PAGE 1Z, WEDNESDAY MAY 11, 1983. WHITBY FREE (from page 6) and lt's time to plck up your application forma. These forma will h available at Meadowcrest SChool, St. Leo's Separate Sehool and the Brooklin PubliceLlbrary and muat ho returned by May 27. Thia ,Year the theme of the parade la "IGood Times" and two new cateores have been added. They are "Beut Decorated Manual Transport" and "Bust Decorated Person and Manual Transport". Manual transport conalata of bicycles, wagons, baby carniages, and aknoet anz: else wlth wheels that does not have an engins in ItL For those of us wlthout wheels, the Fancy Dresa Frolic la a good- categony cholce. Mll categonles including PRESS those mentloned above are open to both adults and chldcren and prizes are awarded in ail categorles. The parade la organlzed by Group '74 on behaif of the BrookliluSprlng Fair Board. For further Infor- mation or Inquiries please calI Karen Brady at 655- 4854 or Marie Ferguson at 655-4157. PAPER DRIVE CHANGE Pleas note that the 2nd Brooklln Scouts have can- celled their May 17 paper drive. Please save those papers for a few additional weeks as they wlll be plcked up on Saturday, June il. Have papers securely tled and at the curb by 9 a.m. Saturday mornlng. Rural and Asbburn residents may as usual drop off donations at the Ashburn Communlty Center on the flday evenlng before. The scouts thank you for your assistance in this worthwhlle fund-ralsing actlvity. KINSMEN GERANIUMS FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS RESEARCH It's that timfe of year again!1 On Saturday, May 14, the Brooklil and District Kinsmen Club wil be seil- lng geranlwns to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Research. The price is $1.25 per plant. This worthy cause needs your support and what beterwa than beautlfylng your garden with these floter and gjing a child the breath of 111e at the same time. Please help the Klnmmen help these chldren wher they cali at yow' home. To order ln advance p1easu call Doug Wagg at 655-i or 419s. BROOKLIN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY PLANT SALE On Saturday, May 21, the Brooklln Horticultural Society wlll be holding a plant sale and auction al Grass Park commenclng at 10 a.m. There wlll hoa wide range of annuals, perrenlals, shrubs etc. foi sale. These plants have been donated from the gar. dens of members making it a great place to get vani eties that are not readlly available from "stores". The sale will h ld nain or shine so drop over if only to hear the Society's Infamous auctioneer, Ken Brown, in action. HOW COME.... ....They're called the secrets of succesa, yet everybody ls always telllng thsm to everyons else? .. .when a man tries to dnown his troubles, he neyer uses waten7 ...wrong numhors are neyer busy? ....Nighbouns whom we seldom ses ail ysan write to wish we were wlth them whsn they are 3,000 kilo- meters away? See YOD next week ...Roxanne Reveler- Brookfil Bakery drop-off Frldays, before noon please At Your Service OTTAWA - The Cana- dian Unity Information Office bas announced that an exhibition en- titled "At Your Service" wWll h coming to the Whltby Mail from May 17 to 21. The aim of the exhibition is to provide the resîdents of Ontario with information on the programs and services offered to them by the Government of Canada. Both young and old will find something of interest, whether it ho information on the eco- nomy, agriculture, social services or cul- ture. The exposition is housed in a 15 x 2.5 metre tractor-trailer. Vlaitors are offered a wide range of informa- LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON SUPER SPECIALS Mondays Perrus - 1/2 Price Wed nesdays 1/2Price, on every other service (except Perms> (This of fer appi ges to Susan only.) Cail for your appoiniment now. 119 GREEN ST.,9 WHITBY a kt ties of federal depart-, ments, corporations and 'agencies. Vsitors can also participate in in- teresting electronle games. The exhibition willI ho open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day. Admission la free and a variety of brochures will ho available. This exhibition is one of the prognams of the Canadian Unity Infor- mation Office designed to help Canadians learn more about Govern- ment of Canada activi- ties in various regions of the country. In each locality, the arrivaI of the "At Your Service" exhibition will ho publicized, in advance, through the 668-9262 Golf Week for Two local golf courses will h among as many as 150 central Ontario golf courses expected to ? participats in the r Easter Seal Society's eighth annual AI Bald- lng's Golf Week for Tlmmy, May 14 to,23. Country Lans Golf Course,' Taunton Road, Whltby, wIJl hold a special Tlmmy day May 16 while Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Ashburn, will set aside May 18 as their speclal day. Golfers can enter by attending any parti- cipatlng golf course and purchasing a Tlmmy score card for $10. Tis will cover the cost of green fees for the day as well as helplng out the Easter Seal Society. Two dollars fromn each entny fe goes toward prizes while the remalu- der goes to the Society. " More than $190,ooo has been.raised for Ont- ario's physically. dis- abled chlldren since that flnst tee-off lu 1976PPY said AI Balding, Golf Week Chairman. "Thilis year we're looking forward to an even biggsr improve- ment over any of the past yeans."P As an added feature, if one buys a TiNmzy score card, whethier one plays or not, the name« will ho eligible for a one- week's' vacation for two to Sun'n Lakes Estates in Sebring, Florida, Balding's winter resi- dence,' to be drawn at the Tounnament of Champions on July 5, along with many other prizes. MaIe and femnale vinners fnom each club will also ho eligible to compete at the Tourna- ment of Champions at Rolling is Golf Club à > Stouffville. This year's Timmy is 3lair Crawford, a. 13-, rear-old Oshawa resi- lent who attends ,oronation Public ýhool. Blair, who has cere- raI PaLy, enjoys iaking models, playing ie drums and horse- ack riding. The Golf Week, spon- ored, by Carling KeeSfe Breweries, la Id with the co- eration of eleven TVYPESETTJNG SON THE PREMISES.,. ý ILCOMPUTERIZED &PHOTO\ j AJXPI 'Take WE D)ID ITI c'fNte*MO VED THA T ISI , Evsrythlng's In place and rsady to kesp you ln tune wlth YOur musilc.makingi %argm am Plane. by Yamaha SanrCourme for Kide - uYaule 3 NALL N<èUSIc 400 King St. W.' (at Gibbons) (Dines Plaza) OSHAWA 571 -2100 Chain Link Fence Wooden'Fence Wooden Deck MMÉ ýl