mWHITBY FREE PRESS.WEDNESDAV MAY 110 1983, PAGE i1 HIGH SCHOOL NEWSWEEKý I-EART FUN» SUMMER ENTERTAINING The Durham Region Family YMCA wiil be offerixzg a four-week program called Spec- tacularly Summer En- tertaining9 from Wednes- day, Junel1to June 22, 7 to 9:30 p.m., at Whitby Senior Public School. Emphasis wii be on cooking dishes which can be made ahead of trne. The fee is $30 q(supplies included). The deadine to, register is Monday, May 30. Cail the YMCA at 668- M86 for further details. FLEA MARKET A flea market wilbe held Saturday,- May, 14 at Henry Street igh School in Whltby be- tween the heurs of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. People may rent space at the flea market for $15, with ail rentai proceeds te cystic fibrosis research. Anyone interested in rening space please caUl Lyn Beggs at 668- 0827. Co-op course at Anderson By BRENDA LAWSON Anderson C.V.I. Have you heard about the new interesting course which can be taken at school. This course is Co- operative Education or Co-op. This gives the student an opportunity to go out in the working field. The student'benefit.s fromn his experience working on the job and it helps hlm to decide if he reaily wan- ts to pursue it later on. Many students froîn Anderson are working for several local schools, businesses and facteries. These students are working as secretaries, mechanics, clerks, physical education teachers'or helping in a day care centre. Next yearour school has more students taking Ce- op; therefore, our school wilI become the second largest in Durhami Region which makes Co-op avail- able. Extra credits for their diploma wiil be earned by students who have a certain number of hours out- side' of school in this program. Class atténdance is mandatory also. Extra credits cannot be applied to grade thirteen subjeets. The students may have to apply for the Co-op job. If they are accepted, then they wii start in the second week of September. Mr. McGary, who is the teacher in charge of Co-op, makes up a certain time- table which ailows the student to go out into the em- ployment world during a spare, afternoon or mor- ning. This is known as a "work week" and this Iasts for two weeks. The students may get paid but their main reason for taking Co-op is to assess the future possibilities of a career in those areas. Transportation is usuaily by car, bus or taxi. This 15 paid by the Durham. Board of, Education. 0f course this program is successful because of the co-operation of the local people and businesses who have helped to make this, Co-operative Education prograni possible. On another note, the band is now in Kingsviile on an exchange. Also, last week the girls' soccer team In the past week we've said good-bye te Mme. Begy, one of olir French, teachers. Mme. Begy has changed professions - she is going te be a fuil-time mother now. The best always Mns. Begy. With every departure, of course, there is a replacement. Welcome to Ms. Louise Barrett. We hope you enjoy your stay at Denis O'Connor. A gentle reminder te those of us who are looking forward to summer holidays - exams are only five eeks awayl lost Wo Port Perry 3 to 1. The Computer Science students went on a trip to the University of Waterloo to work on the computersalal day. Even thougb they had te, get Up reaily early they enjoyed themselves. D'OC soccer Win By RAMONA MARTENS Denis O'Connor HIgh Schooi A bail floating down the creek is not of itself an unusual sight. However,1Âast Wednesday our girls' soccer teani played Central and the soccer bal landed in the creek. Our courageous (crazy?) Catherine Barber went after it - cleats and al! Af- ter this distraction DO'C played a very good game and, came out victorjlous with, a final score of 4-0. Beth Jubenville chaulked up two points and Coileen Lehman and Leisha.Brand one a piece. The nominations are in for the Musician of the Year Award. Anticipation is mounting. but Awards Night is three weeks away -and that is when the an- nouncement wilI be made. Good Iuck to ail candi- dates. The Great Library Book Sale proved to be a suc- cess. Sister Mary Carmel was very pleasedwith her venture and hopes to purchase new paperbacks for the library with the proceeds. Ted ARNTS, LOAM SUPPLY LTD. BROCK RD. N., PICKERING (1 % miles north of Hlghwey 2) TOP SOIL Sand Limestone Treaied Tim ber Stone Pinemulch Patio Siabs Curbs Firewood Peat-Loam INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES (DELIVEREO & OR INSTALLED) 683-0887 Available at: PICTURE THIS PHOTOGRAPHICS IN THE WHITBY MALL WHITBY MALL, 1615 DUNDAS E. WHIITBY 571-1851 We use j PHOTOFISHÎNG /1 -z 1670 Si mcoe Street N. Oshawa, Ont. LlG 4X9 686-21 66 AL DEAIIBORN SHELL FULL SERVICE Good Service Open 24 hrs. Dundas at Thlckson Whltby Credit Cards Aceépted DURHAiM MAZDAà NEW & USED LEASING AVAILABLE 1250 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-6881 'pil l l 725-3533 "'Where pr ice & quality meet" 1355 Harwood Ave. North ,,3,,,8 IAJ vujax WY WHITBY- I OSHAWA 1110 Dundas St. E., Whiltby Whitby, Oshawa Ajax, Pickering 666«,1772 686el1745 no ÎrODY'S SETTERl ciaist Robertson& Dawson LTD. A <oJ.?EVENT FOR AIL DRIVERS 16 TO 24 let PRIZE: TWO 1983 cm PLS$9MCS FYENTER I A FORD PRODUCT 11112 !E:a TWO SETS 0F GOODYEAR ARRIVA AIL SEASON RADIALS ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT YOUR NEAREST YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA TRAINING CENTRE Yu.!t)rL.s of Canada May 1% 1983 490 Waterloo St. AUTO SERVICE Generai repairs. *Air conditioning. 100 Victoria St.W. Car sales. Whitby 668-4411 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Chev, Olds, Cadillacs 140 Bond St. W.., Oshawa 725-650 Toroto Une I8.2ai1 SPRAY PAINTING COMPLETE BODY & PAINT From $32500 234 Mackenzie Ave. Unit 5. Alax SPEED AND CUSTOM Complefe cooling system -ý 177 Bond St. W., Oshawa 579-9552 Order 3 or more big beautIful colour enhargemnents from the tmre siz eand type of 1negalives or ulides end save 1/3 off our regulor prIces. No cropplng avallable. This 1 SAFETY'MINDED .BUSINESSES 728-8451