PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS ARTICLES FOR SALE FR SACLE AIR CONDITIONER, G.E, relabie compreeor, 3.000 STU, have Wall bruoketu for Installation, ô yemre oid, out of use lait yemr. Asing Prie $125. Pleas cail alter 5 p.m. et 6&62149. APARTMENT SUZE humidifier $W. Please colt61>2785. BRAND NEW 24 volume of ency- ciopedias, 10 vol. chlldren's ciasaice, <4 vol. medical book. Worth $1200. Se11 for $M9. Please ciii 7282370. COMPLETE set of men's arlght hand golf clubs, bag lnciuded, $300. One pair of men's Etonlc golf shoet, brown, sire 9, $75. One 2-plece pool ou. and case, 17 ounces, $40. -Phono 686-0257. G.. HUMIDIFIER $75. Baby crib $20. Vogurt maker $15. Portable billard table, 38" x 71", $55. Phonoe568"762. DUNCAN Fyfe table, two beaves, centrai podestat, $125. Chain eaw, good worklng condition, $50. Cheet of drawers, Oak, 330. Girls and boys bîkes, $25 each. Old dlnlng roomn table $75. Phone 683-6m3. ELECTRIC lmwnmower, Sunbeamn deluxe, $100 or beet offer. Cali 6686908. ELECTROLUX rug shampooer, new condition, ueed twice, $200. One moto-cross bike, excellent condition, $50. One 20" chIld's bîke,$2. One gli's 20" 3-speed $45. Phone 576-4993. 5 H.P. CHAIN drive Iller $250. Box traller 3200. Phono 668-5909 after 5p.m. 8 PRCE ktchen set wlth brown uphlostere chairs, excellent condition, $200. Child's deat and matching chair $25. Cali after 5 FOR SALE - Convertible bicycle, 20" wheei, Caniadian mod, ln ex- cellent condition, $60. Cali 66&- 6067 aftereôp.m. FOR'SALE - Mandolin banjo 3150..Sun lmmp $25. Cati 85&< FOR SALE - 1978 Honda X R75, mint condition, $400. 1976 Honda XR75, good condition, 335. Phone655-3977. FOR SALE - "Roxton" maple china cabinet. Excellent condi- tion. $050f lrm. Phono 579-2644. 4 PIECE antique bedroom suite $600. 1972 Delta 01dm, rune, not cortified, $20. Queen sire bed. spread, drapes and sheers $100. Phone 66&.2551 affer 4 p.m. week- days. Ail day weekende. GRANDFATHER dlock for sale. A littie over 6 foot tait, solld Cherry- wood, Westminster dlock, Lyre 6%" pondular. Flnlshed ta your requIrements. 3850. Phone 655- 4097. GUNS FOR SALE: 20 gaugo $60. .22 Cal. $50. Celi 728.4849 and ask for Ken. HEAVY duty car jack $80. Tail white bookcaseo350. Camp stove $20. Stop ladder $12. iran frame old echoal desk $40. Men's bîke $50. Large aId crack $35. Type- wrlter $30. Phone 683-663. JUVENILE chiffrabe 350. Change tablo $20. Couch -and chair $75. Ail In good condition. Phonoe68 7253. ICUBOTA Flil mower, new, 5 foot wlde, fine cut, model 3661, $2,000. Phone 6553477. FAUST SELL 26" calor T.V. $200. Beauttul pîcture. Two 12" black & white TV'. $100 or $60 each. Ciii 683-7017. 1956 ÃEVINRUDE 25 h.p., $125. Standard typewritor $25. Three 5x7 vînyl coverod room dividers wlth loe, 315 each. Four floor po11lsers, $25 «aCh. Phone 578. 0769. 197 CHEVELLE, 4 dr., good run. ning condition, neede minor work for certification, $200 aili. 1978 Honda 400 twln, mint condition, beer box, hlghwmy bars and mag wheelu, muet be seen, $1,200. Two burgandy bed chaire, lIte new, 380pair, On@ Yorkc exorcise bench wth leg exerciser $60. Cali 668-2912. NEW black swlvei bar' stool, regular $109.95, asing 3$0 or bout offer. New large Tonka toyu, askIng $10. One bookcise bed $3W. One triple dresserand mIrror $60. Box uprng and mattreso, A- Il condition, $100.'Coloman gis lamtem $20. B»er table smw, 8", $30 or boat offer. Black a Dok- or Stlluaw $50 - sabre saw $30. Crmftuman sandler $30. Cali 668- 0586. When the advertlsed Item ls soid, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reasont, the Item wiii b. deemed ta have bemn soid and a commission wiil be charged basod on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustroted beiow, regardies If price le stated with 'bout offer"l. If the Item le NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wli b. mun for 3 MONTHS anid a MINIMUM CHARGE of 36.00 wiii appiy payable In advance of publication of the tiret ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiii ap- piy If bilied which muet be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wiil be appiied ta the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiil be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 ,pre-paid; 37.50bllled. Maximum commission: 3100.00. Ali advertIeements muet b. piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiemet ans month If not soid. RATES (If article lasold):. 