Speaking to You By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. (A> (PC-Ontario) 1 recently had the opportunity to take part in the debate on Bill C-136, the Bill which would provide the authority needed to initiate the Small Business Investment Grants program (S.B.I.G.). This program was first introduced by the Liberal government in their June 1M8 budget, and would allow smahl businesses to apply for grants of up to 4 per cent in order to reduce their interest costs to as low as 12 per cent. Typically, the Léiberal government bas dreamed Up another band-aid program which they wil use to try and patch up a serlous problem after the fact. Rlght now there are 1,600,000 people unemployed in Canada, and of this number over 50 per cent are fromn the small business sector. In my own riding, I bave seen inany former one-man and family businesses declare bankruptcy, after years 0fý long hours and bard work trying to make the business survive. These busmnesses employed one or two people who are now out of work and out of Unem- ployment Insurance. At a time when they were pleadlng wlth the governinent to provicle some in- centive and assistance to the small business sector, to get them back on track, the government dld not listen; they were too busy spending their money. Now the government wants to push this bull through the House of Commons, umplying that. the Opposition Party us deliberately delaying a program whlch would assiat thé small business in- dustry. I cannot foresee the qulck passage of this bill, because It is nota total program. Wbat we need is a total, comprehensive plan for the micro, small and medium size industry. The S.B.I.G. program is not bad legisiation, but my objection us that it is only a temporary solution and it wouldn't provide the stabillty that the small business industry so des- perately needs. We need to give to the people in the. small business sector the security which they require so that they can solve the one major problem we bave, here in Canada, and that is creating jobs. This legisiation is the absolute opposite of what is needed in the small business sector. The govern- ment is trying to correct the mistakes wbich they made in their last budget, which -in effect penalized instead of assisting the backbone of the Canadian economy; the small business sector. To astmistress meeting held By BETTY DUBOWSKI Whltby Toastmlstress The Whitby Toastmistress held its regular meet- ing on Tuesday, April 19, when guests and members were warmly greeted by hostess Shirley Mac- Donald. President Lee Hewitt chaired the meeting and in- troduced returning guests Pam Noralten and Ismnay Needham to the assembly. Invocation was given by Betty Dubowskl. The evening's theme was "The Challenge of Change " and all phases of the meeting emphasized this theme. Topicmistress Dorothy Hart requested one-mmnute impromptu speeches from ten partici- pants and awarded the trophy for the best mini- speech to Marguerite Kulik. Educational features' deallng with elections and preferential voting within the organization were presented by Marguer- ite Kulik and Shirley MacDonald. Grammarian Dorothy Hart displayed the word "omniscience" and spoke of the meaning and use of this word. After recess, the speaking part of the program was directed by Toastmistress Germaine Barr. Speakers included new member, Alima Lusito, and 8564. r 4 WHITBY FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY APRI I 27,'1983, PAGE 5 m o- LAST o SE DAYS WED., APR. 27 to SAT., APR. 309,1983 SOME EXAMPLES - REG. HOOVER CANISTER............99.95 G.E. CANISTER............... $135.00 HOOVER UPRIGHT............ $149.95 G.E. POWER-TEAM............249.95 ELECTRIC BROOM............. 59.95 KENMORE POWER TEAM ...479.00 KIRBY....................... 849.00 FILTERQUEEN............- -$65900o ELECTROLUX .................49.00 FAIRFAX POWERMATE ....$795 CLEARANCE $39.95 $39,95 $59,95 $99.95 $19.95 $199.95 $299.95 $29995 $299.95 $299.95 For This Clearance OnIy We WiII Stay Open Tonight Tomorrow, And Fri. Until 9 PM. 9 c OFF 2 YEAR GUARANTEE (PARTS & LABOUR) WE GUARANTEE THE PRICE YOU PAY WILL BE 40% To 70% LESS THAN YOU WOU LD EXPEOT TO PAY AT*U STORE, FOR VACUUM,à nxMAKE,ATUXTIME. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (IN WRITING) OnIy 23 Pieces Lef t to Choose From' MISTER VACUUM 1750 PLUMMER ST., UNIT 5. PICKERING 839-6703 (CALL COLLECT ... WE'L SURPRISE FOU.) HOURS Tues. - Fr1. a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday 0 a.m.-4 p.m. I'osed MON. *VISA mI * MASTERCARD SE Second, place finish Anderson C.V.I. students Geoff Wilhams and Anna Stasinakis-com- bined for a second place linish i the recent COSSA badminton champ- ionships. -Free Press Staff Photo WARE .HOUSE CLEARANCE 0F Fi Foor Models and Demon stra tors,." Whitby Fabrios NEW MANAGEMENT Drapes & Sheers - customn made. *Aterations on ciothlng & draperies. "Rugby" cIoti, jogging & swim wear, Bridai fabrlcs avaliabie. 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-4821 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ý -i