Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1983, p. 26

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IPAGE 26, WEDNESDAY JUNE 1; 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS- Whitby's Most WIdeIy Read G C LASSIFID ADs 6 WATDCACRE] AUTOMOBILES TRILES ARTICLES 7ZC.nM1 TICES FORVSALE FOR SALE ~ N J~ Z CAR POOL for Whitby/Ajx ta York Mille end Dont Mille. Work- Ing haurs 9-5. Share driving. Phone 606-5753 or 725-2116e. OS-Cemaie, large, 'tan end white, Ionghair, part tebbyfprt Persion, 9- yeans 'aid, wearing white fiee coller,, answeri ta 'Tlbby". Miesing since May 23 ln, Brock StiRoseiend Rd. area. Reward. Phone 668-9767. YARD SALE - 9 a.M. ta '4 p.m. et 406 Dovedéle Drive, Whitby. Miscelaneous. GIARAGE SALE - Saturday, Ju ne 4. 9a&m., 172 Way Raid, Brookiin. Dîshwasher, vcnity wlth sink, dishes, etc. YARD SALE - Saturday end Sun- dey,, June 4 and 5, et Heron Road, Ashbum, 655-3805.Antiques, books, ca stermo, miscelianeous househald Items. Nojlunk. STREET SALE- on way to Fair) Anderson north of Taunton. Household, camping, children's tems. June 4 end 5<(10-4). CASH FOR GOLO Alil Gold and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains,ý me- dais, and dental gold. Damaged or broken Items acceptab le. Spe. clal prices for Canadian and American silver coins, any condition. Also buying any for-, eg ivrcoins. CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whltby Exclusive Agent lI Whltby for Northland GoId & Silvor Imc. WE BUY and SELL- USED APPLIAN CES WE RECONDITiON AND GUARANTEE W WANTEDI WANTED: Someone needled to telumber<(good lumber)._ If you HAINDRESSER wanted. 55% are interested ccii 725-1521. stralght commission. Phone 66&. 3621. ADVERTUSING SALESPERSON REQUIRED For small local com- pany with good repu- tation. Challenging, exciting work and friendly atmosphere. Experience flot nec- essary but wilhing- ness'to work is. Own transportation re- quired. Interested parties eaU Lit at 668-6111 for further detailIs. AVALABLE MOTERS SUMMER lIELPERS, Ifle-n gils from Ouebec, heip with children and houseworK, auccac or retund guereteed. Cii232-247&. UNEMPLOYED NELP CENTRE - Need counsel with special prob- leme - Uic - Welters - labour relations. Cali 579-1821. SERVES MATURE reliable babysitter «aalabie full or part time, my home, West Lynde aie. Phone 668M. NRERY L OPenlng ln September St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church CchrWa--- ut, Wtltby (former locution of Hippy TMmes Nursery 5chooi) Limited Enrolment Morning Programi For informatIon & regiatiction forme ccii 668504 BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualified Staff Chlldren From 18 Months to 2 Years Hot Meals German Lessons 309 Beech St., Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 AVOCADO frIdge 17- cu. ft., frot fire) and matchIng stove (30, ock, timer). Name brand. Excellent condition. $400 for pair or beet offer. BOY'S graduation. suit, powder blue, 3 piece (size 14) with navy shirt (size 16) andtde. Womn twice. $6. Phione 668-9547 after 5 p.m. DO YOU HAVE .RUSTY HARD WATER? Ccii Gar YoungPlumb- Ing end rent a water'softener or iron fliter. FREÉ INSTALLATiON. Rentai eteye the same forever. BrooklIn 055-4936. FOR SALE: crac etreet mips, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshewa and West Hill. Ickean PrIntlng & Office Supplies Store, Ajax Shapping Plaza, 683-196. Doaler Inquires Invited. FREEZER, Moffat 23), 2 years, $375. Like new. Phone 668-9547 effer 5 p.m. FRIMGE à STOVE for sale, avo- cado color, with hood fan, excel- lent condition. $50 for pair. Phone 668-3686. GEOTYPE pisse-on iettering now ln stock et Dickeon Printing & 0f. fice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection af styles end sizes. Why psy more fora aemalier sheet 0f lettering? 