Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1983, p. 30

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PAGE 18, WEDNE$OAYMAV 4, 1983j WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read 9CLASSIFFfD, ADSte GARAGE WANTED Boir MUSICAL ARTICLES ATCE QèNMARgJ SALES< TO BUY SUPPLIES INTUET FOR SALE SA\ LES GA RKESAE T OIN Fr etc. atuPd a ce ,183 Mi 9owo Av@.t Spm. 501 MayllStee $15. 001 tP dER tlse. Y nOU ga urag e s do. o *ROOKLIN - 38 Way Street, Basement and Yard Sais, May 5, 8, and 7, 10 &m. ta 5 p.m. Chaire, tables, lampe, dressers, dîshes, Comnfiowsr, Nortake, Nippon, Depression, elivsrwcrs, crochet tabieclof h <old), wlndow 'nlrrors, 78 recorde (Gilbert & Sulivan, album), golf clubs and cart, pins twln bede, nlght table and chair, air conditions,, pool iaddsr and ohemicals, cratta, afghan, baby and oider clothes, canos, fraller and 12' aluminum boat, 10 and 7% h.p. outboard motora. SUPER STREET SALE - 14 Harp- or Court, Whltby, Saturday, Ma y 7 .from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If raln May 8. Fumîturs, baby neede, crotta and other treasurs. YARD AND WBASEMENt SALE - Scturday, May 7 f rpm 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. 2.30" bods comploe, brase bird Cage, chsese box; now box stove, Captains van seat, speak- ers, C.B. fog Ilghf s, ton speed bike, high chair, car seat, play- pen, lampa, tables, Isather bîke pente,, 8 ft. hardwood beame, nute, boite, odds and onde. 81 Meadow Crescent, Whltby, Garrard Road North f0 West- wood. I 3 HELP WAITEB Expansion ln the Pickering, Whitby, Ajax area, has created openings ln our Sales Division for success-oriented individuais. We are offering an out- standing opportunity: comprehensive training, an ongoing career deveiop- ment program with uniimited income potential., For Interview l Cali Inge Mutsaers 831-3600 EX-AMWAY, Ex-Shake, Ex-Olde World. Pure Life 0f fers mors money f0 Ifs distrîbutore than any ather company. For Informa- tion ccii6682565 svenings. JOBS avalabie ln AustreIla. Ccli: 1404-547-926 or 1-604-547-2184 24 hours 7 dcyu. RELIA13LE part tims hslp ta work al day Mondcys and ao Tues- day svenings.. Must be able f0 lft fumîture. Ideal for healthy, retir- Bd or semi-retired persan. For In- formation phone 416-985M161 or 294-1890. ROUTE DRIVER ta deliver papers «ach momin g ta, the Bmookiln/ Cicremont crec. Prefer someone with ail car. Cali colleot 576. NURSINGà CARE We specialize ln cars of pat- lents ln their own homes. Our ccrsfuliy acrsmened lnuured and experlenced nurses, compenions cnd home makers are avaliabis for full- time and pari-fIme nursing cars. Avalabie 24 hours. COMCAR,'Eh' 571-3501 ALOE VERA forever living dis- tributor. Bob Azzopcrdi 686-.000 BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Quallfiled Staff Chlldren From 18 Months to 2 Vears Hot Meals German Lessons 309 Bosch St., Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 AVABLBJ MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, lîve-In girls from Qusbec, heip with children and housework, sucese or refund guarentoed. Ccii 282-2478. Sh u dte mmk, ruoamioe oaui» itoh a @yjobtom u alque MWosa ts niMW ts Fmo oh* ONhoom gSmg "-rougi B. Ibd dOMM le h or w UooPooogoe. WIgoomba " lo So On ctgoofflgiW lte dg0gradlt oser rsjre ý- -ue &htgOgdy 01unoy ohoet WHITBY FREE PRESS WE BUY ànd SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE ÈWà(Gouda) Ptr ICal Martyl 1655-38721 Iafter 6p. m. CASH FOR GOLO Ail Goid and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, me- dais, and dental gold. Damaged or broken items acceptable. Spe- cial prices for Canadian and . American silver coins, any condition. Also buying any for.' eign silver coins. SHORTYS STORE 121l Brock St. N. Whltby Exclusive - Agent in Whltby for. Northiand Gold & Silver Inc. ~SERVICES] PROP and skeg repaire. Fast ser- DAY CARE In my home, West boat repaire. Fîbergiase sup- Lynde. nyeh hour, day or week. plies. Plastic shoot s, tubes and Large fenced yard. Hot lunches rode. Oshawa lss Fibre, 341 and snacks. Phono 66&9197. Durham St reet, Oshawa, 579- 1433. WFORAISALE GARDEN PLANTS TREES FOR SALE Hobby garder has sprucs, mapis, cedar, euh trees. Dwarf appie and pear trees. Llac, forsy- thia, Iris, peonles, rhubarb, hors- rsdish roots. Sfrawberry, rasp. bsrry plants. Ail very rsasonably prlced. For mors Information 655-4525. A FENDER 6 string acouaflo gui- fer with case and accessories, ln excellent condition, asking $130. Ccii Scott, 5790778, affer 5 p.m. FOR SALE CAMPING TRAILER, 1973 Lionel, eleeps 6, excellent condiftion, canopy, propane'et ove, ie box. $14,000. Phone 8887452 clter 6 p.m. FOR SALE: croc afreet mape, Whltby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and West Hill. DIckson Printlng & Office Supplies Sfore, AW~ Shopping Plaza,683-1968. Den e Inquiries lnvlfed. 4-SEATER sofa and matchlng chair sultable for rec room or cottage. Double bed suitabie for cottage. Avallable May 14, 1983. Phone svsnings and Safurdays 668-764. SUPPIES gq UPE--SPECIAL- I NURSERY GROWN SEVERGREENS AT WHOLESALE. *PRICES ALL UPRIGHTS $12 - $15ý ex. Sky Rocket 80 cm - 100 cm 812 Blue Hayon 100 cm 14 ALL SPREADERS $10 I ex. Golden Pt ltzer 60 cm [n Hwy. 7 a (2 miles w. of Brookiin) *8OLN -. WATCH FOR SIGNEJ5N- AUOOBILES ATOMOBILES FOR ALEFOR SALE 1901 CHEVROLET IMPALA, VO, air, 45,000 mils. Asking $6,300. phoneoE6685343 affer 6 p.m. 1977 MONTE CARLO, good con- dition, red with rBd Interior, 75,000 mlles. $3,000 or boas f.f fer. Phone 579-2533 or 576-4174.' CHRYBLER outboard motor scies, service. Parts and rentais. Wilde Renfai 655-8010. FOR SALE - Numerous Ifeme. Frldgs, aide by aide, $800. ODinng roomn suite, Victorien etyling, 6 chaire, table, buffet, $700. Dryer $100. TV console, floor model, $100. Old radio $150. Lovesest (2), plaid covsring, $100 sach. Onu cheserfieid sand veivet) $126. Aircondiflonor (nsw) $40. Coffes fables and end (blonds) $35. Soiett s(Vctorien) $150. Numerous chaire (4), $25 lsch. Antique smali stoves (2)' $100 ecch. Florentine pedestal fables $100. Coffesfable $100. Antique ilght $150. Numerous vacuum cleaners <3), $28 sach. Sterso, console, $200. Phone 668-4170 chter 6 p.m. GEOTYPE press-on iefferlng now ln stock cf Dickson Printlng & Of- fie Supplies ln fthe Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large seisctlon of styles and sizes. Why pcy more for a smailer eheet of lsftering? 683-1968. HITACHI receiver and fumtcble. Namnco speakers. 170 watts. Asking $1,000. Ccli 723-1447. - NEW - FROM JAP'AN- Violay cross stitch kits 0 Cushions. *Handbags e e Doiies.e *Runners.e TYRO CRAFTS 74 King St. W., Oshaw 571-2206 RiRPAI~R/PARTS PORT FERRY AUTO GLASS AND TRIM Windshieids - Vinyls Convertible topa, complets Inter- lors, boat top, and sete, un roofs, pin strîpea, mouldînga. Port Ferry 98507 rC 139 Ousen Street FORRAI.SALE 1974 FORD LTD,.very clean con- dition, cs le, $1,000 or boat offer. Phono after 5 p.m. 686.3935. 