Jr. ^firefighters program Tbe llth annual Wbit- by Junior fireflghters prograrn is now accep- tlng registrations for what promises to be an educational as well as enjoyable experlence., Tbe prograffi, avail-, able free of charge to, Whitby youngsters, age il to .13, bas been ex- panded to six sessions, eacb wlth maximum enroirnent of 30 kids, this year. A mornlng session from July 4 to 8 bas already been filled. A session on the saine dates wlll last frorn 1 to 4 p.rn. Tbe third and fourth sessions wiil run trorn July il to 15 and wiil last from 9 to 12 moon (third) and 1 to 4 p.rn..(fourth). The final two sessions wii take place July'18 to 22, wlth the morning activities lasting frorn 9 to 12 noon and the afternoon class- es from 1 to 4p.m. "The prograrn is part enjoyment as well as educational," sald Deputy Pilre Cb1ef Tony Van Doleweerd. "The kida corne out of here wltb a pretty good knowledge of fire safe- "Tbey're our ambas- sadors to the borne," added Van Doleweerd. Registration -forrns, available té' both boys and girls, are available through the local schools, at tbe main fire bail on Brock St. South and at tbe Tbickson Rd. firebouge.m OPEN HOUSE Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute wiil bold its annual Open Houm on Wednesday, April 27 from 7:30 until 9:30p.rn. Christmas Seal camp Registration for this summer's 'Christmas Seal Day Camp for asth- rnatic children is now under way, witb 25 available vacancies for cblldren aged between five and fine at tbe Camp Sarnac faciity. Funded by Durbarn Region Lung Associa- tion, tbe camp wiil operate between Mon- day, August 15 and Friday, August 26 (weekdays only) and prior registration is essntial. Astbmatic children frequently miss out on summer fun because of their- breatblng difficul- ties, and the main objec- tive of tbe 'Christmas Seal Day Camp is to dernonstrate that, wlth only a little extra care, tbey can participate in regular summer activi- ties as fully as their non- astbrnatic friends. Ail the usual activities, associated with camp- ing wlll be offered under the supervision of five professional camp staff, lncluding a reglstered nurse; cookouts, nature trails, water- sports, country crafts and a sleep-over night on Tbursday, August 25 are ail featured i the camp experience * Door-to-door bus transportation is avail- able for 'children resi- dent in Oshawa and Whitby. Registration fees for the'two-week period bave been set at '$40 par child (which in- cludes transportation) , and for familles with more than one childat- tending, this rate is re- duced to $20 'for the second child. The Association is prepared to reduce or eliminate fees in indivi- dual cases of financial hardship. For more in- formnation on this Christ- mas Seal 'Service cal Durbamn Region Lung Association at 723-3151. lBattile of Atlantic parade- Whltby's annual Par- ade and Service com- xnemoratlng the Battle of the Atlantici World War Il wll be held Sun- day, Mayî.L Royal Canadian- Le- glon Branch 112, Whit- by, sponsors of the event, wlil again be sup- ported on Parade by the Whitby Ses Cadet Corps and their marchlng band, plus idividuals and groupe representing the Town of Whithy and many clubs and organi- zations i the area. Participants Winl assemble at the Legion Hall on Byron Street South for fail-in and move-off at 12:40 p.m. sharp. The parade will proceed to the Cenotaph (esst of the four corners on Dundas East) for the servioe, and wlll be dis- mlssed back at the Hall. Itrmarks the 4th anni- versary of the epic Bat- tie Wf the Atlantic, in which so many of our sailors fought and per- lsbed in order tbat com- mand Wf vital sea-lanes could be maintained for the troop and 'supply ships that contributed so heavily to the eventual Allied victory and the end of -hostilltieý in Europe. Groups or individuals wlshing to participate in any part of the Parade snd Service, perbaps to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph,. please cal the Brancb Sergeant-at- Arrns, John Yates, at the Hail, 666-9028, before May 1. Tulip festival Tbe