WF Running club Ian Barron has start- ed lits own running club known as the Whitby Tigers '83 with the sup- port of Richard Att- wood, other members and the Town of Whitby. Ian's club was orlginally based at his home (345, Dovedale Drive) but due to the re- sopnse of other runners he will be moving the club to the Iroquois Park Arena. A meeting will be held on Sunday, May 22, 7 p.m. at Iroquois Park for those interested in joining the Whitby -Tigers '83. Items to be discussed at the meet- ing and facilities, coachi- ing, registration. and team kits. A 10 km. run is being organized for Septemn- ber 11, 1983 in conjunc- tion with the Whitby P4arigold Festival. For furtherý detals please cail Ian Barron at 668- fie 4%,flfth annuî Nationial Book Festivi was slated for last wee ..and so was Educatie Week. E.A. Fairmai Public Sehool grabbe the opportunity ani comblned the two withà great deal of success. The bigliliglit of th, week was the announc. ing of winners in a con. test in which the child ren wrote stories oi made pictures aboul Canadian books. The prize was the thriil of a lifetime for some young- sters, the chance to fly with their parents over the sehool and historical buildings of Whitby. Celine Latulipe, a grade five student and one of the contest win- ners, was to fly over- head and see 400 studen- te in formation, speiling out "Fly Higli with Canadian Books". A plane containing a Toronto Star photo- grapher captured the moment on film but as Celine arrived a few moments later, ail aIe saw was a brief glimpse of the message. The kida had mistaken the Star photographer's plane for Celine's- and had broken the formation. Other conteat wlnners were Corey Lapeil, grade five; Sacha- Marie Chung, grade three; and Terrie Kal- nay, grade one. During the Book Festival / Education Week, teachers and stu- dents focused on Cana- dian books. Mrs. Jean Free, teacher-librarian, saidthat for the, past two weeks there have been few Canadian books left in their weil- stocked achool llbrary as ail have been quickly signed out as soon as they have been retur- ned. Teadher posted liste of Canadian books their clases read, wlth a slogan, "Hosers read Canadian books, eh?" Wednesday was another significant day for the students as not only was an open bouse held for the benefit of parente, but Mrs. Beverley Allinson, author of more than for- ty books, talked to class- es. Whltby's Most WIdely Read C1LASSIF.IED^ ADýS JFOR REINTFOR -RELNT ~' THREEÉ-ROOM tweWHITBY OFFICE SUITE?,% *With private washroom. Has over 750 sq. *ft. of fuily broadloomed and air-conditioned M* spaciousness. Main off ice about 32 ft. long. : Couid be divided Into smalier off ices. For * further Information' cali Catherine Moffat, Century 21 Goid Jacket Reaity Ltd. 668-6221- Residence 573727~ ~IONS g3~OA CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE fRI DAY, MAY68 AT 6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bni- tain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Brntaîn Rd. Settee, 2 setse of 4 matching pedestai chairs, 3 h.p. Iawnmowers, wooden Ice box, dough box, chest of ýdrawers, parlour tables, dinling room chairs, Rockwell- Beaver band saw, box trailer, Porta spot welder, 8 h.p. Sears ridlng lawnmower (electric start, excellent condition), qty. of coins, picture f rames, toals, china -& glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1,'Littlo Brithîn AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 7 10OA.M. To be held at Carfoot En- terprise, R.R. 1, Brock Rd. N., Pickering. 4 trac- tors, 2 haif tons, drIli press, air compressor, cedar posts, hay bind, post hale diggers, elec- trlc motors, metal shelv- Ing, number of small tools, household furni- ture, numerous other ar- ticles large & smail. Ter- ms cash. Property sold. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for acci- dents connected with sale. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640.3079 BELL your unwmnted articles quickly, emsiiy end economicaiiy with an ad iln your local flSws- paper - the Whitby Free Pross. calim661l1. HITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MAY 4, 1983, PAGE 19 5591 after 8 p.m. The Whitby Tigers ls open to ail categories of rners&theers -cto mde Aterations on cIothlng & draperies. "Rugby" cioth, jogging & swim woar. Bridai fabrics available. 2là 5 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-4821 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY pot Pourq4ri OPEN WORKSHOp Thursday nights-7 p.m.-G p.m. Duncan paînts, custom firIng and quallty greenware., 91 Station St.6303 I Ajax 630 1 for fun or, competitive. Coffee and dougimuts will beserved at the over our competitors quality dry clecining* ICadet's coupon plice and another major dry cleaner's coreguior price: AnotherI Ieading Cadet's dry coupon You Item cleaner puice SC» Ponts 3.00 1.98 1.02 Skirt 2,65 1.49 1.16,M I Sete 2.65 1.49 1.161 ICoat 34.00 19.95 14.05 *Puces confirrned Apdli 14 1983. 1! Copon must be presnle Suede cofft 27"' or Oas reg. $2395., 0oW only *17.98. Full- Coupon must be pmesnted I iîwv ony *19.98. Loather Coupon must be pmrntsd I wffh incomling ments pries«silghIly higher. &WsMce M wlth Incoming piSn cilh M laundceresd business shirts. lnh as Utleas'arn week. Mponts. g Expires May 31,19U3.Expirsa y 31. 1983. I Expires NU 31, 1983. c;eanersz J - - deee O5NA 636 KING ST. E.. Corner of Wison ( Mon.-Md. 9-6, Sot. 9-5) 579-2571 258 TAUNTON RD. E. and Riton Rd. N. (Mon.-Mi. 9-6. Sot. 9-5) 725-6076 MIDTOWN MALL. 2W0 John Street ~Monr 96. 2 9-5) 725-5070 IOeSLD PARK PLAZO. Roslond& Wlson (Mon.-F,. 9-6. Sot. 9-5) 725-6064 Annuai Dmpey aening Sale now on- savW $1.00 per panbl. WHitBfy THICKSON RD. & Dundoas St. E. <Mon.-Ff.99 Sot. 9-6) 725-5012 601DUNDAS ST. W., Corner of Froncis (Mon-Wed. 9-6. Thurs., Fui. 9-8, Sot. 9-6) s ;~cloners AJAX PLAZA. 134 Hiawood Ave. S. (Mon.-ed. 9-6. Thurs. FM. 9-8. Sot. 9-6) 1360 KINGSTON RD. (Plclcedng Hub-Pickeulng (Mon.-Wed. 8-7. Thufs.. , j.sote86 831-2616 y@<w MAflcfon »or >ouL mosw Over 100 sores cou 656&561 for lae sore nbrest you. Canadian'books, Eh? GUN AUCTION TH URSDAY, MAY 5 AT 7:00 P. M. Located et StouffvIllie Sales Bam, StouffyIlle. For'those wlshlng te, consign aune, we are reglsterlng Wednesday evenlng, May 4 from 6 to 9 p.m., end aIl day Thursday, wlth an 80 gun limit. For detalis cali the Bam 640-3813 or residence 640.569. Phil Faulkner & Bud McKee Auctioneers. m 1 Mmmm.