PAGE 6#WEDNESDAYJ UNE 8, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Brlkin By ROXANNE REVELER Cali 655-4951 whth Items for this colunin. HIthere; Why do people get so nostalgie about thlngs tbey weren't 80 crazy about the firat Urne around? LIBRARY NEWS Tbe summer program calendar la now available ,for anyone interested ini the excitlng programa plgnned for. the children durlng the montbs of JuIy and August. It la stocked wlth faptastie days of crafta, movies etc., 80 drop by your library and pick one Up. If anyone bas lost money i a white sealed enve-' lope please inquire at the library (655-3191) stating proper identification. Overdue books are atml on the "Wanted Liat". Please check everywhere for those "overdues". Someone, somewhere is waiting for the book you bave hidden away.,"Remember "Garfield Gotcha Back Contest" wlll soon be over .... June 18. Get cracking and get those booka returned. See you at your library. SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE The Brooklin Boy Scouts wlll bhave a paper drive thia Saturday, Jume il. Please bhave your papers on the curb before 9: 30 a.m. making sure tbat tbey are tied securely. Aa usual, Rural and Ashburn resi- dents are welcomed to take newspapers to the Ash- burn Community Center on the Friday nigbt. Thia wlJ be the last paper drive until September as the scouts recess for the summer months. Help our local sjýouts, cubs and beavers in thia wortb- wbile fund rising event. BEEF BAR-B-Q There will be a gant beef bar-b-q inthe Beet- hoven Oddfellows and the Kinoven Rebekahs. The "Park" la located beblnd the fire hall and library and in caae of ramn wiJl locate in'the Meadowcrest Schoel gym. The annual horsesoe tournament sponsored by the Brooklln Legion will start the festivities off at 1 p.m. There will alao be music for your liatening pleaaure and many otber events yet to be announ- ced. BROOKLIN HOME BAKERY & DELICATEUSANI ' 81 BALDWUN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 Dellclou8 Ail Beef Meat Pies 55ea fancy sandwiches & meat platters mnade to order Ses Our Many mn Store Specals Flower show held Tbe coot for thia day of fun la just $6 for adults and $3 for kida 10 and under so make sure you attend. For addltlonal information or advarâce tickets cail 65&-3»o. OPEN flOUSE The Ajax-Plckerlng-Wbltby Association for the Mentally Retarded wll be holding an open bouse at ail their locations on Friday, June 24. This la an ex- cellent opportunlty to see first band wbat tbe association does to belp these cblldren and just why there was ail the controversy recently about the possibllty of closing these centers down.' At Arc Pine, 767 McKay Road, Pickering there wll be a dlsplay of items that bave been made, sucb as pine treasures, kitchen centers and lampe. Order At Arc Pine, 767 McKay Road, Pickering there will bo a dlsplay of items that bave been made, such as 'pine treasures, kitchen centers and lamps. Or- ders wlll be taken if you see somethlng that strikes your fancy. At Arc Industries, 177 DowtyRoad, Ajax there wll be a demonstration of the assemb- llng, finlshlng and packaging of contract orders that these bandicapped people bave obtalned. Both of tbese centers will boopen from 1 to 6p.m. 1At the Emperor Street Center, 36 Emperor Street, Ajax you can se" first band the learning opportuni- ties available for developmentally bandicapped cbildren. You wiil be allowed. to, observe cbildren in their individual programs with their teachers and volunteers. This la open from 1 to 3 p.m. and is a rewardlng experience. To close off the day, there will bo a dance and buf- fet at the U.A.W. Hall, Hunt Street, Ajax. There la no charge for this event. The "Association" is hoping for some cash contributions to, help defray the costs and will be pleased to, write you a receîpt for your donation. Take a good look at your own bealthy children. and think in retrospect "lThere but for the grace of God". Now come and belp the children who weren't quite 80 fortunate. CONGRATULATIONS Hearty congratulations to ail our local lads who play rugby for Anderson Collegiate. *There are a large number of boys from Brooklln and Asbburn who are members of the rugby teams. This year Anderson bad the distinction of bavlng ail tbree teams, Senior, Junior and Miget make it to the On- tario'finals. The Senior and Junior teama both won the L.O.S.S.A.A. championships and the Midgets came in second. Althougb none of the teams won the Ontario finals you bave to give them straight A's for the effort. Tbey played superby and were a credit to this area. Once again congratulations boys ... you know who you are. 80 YOU'D LIKE TO ADOPT A KITTEN Although this column- is not in the business of flogging, pets, this la a special 'occasion. Bessie Pengelly was recently adopted by a feline who pro- ceeded to, bave ber kittens in the loft 0f ber garage. Unable to locate the.owner, kind hearted Bessie ws stuck.with not only one cat but six. The kittens are now ready to leave mom and Bessie bas a problem .... wbat