5% of dvrtiaed price Up te 800.00 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: "od Item dvertised fOr $120-00. Commission due $8.00 (minimum charge la $8.00>. Private dvertliIng onlyl PMesse notify the Whltby Free Prose lmmedlately when Item sa sold s0 that 'we may delete It fram the failowing issue. Ail mde not fitting the emporium guidolînes wMil bo troatod and chorged per week as regular classflfed'ado on a pro-pald biasis such as: services, heip wantod, clathing, reai estato, and poreonai message type ode, or ade not quoting prico or quantlty. Private closait led ada may appoar in the Emporium section undorappropriate headînge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P-0. Box 206 Whitby, LiNS1i If ln doubt clli: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE ~MjjO'îvi -22I.SJ AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - One new olectronlo Ignition converelon kit for ail GM Vs'.& 1959 to 1974 and American Motore VSl'. 1963 ta 1974 wlth Delco dîstributore 350. Phono 579-2352. CUSTOM built pick-up seat wlth faid down console, rod crused veivet, excellent condition, $275. Phono 655-8787. 1973 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN for parts. Good body parts. Tire. on rime and 4-epeed transmis- sion wlth swing axies. Parts $5 ta $75. $150 for aIl. Phone 282-8760. RADIAL TIRES, twa GR70-15 tires, fair condition, $45 pair. Cmli FRIDAY PAEVIOUS TO PUBLICATION A T-N-OON.. MUSICAL INSTRMENTS ARTICLES ,, ARTICLES AUTOMOBILES ~HHE ag lMAcrin FO Sý1 ý ý-- 1 96 base, totaily reondilinod, %L FOR SALE W FOR SALE ONE GendronInfant lave seat $900. Phono 668-7965 after 5 p.m. - $ 25. One Gendron chiid love soot $50. Both In good condition. SILVERTONE electrlc chord NOTHINO beats an md ln the TWO AR-14 bookshoîf 2-way 1980 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, 2 Phone 655-3575 fttor 5 p.m. and organ, 72 chords, good condition, Whltby Free Press Emporium speakers rated at 150 watts each door, standard transmission, weetends. wlth bench. £$M0 flrm. Cail ARA. 1M6 HONDA Interstate, 14,000 km. Too many options to lst, Ex- cellent condition. 35,400. Cmli 655-397. 1M60 ONDA 400 os HAWK, bought ln spring 1981, good con- dition, heimets and a raIn suit In- ciuded, 17,000 km., weii maintain- ed, muet »Il, $1,200 or beut affer, wIil certify. EmInent orgmn, Solina A315, two ful teyboards, flvs pro-set percussions, Orbi- ton@ and Arpegglo-matic Rltmix box, foot ped&#.s, 31,550 or boat offer. Phone 683-4307. 1M6 YAMAHA Endura 175, low mloage, very gaod condition, 31,00Oflrm. Phono 666-6494.. zjexin wenii oms t siJaiiIu yaur unwanted articles. CalI 668- 6111 now. ONE heavy duty set of acetylono torches, by lquld air, complote wlth cuttlng tip and hases, $200. New hesvy duty air hammor $40. Phone 686-4874. PING PONG table $55. Neyer used 2 man tent $15. Chlldren'e bînoculars $5. Men's 1-upeod $85. Trllevel chose set $12. Lamp $5. Oid Viking etereo$20. Phone 666-3712. PLACE your md ln the Whitby Free Proes now - as fast as a phone cli, resulte happonl Cml 6684111. 80' ALUMINUM hemvy duty TV tower, six sections, gaod for Ham radio operatar. Autlng 330. Phono 579-3353. 6U CEDAR 4x4's, 8 foot Iength, $5 etch. Phono 655-4200. 3 H.P. air compressar, 4 monthe aid, 30 gallon capacity, $85. Air file $85. New feather duster $75. Impact gun $65. Torches $150. Phono 686.4874. TRAILER CANOPY, good quality, canvaase and vInyl, beige and brown, 8x12, $60. Phono 668- 7437. $225. iwo Snure SM-57 micro- phones complote with deet stands, 10W Impedance, $150 for pair. On. large Lazy Boy reclIner, leathor, elightly worn, $75. Phono 666-3958. 