behaîf of the J.O. Ruddy Hosptal, accepts a cheque for $6,,810.711 from'Catheorine Wood, of the Hldeaway Bingo Hall. The money was ralsed f rom June 5*to il wlth a J.O. Ruddy Week. Jlm Gamsby (Ieft) represented the Whitby Optîmist Club, and Peggy Prlmeau and Tom Goulidlng (rlght) represented the Whltby Swlm and Skate Club, just. two of the participants ln Ruddy Week. -Free Press Staff Photo Capers By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 72"4967 wth items for thiskolumn. Congratulations to the Bride and Groom CongratulationsarInsoefrSsnndM k Hall, Who< were married last Saturday at Grace Lutheran Church'in Oshawa. Our best to both, of you. Weicome Home It la with great pleasure that we welcome George Lofthouse back to our area. Its nice to have you home again. Vacation Bible Sehool July, 4 to 15 froin 9 a.m. to 11:30 ýp.m. at Hebron Christian Reformed Church, 30 Elizabeth'Creso. In Whitby. The prograîn wll consiat of chlldren's bible stories, songs and crafts for boys and girls. To register for rides or for more information, eaUl Mm. Neily Vaz;dermale, home 668-2422, church 668& 5141, or Mm. Margaret Kamerman 668-8585.. Thûs la a fun-educational way for your eilidren to begLn the summer vacation. Oh well, its only a name. *And Oshawa observing, Wlth wide open eyes, Could simply stop in And devour the whole prize. We might bocome the 'twin cities', And with the luck of the draw, The naine would be in large bold letters, And be called 'WHITAWA'. Sa far its only a rumor, And a calculated guess, But when it bappens, just remember, You heardît flrst - in the Free Press. See you inSeptember. Get those niarigolda planted and enter the Whitby 'Chambor of Commerce'se second annual, marigold con- test. , Ono winnor wlll be chosen froin each of'six catogories: residential, institutional, amail and large commercial andý smail and large indus- trial. The doadllno for. submlssion of-entries la July 25. Trophies and a free dinner for two- at the awards night Septem- ber 9 at Cullen Gardena wlll be presonted to the wlnners. They wlll aiso have their naines on- VuqOÉdI9GAw 107 Brock Street South, Whltby, 668-8321. This popular Chinese' restaurant bas been in Whitby for 30 yrs. The BO-Bo platter, recently introduced, bas, gone over very well. Special Chinese food -combination platters are, offered daily. Choose from 3 delicious combinations. Reason- ably priced & gonerous helpinga. Ideal for businessmen lunches. Open until 2 'arn. daily. Fre. and Sat. until a.m. Sunday il as.- ilp.in. Fully licensed and fast home delivery. g9,raved on a plaque to be dlsplayed by tho Cham- ber of Commnerce. Judging wlU be on Auguat 22 and 2s, basod on design and layout, general health and con- dition, quality of main- tenance and Plant dis- Play. Une wlnners must agree ta permit visitors from a bus tour to vlow their xardens -on Sep- tember 10 and il as part of the Whltby Manlgold Festival. Entry forma are avallable at'garden cen- tres ln the K-Mart and Woolco Plazas, Cullen Gardes, Weall and Cul- ion Nurseries, Sheridan Nurseries, Oshawa Gar- denervieWhite Rose NwirySunGold Fruit 'Market and tho Chamn- ber office. OUWEL WHITBY '3 bedroom 2 year aidlIInk semi bmoklng onto parkland featurlng large master bedroom, roughed 1ln for fireplace, In. basement, asklng $67,500. Coli Everett DeH rt 6684171. Canà d-widereai 061mb service.,