683-1968. "HEROES of the Bibis" coiouring book avalabie et Dickeon Print- Ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries ln- vited. PHOTOCOPIER for sale. Olivetti Copia 1550. Ciiil Judy et 6681677. 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed *5coors$1890 5104 styles Installed incîuding tax. Also sco- nomicai and ensrgy efficient storm or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 VERTICAL ILINDS 50-60% OFF ln-home service. Custom made. Ccli after 6 p.m.'Monday bo FrIday and 9 to 9 Saturday 666-2155. VISIT oui used fumiture ware- house by appointment. Big savinge on deeke, chaire, f iiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dlckson PrJnt- ing & Off Ice Supplies to arrange an appointment to view. 683- 1968. 91q BBYEDS WANT ADJS COMPARE oui priais on Perego etroilers. The Chiidrens Maiet- WORK WONDERSI place 666-1133. CALL 668-6111 1979 CAMARO Z 28, tinted glass, defogger, carmine red with op- tional Interior, 4 spsed, excellent condition, $4,950. Phone 688- 390è. 1976 NOVA, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, good condition, power steering, power brakes, radio, $3,000 or beet 0f fer, certlfled. Phono 86662187. 1976 VW RAIDIT, very good con- dition, standard transmission, special sifety package, quartz halogen headllghte, Michelin tires, $995. Cali Don Paterson 666-7711 days, 372-2689 even- Inge. 1975 HONDA, certlfied, A-i shape, new paint, rebuilt motor, new tires, new brakes,- 41,speed. $2,000 or beet offer. cill68& 9151. 1974 RENAULT 17 TL SPORT COUPE, 60,000 original miles, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, reclining asats, rear-wlndow defîost. Excellent condition. White with black strIpe. Cali after 0:00 p.m. Mon- day ta Frlday 66&7476. Ask for Marc. SUPPES PROPR and akeg repaire. Fat ser- vice. Fibergiasa and alumlnumn boat repaire. Fibergiasa sup- pilies. Plastic ahoets, tubes and rode. Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579- 1433. GARDININO AND SUPPLIES INTERLOCKING BRICK WALKWAYS Drawing Provided RED ROSE LANDSCAPING 59-8285 -6554749 FOR SALE TRAILER FOR SALE - Giendette, 1973, 23 foot, excellent condi- tion, j0w mileage, $6.500. Phgne 68-2213. RE NT-A-CAMPER Caret reo, low cost camp- ing holidaya f rom SUN- WAY, the Rent-A-Camper spocialiats. Easy to tow COLEMAN Folding Camper Trailra ront fnom only $165 per woek tuliy equipped. Special weekend and off season rates. Book early for boat dates. See Coleman FoldIng Campera at your SUN WAY Depot, 2069 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, across ftrom Durham Col- loge. 571-2210 or 985- AFFÜRDA13LE FAMILY FUN CAMPING TRAILERS Sethe8e No. 1 selling camper trallers with the extra features now. Spe- clal Deals with your COLEMAN FREE Bonus Travel Pack flow on at your 'SUNWAY. Depot, 2069 Simcoe St. N., Osh- awa, across from Dur- ham College. 571-2210 or 985-2910. TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and modela, by the weekend, week or month. DIscounts avail- able. Dickeon PrIntIng & Office Supplies In the Aax Pieza. Caii us for business machine repaire 683-1968. FRËE.t Drop Into the Dlckson Prlnting & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f re copy Of their 1963 Metrie Cien- dei. PrInted'In two calours, it makes for handy reference. 683- 1968. TENDERS I Onai Governmn Tede JANITORIAL CONTRACTORS Provide Janitorial Services et the Minietry of Community & Social Services, 224 Brock Street, WHîTBY, Ont. TENDER NO. 011M1.75 50used Tenders wiii b. received untii 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, JUNE 21,1983. Tender Documente may be obtained from the Ontaria Ministry of Government Ser. Vices, Orillila District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orliiii, Ont. Note: For further Information regarding the tenders, piesae ceii the Tenders Office et the aboya addrese, Taiephone (705)325-1403. The ioweet or cny Tend er flot neceeSariiy accepted. SGovernment Services Ontario AUONSO CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, JUNE 3 AT 6:30 P.M. 3 miles eaat 0f Little Bn.