1974 PONTIAC ASTRE, 4 cyllnd. or, cutomaflc, 49,000 original miles. $40 or boat offer. As le. Phono 662187 or 655-3279. 1971 OLDS DELTA 88, V8, auto. mctlc, In goad conditlion. $550 as le. Ccli 8661400. USED BIKES, SALE <SOILDAS 18) 1973 CB 550 799 Hondc 1980 XL 100 ~599 1979 CR 250 MX$ 799 1977 KZ 750 19 Kcwasakl <complotsiy drossod) 1982 CB 450 $1799 (KnIght Hawk) Honda 19798Black CB. $899 400 Honda 1979 CX 500 $1699 Deluxe Honda 1980 T250 89 Yameha DUMAM CYCLE UI 576-3150 "HEROES of the Bibi" coourlng book availabie et Dickson Print- Ing & Office Suppy, Ajax Plaz, 63-1968. Dealer Inqulirea In. yif sd. LAWN.BOY lawn mowere, 10% off flat price, utart ct $17995. Wilde Rentai 855-8010. PING-PONG table for sale. Use two to three times. Asking $50. Ccli 576-2047. TORO.lawn mowers, 10% off flest prico. Wilde Rentai 655-801. 2" Stormi Doors Triple Seaed 5 ooe$ 189 e .4 styles, instailed lnciudlng tax. Also eco- nomIcal and energy efficient etorm or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 VISIT our used fumniture ware- house, by appointment., Qg savingo on deeks, chaire, fIlllng cabinets, etc. Cai Dickson Print- lnlg & Off Ie Supplies to arrange an appolnfment to vlew. 683- 1968. WAREHOUSE ,CLEARANCE. Huge"savînge on Landecreens.. (Dîvîders) for the off ie. These acreens retaîl new for up to $250.00 eh and we regularly ssIi fhemn used for between $75 and $125 sach. You can buy themn now, white eupply fasta, for oniy $2999 each. Your cholce ýfrom neariy on@ hundred used Land- acreena, eah and carry. Tels- phone now to 683-1968 f0 arrange an'appolntment to view at our Ajax Ussd Office Fumniture Ware- houas. Dlckson Prlntlng & Ofi ie Supplies, Ajax 883.1968. WOOD STOVE, Fîsher Marna, $280. Ding roomn suite, Formica and wood table with extension, 4 wood and cioth chairs, $95. Cali ý(J ARICES1 FOFO RIENT' TY11PWRITER reniai, many makes and modela, by the wseksnd, week or month. Discounts avail- able. Dickson Prlntlng & Off kde Supplies In the Ajax Piaza. Ccii us for business machine repaire 683.1968. FREL'Drop Into the Dickson Printing & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up c frs copy of their 1983 Metrlc Caton- dar. Printed In two colours, it moaes for hcndy reference. 683. 1968. FED7 cCONoSFGRN ~RENT LARGE 2 bedroom apcflment ln smnail Port Whltby builing. availl MbO July 1. $40 per month ln- cludes fridge, atove, hydro and parking. Cable TV and lcunclry facilîties availabie. Phone 68 8372 between 9:30 &.m. and 5 p.m. W W VACATION I 'L RENTALS 1 FLORI DA Clearwater - Three bedroom mobile homes. Pools, tennis, close to beaches and major at- tractions, children welcome. S225.00 U.S. weekly <iess than motel room). 683-5503J '~~JW~D~ ~ -~ - V ~ ~ ~ ,,~-, SLWArADDING THE NEW WING !TD YOUR TROFHY ROOM. - HONDACR250R SERVICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with 10 years of expert serviclng e xperience. DURHAM « CYCLE LTD. Taunton Rd. E. & Townllne, Oshawa 576-3150 UPEN: Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Thurs. 9-7; Fr1. 9-9; Sat. 9-5 J' q -3 trILil fe

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