to do with ail these kittens. I must admit, tbey are the sweetest things I bave seen in a long time. They are obviously Persian of sorts with the bluest eyes imaginable. One la ail orange, the remainder a light grey. if you bave been tbinking 0f addig to, the family please keep Bessie in mind. She dreads the thought 0f baving to take them, to the Humane Society. Pengellies live at the corner of Way and Baldwin, or give ber a cati at 655-4596. By MARGARET BEATH Brookli»Horticultural Society Lack of co-operation on the part of the wea- ther did not deter the Brooklln Horticultural Society from holding a very succesaful flower show on May 25. Tulips were featured but other spring flowers came in for their share of atten- tion and brought the total to 78 entries shown. President Lyla Allan welcomed membors and guests and' announced the names of delegates to the Annual Ontario Horticultural Associa- tion Convention being beld in Hamilton in June. Carolyn Stevens re- ported on the plant sale held at Grass Park on May 21 which proved to be a real winner for the society, netting a profit of $288.25 with an addi- tional $35 being received L ET. DESIGNS B Y DA RLENE ADD, A PEIRSONAL TOUCH TO YOUR WEDDING e Top quality weddîng cake from an. old fashioned S receipe. Cut, wrapped and ready for your reception. a Beauti fui, custom decorated- display cakes to'rent or bu>'. -*Colour co-ordinated sllk flower bouquets and cor- sages at reasonable prices. FOR AN APPOINT7MENT CALL 725ým41 66 t~,. by our Junior Garden Club. Auctioneer Ken Brown lntroduced Rosa Martin, guest speaker for the evenlng. This gentleman la part of the Royal Botannical Gar- dens' Outreach Pro- gram and as he ralse no lesa than 1,000 hies in bis garden, was cer- tainly well qualified to speak on tbis, bis cbosen subject. He was amusing, informnal and informative and bis re- marks ranged tbrough growing, drainage and propagation of these bulbs. He lalso showed slides of 50 species whicb be personally ralaes and donated sev- eral of these for door prizes. Margaret Beath thanked the speaker. Winers for the show were announced by Penny Hosken as follows: Best Tulip Spe- cimen - Bernice Gard- n!erý,_prize donated by_ THE NED NEVER MMES. .......... ma a Video Image Of Brooklln; Bets -Decorative - Dorothy Barter, award donated by Jay Tra's Florlat, Whltby. Judge for the show was Marilyn Syme of Scarborougb wbo, tbrough Ken Brown, passed along several very belpful bints on the do's and don'ts of show- ing both flowers and vegetables. Lyla Allan then reminded everyone of the Iris Show being beld on, June 13 at Ashburn Cburch Hall. - Lunch was served by Freda Kofalvi, asslated by Aldine Wick. Museum opens shop TheWbitby Museum,, located at 960 Dundas' St. W., bas opened a Gift Shop in the Museum. The Gif t Sbop features many handmade crafts, jams and marmalades as well as prints by a local artist. Visit the new Gift Shop and take a tour tbrough the Museum. The Museum ila*open every Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. SENIORS' > SUNDAY On Sunday, June 12, Brooklin United Churcb will observe Senior Citi- zens' Sunday. The ser- mon topic wiil be "You Have A Lot To Give" and the sermon will con- clude with ani interview with a lady who bas a lot to, give. Ail senior citizens are asked to- come out to choir prac- tice Thursday evening at 8p.m. DECORATION DAY The decoration day for Groveside Cemetery tbis year wWI be held on Sunday, June 12. Beethoven Lodge, Brooklmn will-conduct a Memorial Service commencing at 2:30 p.m.-- ATTENTION KIDS A new "Drop-In Center" for youtbs of ail ages Wil start at the BrooklinGCommunity Center on Friday, June .17. These coffpe bouse type of centers bave been extremely popular with the teens in Osbawa, Port Perry and Bowmanville and it would be great to bave one bere in Brooklin. There is no structured format. Just drop i and rap over a cup of coffee or soft drink with your friends. If you play an instrument such as a guitar bring it along and join in the jam session that usually starts somewhere along the Une. On this first night the movie "The Cross and the Switchblade" wiIl be shown. There Is no charge so, drop over and check it out ... sounds like a great idea. For additional information cati 655-3813. THE SHOE 18 ON TUE OTHER FOOT I bave a friend who is an air traffic controller at a small airport in this area. He was going crazy for montha witb one pilot, a constant yuk-yuk boy, w-ho would announce hia plane's impending arrivai by screaming into the microphone "'Scbmutsville Tower, guess who? " My friend put up with it for wbat seemed a 1fr- time, hoping that the clown would tire of the game. But he didn't. Finally one night, when he called in, "Schmutsville Tower, guess who? " my friend was ready. Turning off ail the ligbts on the runways and tower, he shouted.into bis microphone, "Scbmuts- ville Tower bere..guess wbere?"1 Sce you neit week ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklln Bakery drop-ff Frlday, before noon please, 655-4951.