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Chan- nel Mlxbomrd. Great for recordlng or perfarming' Excellent condi- tion. PaId $1,800. Asklng $M0. Phono 686-488 mter 6:30 p.m. VACUUM - Filter Queon with et- tachments. Excellent condition. $150. Phone 743-0929. WOOD STOVE, Fisher Mama, $280. Dinlng room suite, Formîca and wood table wlth extension, 4 wood and cioth chairs, $95. Calii 655.3546. Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund good condition, 35 M.P.G. *Ask- lng $5,695. Phono 728-7158 any- tîme. 1976 DATSUN STATION WAGON 710, ideol for mechmnlc needlng good Parte, $200 complets.. Phone 655-3006. 1975 BUICIC E SABRE, 4 door, hardtop, mechmnically sound, neode body work. As lea$65.,CaII 668-8543 after 5 p.m. 1973 FIREDIRD "1ESPRIT", neede body work, $1,100 ln new parts. Wili sei1 for same. Negotiable. Ciii 7284050 alter 5 p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, autommatic, power brates, power steerlng, heivy duty, runs good, neede some body work. $250 as le or trade for air compressor, sand blastlng equipment or paint' equlpment, Cmli 666-8785. 1973 TOYOTA, as le, good for car parte. Auking $200. Phone 668. 0303. 1971 MAZDA 616, repiaced motor, reconditioned brakos,. emsiiy certified, rodons body, good tires, stoo. $495. Phone 6834638. 1971 OLDS DELTA OSII, V8, auito> mettc, ln good condition. $W5 as le. Cmii 68661400. THINK MONEY - ThInt the Whlt- by Free Proes Emporium Section. One email advertlsemont le mlIl:t takes. Place your article for sale ln the Whltby Free Press and get Irmmediato resuits. The Free potentiel buyorsemach wet. Thint about what wo can do forje you ... thon calt us. Whltby Pros TRA IL ERS 1983 BOX TRAILER, 4 ft. x 8 ft. x _____________________ 30 Inch aides, 3,500 pound capa- 5~5H USEH LDI clty, 14 Inch tires, $575. Phons SELL unwanted artIcles with an ad ln your local newapor - Whltby Free Prose, 66841 11. foot, 5 foot hlgh, remavable top, 2 electrlc brute mxles, $1,800. Phono 655-3477. ONE ad ln the Whltby Fre Pros" Emporlumn SectIon wil sali lmostamythIng. Cl 6684111. 1974 CHEV %~ TON with cap, 64,000 originil miles, very gond running condition - body needa WOrk. 31,000 firm, Phonoe660& 4630 between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Calil 6684111to place your d& FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch and dlnling table wlth six chairs. Very good condition, Aeking $1,500. Phone 839-3731. MOVING - Complota iivlng room set, new, custom mmde ta match, off-whIte vulvet. Large sofa, love- seand two awlvei chairs. Exqul- site. Paid $3,500. Asklng $2,500. Cmii 66&2395. ONE chesterfleld, orIginally Skimr, recovoed once, $M0. Phone 55.4964. OUEEN-SIZE waterbed wlth brown veivot button tuft, four poster with water mattrese, hat- or, waterbed shets and mattres covur Included. $500. Ceil 668- 6998. WE NEED RELIABLE BOYS AND GIRLS TO DELI VER THE WH ITBY FREE PRESS You can take pride ln deliverlng the local news to your nelghbors. Not only are you building a savings account and learning how to handle money, you're also gaining valuable experlence ln today's business world. A news- paper carrier must be reliable and mature ... the people ln our town need to know what's happening on the local scene ... and they count on you to ensure that they receive the latest news. Our papers are compact and easy to carry.. you'll only need to spend a couple of hours one day each week on your deliverles.. and coilecting Is done Just once a month. So If you want to make easy money ... win prizes as our carrier of the month ..wln one of our grand prîzes ... and stili have lots of time left for your other activitles, cail now to dlaIm a route of your own. CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 (RUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$I) IC