Seniors' Actlvlty Centre Is sponsoring a three-day trip to tbe Ot- tawa Tulip Festival May 14t,15 and 16. Tbe. cost, whlcb in- m cludes two nigbts ac- cornmodation at the Skyline Hotel, welcome cocktail party, and breakfast daily, is $159 per person double oc- cupancy. BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 DROP INT H TE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION Hospital Week Take notice that May 1-7, 1983, is hereby pro- ciaimed as "Hospital Week" ln and for the Town of Whltby. Citizens of Whitby are reminded of the Important role.that hospitals have ln our community. Dated ai Whltby, Ontario, this 1983. lst day of May, R.A. Attersley, Mayor, Town 0f Whitby. J Flea, market The Seniors' Activity Centre is holdig a fies market May 7 from il a.m. until 3 p.rn. Fred -Watson Winl put on bis annual "Watom Gallery" botterw known as, the Senior Citlzens Downstairs Art Show at the fies market. CIao. members- onty are requestedi to brlng their entries to the Centre by May6 q:IUC O1 N!J AU3ONS AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 30 12 NOON The Estate of» the late MRS. 'HELEN HOLTBY plus'added furnîture ln Brougham o n Hwy. 7 just west of Brock Rd. Sale of large qty. of original De- pression glass ln, blue, plnk & green, sets. of De-ý pression glasses, 5 blue, Depression dessert dish- es, Depression plates, bowls,,fruit bowls, candy dishes, etc. Number of souvenir plates, 3 water pitchers, Kings Crown fruit compote, Occupied Japan- mug, number of hand painted plates, number of good china cups & saucers, qty. of Tupperware, number 0f sealers, copper bolier, crocks, silver plated tea S'et, Alfred Meakin set of dishes (approx. 64 pieces), Anniversary dlock, qty. of linen, cedar chest, 4 chests of drsw- ers, 5 single beds, red- wood patio, furnit.ure, 9- pc. walnut dining suite (good), antique dresser, oak curlo cabinet, drop- front desk, set of -6 pressback chairs (repro), upright piano, vanity, dlocks, trunk, refriger- ator, garden tools, plus numerous other articles. Quantity of good colleot- or dishes. Terms cash. No reserve. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4m3 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, APRIL<29 0:30'P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bn.- tain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Littile Britain Rd. The pro- perty of MRS. LILIAN CHAPMAN -of Toronto. Duncan Fyfe drop-leaf table, 3-pc. modemn bed- room suite, Zenith port- able & console TV's, c00k'atove," dining'room extension table, antique rocking chairs, qty. of ,brass hand belis, Victro- 1la-dâned bottom chairs, 6'dining room chairs, wooden wali telephone, pine- cheat of drawers, spinnlng wheel, 12 gà uge'Stevens shotgun (new), qty. of picture frames, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER RI.R.1, Little Britain S705-78041l83 Aftend An .ýAUCTiON :îSALE TitS Wnknd. Great Fun! Great Buys! POLICE Âuç7TIoN * DURHAM RE.GIONAL POLICE FORCE ,77 Centre Street N., Oshawa, Ontario Saturday, April 3Oth, 1983 Sale starts 10:00 A.M. By Public Auctîon Whereas no ciaims have been made by the owner of the property in pôssession of the Durham Reglonai Police Force, by reason of having been stolen f rom its owner, or by rea- son of having been found abandoned ln a pubiic*place and the Force'is unabie to as- certain its rlghtful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than the 3 months required. Articles for auction are as follows: bicycles and miscellaneous Items. Sale to be held ai the rear,0f 30 Wiiam Street, Oshawa, Ontario. TERMS: Cash Jon M. Jenkins Chief of Police GUN AU 'CTIONý >THURSDAY, MAY 5 AT 7:00 P.Mi. Lwotd et Stouffvllle Sales Barn, Stouffvllle. For those wlshlng to conslgn gunu, we aoe reglstoring Wednhscay *venlng, May 4 from 6 to 9 p.m., end &Hl dey Thursday, wlth an 80 gun lmit. For detalle cali the Bam 0640-3813 or roeldoncs-1 040-509. Phll Faulkner & Bud McKee Autlorw.rs. WHITOY FREEPRESS, WEI)NÉSDÀY' A'PRI L 27' WHITBY~~~~~ "@quel &RS.WDEDYARL~ ~Pflg 10ur Whltby's Most WideIy Reacl CLASSIFIED ý- a m