- tain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Britain Rd. Antique hanging lamp, pîne blanket boxes, press- back chairs, oak dining extension table, wash stands, parlor tables, wicker tomn stands, 17' freezer, refrigerator, cof- feo & end tables, dress- era, wooden moldlng planes, cast iron sap ket- tie, banquet lamp, 3 pth 2 furrow Ferguson plowi, qty. of crocka, tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 4 - ilA.M. 15 Gall Court, Whltby Hwy. 2 wost of Whltby to Jeffery - follow signa. Househoîd effeots for Mrs. Grace Turton at her former resîdonce. Home sold. Furnîture lncluding large oak desk, smalî oak desk, aIde board,' oak table, old pump organ, telephone table, grama- phone, pair. of wIcker tables, spool bed, oak wash stand, upholstered liIing roomn chairs, old' dresser, oak hlghboy with mIrror, lovely an- tique brocade couch, oval hall table, square Iarlip table, pine dresser, china cabinet, wardrobe, set of cof tee & end tables, upholstered stool, oak sectional bookc case, old chairs, droploaf cof tee table, etc. Glass- ware & china ihcIudIng Nippon, Cornflowor, De- pression and Carnîval, service for 8, of Minton China (belîbrecher pat- torn) plus aasorted dish- os and f latware, mIacel- laneous . including old dlocks, color TV, com- plote f Iroplace set, 21 cu. f t. freezer,,antique atovo (superb) large hanglng light fîxture, lovely oi1 paintinga, old National cash register (exception- aI),, wheel_ chair, gardon. tools, power mower, old neck yoko, plus many more numerous Items.' NOTE: If you are looking for collectabie Items from a weil malntained home you wIlI enjoy this, sale. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AUCTION SALE' SATURDAY, JUNE 4 - 6SP.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE, Shirley Rd., 4 miles aouth of Port Porry. Good sale wlth hay atooker, bake table, farmn traller, Moffat rot n- gorator, 3 pt. hltch blade, excell 'ent office desk, Victorian table & chairs, the pony br eaklng chariot on rubbor, pres- back rocker, color TV, an- tique bedroomf suites & dressera, 16' angle Iron, hall table, lace bed- sproad, Woods 28 cu. ft. freezer, kîtchen suite, wood shavinga, wool blankets, baby car séat, crib & strollor, cross cut saw, doîl tram,, good bi- DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATION' TENDER CONTRACT CARETAKING AT HARWOOD SECONDARY SOHOOL TENDER NO.*83.31 SEALED TENDERS, ln envolopes supplied and plalnly.markod as to contents, will be recelved by the underslgned until 3:00 P.M.. LOCAL TIME, FRIDAY, JUNE 17,1983. Tender forma andior apecif Ications may be obtain-, od from the purchaslng department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Pleaso submlt to:, (Mrs.) K.R. Kortekaas, Manager of Purchaaing, The Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3H3 CLERK TYPIST For amalI Ajax manufacturer. Pleant teisphone manner and attention ta detali essen- tl.*Mature persan with pro- vlous secretariai and general office experience preferred. Dutîesawlll be 'varied and chalienglng, In comfortabie surroundinge. Apply with resumne to:. Fils 0602, Box 206, Whltby Free Prosse.. EXPERIENCED NURSE AIDS Needed Immedi- ately ln ail areas of Durhamn. Ail shi ,fts avallable. Car an as8et. COMMAE LTD. 571-3501 Local Dlroctory.Roquiros EN UMERATORS for approximately 4 weeks. 30 hours per week. Good handwrlng essential. Roply ln wrlting to: File 0601, Box 206, Whltby Free Press. Bd 'dom Mi

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