Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1983, p. 12

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PAGE 12,WEDNESQAYJUNE_1. -1983,.WHITrBY FR EE PRESS Br~k1in Byines 0:. By ROXANNE REVELER CIli 655-4951 wlth Items for this colurnn. Hi there; Well another "crwnmy" weekend has passed. What else is new?, I think a delegation should petition Ottawa whereby we can convince thern to- hold two weekends in a row; that is- one week have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, skip the rest 0f the days JUNE 239 49,5, 1983 etM Brooklln Communlty Park Wnchster Rd. E., Brooklln Saturdayomtlnued Trhurdy Ev.nng, Jufh2nd 11:00 a&m. Presentation of h Action Dispiay (Fair Grounde) * 4:00 p.rn. Pony Show for 12:00 noon Canada Sports *ChIldren Action Dispiay * 5.00 p.m. Midway, Boer 12:00 noon Beer Tent Open Tant 1:00 p.rn. Cattîs Judging 7:0p.n. B(T onte t Daimy Cattie LToisntcral 1:30 p.rn. Horse Oraw 7OIS-3470) ic 6:30 p.rn. Haii Driversa Offiiai470) ing(Trans-Canada) Offcai by in Sunday, June Sth of Fair by8:Wa.m. -11:30 &m. Regionai Chair- Brookiin Boy mnan - Gary Scouts Pancake HmeraBreakfast Frlday, Jun. r :0 m mla os I 9:00&am. Ontarlo Guem. :3 a ShAabanMos Bey Association 9:00 a.enso ra Show ment for Bruce * 1000 &.m. Carisbarg Show Baugg Ralty * Wagon & MOrmes Ltd. Trophies 1000&mr. - 2OO0noon. 9:00 a.r. -3:30 p.rn. Arana Exhibits to be pe-o ubi piaced ln Arena 10:00&.O a doe eblicSho m 12.0noon Canada Sports Wagon & Morses *Action Dlspiay 11,0a&m. Canada Sports * 4:00 p.rn. Midway Open> Action Dlspiay * 4:W P.m. - M0p.rn. Arona 1110a.rn Goat: Dalry Show open for public to 5:00 p.mn. 5:00 p.m. Beerent Open 110ar.Bd&atTu 8 :00 p.m. Tennis Tourna-.DRaceyTel Wayn * mnt Ail Evenlng orq4 m Oeil006.258 1145 &a.nHorseshos Tour- 70pm.A. Plesplo nament 7: ..ThIrd Annual 12.00 noon Rabbit Show ta Tractor Pull 5:00 p.m. *Modlfled Trac- 12.00 noon Mdway Open *tors, Four-Wheel 1 -00 p.m. Sheep Show.- *Drive Trucks, Judglng and *Hlghway Tractera Dernotration 7:30 p.rn. Dog Obedlence of Shearng hShow (200 p.m.& *satay. Jm4h 3:00 p.rn.) M 9:0m.r. Tennis Tourna- Beef Cattis ment - Ail Day Jud glng M &m0 r. Arana open to 1:30 p.m. Hameau Morse vîsitors until Races- Pari g. Op.m. ýMte etn 10,00 &rn. cari berg Show MutuielBetn w ag onm . aZ m oroe 2 :00 p .m . Log S aw ing N a l 10. il m. 553196 orsedrs g- on itt 10:30 &m. Parade(to enter 6:30 p.m. Oid Tyme Fid- 055-43R3. J<u<g9 In Arena. Mrs. L *and have Saturday and Sunday again. By dolng this, the next week, what should have been Frlday, Saturday, Sunday will fail on a Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday, whlch we ail know means the sun wiil be shinlng. Find this ail hard to follow? Well It was a suggestion anyway. LIBRARY NEWS Open House ... Open House ..., Open House ... The library cordially invites you to attend an Open House celebration of the Brooklin. Sprlng Fair. Drop in hours are from 2 until 9 p.m. from May 30,to June 3. HeIp the library circulate the fair news. Please help the ibrary In their never-endlng bat- tde to get ail overdue books returned. The wanted list neyer seems to shrink. Remember, you'il be out of luck Ini the "Garfield Gotcha Back" conteat which ends June 18 at Saturday Storyhour. Just drop them i the green drop box out front any tirne it's conveni- ent to you. The Pre-sehool Storyhour would like to thank Brooke Suwala for those deliclous cookies. Look forward to starting up again corne fail. While visiting the ilbrary duri.ng open bouse, check the "Ilost and found" box. You could be delightfuily surprised when you discover lost trea- sures belonging to you or your chfid. P.S. There will be no Saturday Storyhour on June 4 due to the fair. DECORATION DAY Decoration Day for Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, will be held on Sunday, June 12. Beet- hoven Lodge 165,,Brookfln, wil conduct a memorial service at 2:30 p.m. that day. BURNS KIRK GUILD Burns Kirk Gulld of Ashburn will hold is regular meeting on Tuesday, June 7 at 8 p.m., i the church hall. Featured on the program will be a mini-demon- stration of candy maklng, chocolate fillingt pain- ting, etc., given by Margaret Matthews. A fifty cent charge will cover the cost of the Idelectabie ingre- cients used. Ail are welcome. JUNIOR GARDEN CLUB WINNERS At last month's District 17 annual meeting, Jason and Danny Young, two members of the Brooklln Junior Garden Club, won three prizes i the flowerý arranging competit;ion.- Danny won a prize in the class for seven to nine year old chidren and Jason won two -prizes i the 10Oyears and over class. Weil done both of you. BROOKLIN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Brooklin Horticultural Soc iety wil hold a meeting at 8 p.m. on Monday, June 13 at Burns Church Hall, Ashburn to accommodate the '"Mrs Show". Nineteen categories are for specimen iris and there, are three'decorative categorles. There are also classes for annuals and perennials. The theme for the show is " Shades of Velvet. " The feature of the program wil h a pressed, flower workshop, supervised by Joan Brak of our own society. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting. I must admitIlokfradtth Brooklin Sprig Fair each year, and this year is no exception. For those of you -who have not yet received a copy of the ý- program, I wiil try hi highllght some of the activi- ies comlng up. Things get underway on Thursday (June 2) at noon wlth a Canada Sports Action display in the Parking area beside the arena. At 7:30 p.m. the Miss Brooklin Spring Fair beauty contest wll take place inside the arena during which the fair wil ho officially opened by Regional Chairman Gary Herrema. On Friday, don't forget ail exhibits are to ho placed in.the arena hotween the hours of 9 arn. and noon. At 4 p.m. the arena wlll open to public view an dthe midway wii crank up ts rides. At 6 p.m.'the tennis tournament will start and if you are iterest- ed in trylng your skiil cail A. Pilepic at 608-2M58 h find out how to enter. The popular tractor pulls Will start at 7 p.rn. halfway U-p the racetrack on the west side. Just a haif hour later there will ho a dog lobe- dience show in the basebaîl dlarnond by home plate. On Saturday, the parade wil ho starting at 10:30 a.m. from St. Leo's School. It wiil proceed up North Street to Baldwin, south to Cassels, west, to Simcoe and then south into the fair grounds. 'Al those who plan to ho in the parade should ho ready at 9:45 as judging wil stari at 10 a.m. promptly. The tennis tournarnent wil continue from, 9 a.m. for your viewing plea sure and the arena will ho open to visitors at the same time. The dairy cattle judging wiil start at 1 p.rn. followed by the horse draws at 1: 30. -The Trans-Canada HeUl Drivers *111 perforrn starting at 6:30 on the race track. If y ou want to find a parking space, let alone a good seat, make sure you get there early for this one., My favorite day of the fair is Sunday. Seems hi o, a lot going on. Start off from 8 a.m. hi 11:30 a.ni. with an excellent pancake breakfast prepared by the Brooklln Boy Scouts (and their assistants). At 8:30 a.rn. there wilbe anArablan Horse Show in the center of the race track. At 9 the finals i the tennis tournament for the Bruce Bagg Realty Trophy will start. At 11:30 the infamous bed and bathtub races will beheld onthe westide ofthe c rack. Tis always good for a laugh. At 2 p.m. there wlll h an excellent demonstration of sheep shearing with the judgting for ribbons held an hour earller. These will be held in the beer tent. At 1:30 the harness horse- racing gets underway with pari-mutual betting privileges, so tro on down and hot a bob on the horse of your choice. At 2 p.m. cornes my favorite -of al .. the log sawing and nail drivlng contest sponsored by Mit- chell Brothers. I have a smile on my facefrom beginning hi end. This contest is more diffictilt than you would think ... ask'anyone who has entered. Everyone is a good sport aboutit though (even the lady who took 53 strokes to drive in the nail Iast year). This will once againIbe held i the center 0f the baseball diamond. The last itemon the, agenda is the Old Tyme Flddlers Contest, which commenc- esat 6:30intheareua. Make some' time this week hi visit the fair., Liet's hope for better weather than we had last year, but corne rain or shine 111il. See you at the fair ..Roxanne Reveler Brooklln Bakery drop off Frlday, before noon please NATJURALISTES MEET 4AThe 'Durham Region - Field Naturalists wil have a bog outing Satur- <day, June 4. The group will meet at8: 30a.m. at L. U Ythe home of Edge Pegg. For directions please NTREScail Mr. Pegg at 649- NTRE502M. Bring along a lun- G Q Q Q 'j Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 'j Q Bro oklin Fair Queen .Eight girls wiil com- pete for the title of Mis Brooklin Sprlng Fair at a pageant Thursday, June 2 in the Memorial Arena, Winchester Road, Brooklin. Denise Deveaux, 19, of Centre Street North, is the only Whltby girl to challenge for the title. Other competitors are: Evelyn, Cordes, 17,, of Brooklin; Michelle Lucyk, 16, of Oshawa,- Janice Salter, 17, of, Pickering; Beth Ellin, 16, of Oshawa; Charlene Kidd,' 19, of Oshawa; Laura Johnston, 19, of Oshawa; and Carol Le- hanne, 19,0of Columbus. The winner 'of the pageant wlil represent the-Spring Fair at var-' ious saummer and fal fairs and wlll vie for the title of the 1984 Miss C.N.E. in Toronto. The girls wlll be mod- eiling clothes from the Brooklln Village Shop- pe, whlle taklng part i the competition. Miss. Brooklln Spring Fair will receive a $30 prise whlle her two run- ner-ups wlll each get $100. The conteat will ho held at 8 p.m. Thursday. w z I.- Relax After The FAIR with a MO VIE from the VIDEO IMAGE BETA & VHS MO VIE RENTAL Q Over 350 tities to choose from. ~ -655-4229 ' 93 Winchester at Anderson, Brooklin New Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-8 m

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