PAGE 16, WVEINESIJAY APRIL. 27, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mm.. PEU.. lm I Emporlum Ads will only be accepted subject to the following conditions, I 2~- ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SEALE1 ATARI 2M.0,ln good condition, wlth two Joysticks, two paddess and five cartrldgss (Pitteili, Pac Men, Vldso Oiymplcs, Starmaster and Space Invaders>. $250 or beat offor. Phone 008-4495. BASS guitar and amp for sale. Vantage VSM9B sisctric base, with hard chi case and cord. Traynor base amp TS25B - oe 15inch speaker, 25 watts RMS. Both Ilkm new, $45 for the pair. Cali Ray, 008-3418, eveninga. BRAND NEW 24 volume of ency. clopodias8, 10 vol. chiidren's ciaasics, 4 vol. medical book. Worth 81200..1olifor $M9. Plase Cali 72&.2370. CHANCE table $12. Girls baby and toddlsr clothlng: 28 items 500 scs, ;22 Items $1 eCch. six baby 81h0éto and biankets $1. Dia. par poili $2. Blseoli carpet cwoep. or $12. -Electrla floor polîsher $15. Cash oniy. Phone 06&2510.< ELECTRIC lawnmow.r, Sunboam d@iuxo, $100 or boat offer. Ccli ROB09E ELECTýUXrug champooor, new condlition, uce twico, $20. On. mâto-cro eh, excellent condition, 8$W. One 20"1 chiid'c. bih . 0.Phone 5764M9. 6 PIECE kitoon eset with brown uPhOit.rcd chairs, excellent condition, $200. Chiid's desk and matchIng chair $25. Cal affer 5 p.m. 0864. FOR SALE BMX, Raleigh framo9, Viccount arboosent, ally ceaI poat, clamp nock, 1 poce'7" crank, 40-18 gearing, Raleigh tango forkc. Asking $100. Cali Rob 579.0678 alter 4 p.m. FOR SALE - Convertible bicycle, 20'" whsel, Canadian made, ln ex- collent condition, $70. Ccli 668& 6W87after 6 p.m. FOR SALE - 45 aluminum Insert windows, oes sze, 403" 45") x 37",Mea»ch. Phono 655-4097. FOR SALE. '1978 Honda XR75, mint condition, $40. 1976 Honda XR75,' gond condition, $350. Boat, 14' fibergimas, convertible top; motos, 30 h.p. Johnson, elec- tric stort; and trailer, 800 lb.; $1,250 for package. Phono 655. 3977. FOR SALE* Zenith 19", black and white TV, $00. Wnnger wacher, excellent condition, $100. Cash only. Phone 0810063. 4 PIECE antique bsdroom suite $00. 1972 Delta Olde, runs, net certilfed, $200. Qusen size bed- cpread, drapes and sheers $100. Phonoe0082551 affor 4 p.m. week- Sday$. Ail day weknds. GARDEN TRACTOR - waik behlnd heavy duty type, Briggc a Straton engin., 12 Inch tires, 3 epelds forward, neutrai and re- verse, four cttachments lnciuded. On. furrow piow wlth coulter, onbe disec harow8 disce); one cuivator, one front end blado for grading Mnd snow. Ail ln A- chape. $990PhoneO5499. GL. SlowCooker, used twlce, $2. G.E. Coffeemcatic, gond con. dition, $20.Phone 008.7905 tter GRANOFATHER dlock fer sco. A li111e ~os e ot tell,couid Cherr. wood, Westminster dlock, Lyre 6%" pendular. Finied te your requirementc $850. Phone 05&- 4097. HEAVY duty carjack $60. SewIng machin. $50.Tll white book- case $50. Wheelbarrow, n.w, $20. Oid ock wach stand $45. Four 0* cKcrs $15 each. Camp stove $20. Stop ladder $12. Iron f ramne oid echool desk $40. Men's biko 350. Large eld creck $35. Typowriter $30. Phone 8-68 GUNS FOR SALE: 20 gauge $60. .22 cal. $50. Caii 728-4849 and ask for Ken. JET FLOATINO dock, la places, $50. Cact ron roll top bathtub, $50. Ccii 68-7496. KILN, In gond condition, 3 years oid, csklng $450. Air brush, 2 Yccrs old, asking $100. Free giazers Included. Phone 86&. 1677 cherS p.m. ICUBOTA Flil mower, new, 5 foot wide, fins cut, model 3061, $2,01X). Phono 655&3477. MANS cheepakin ceat, sizo 40, brand new, worn oniy twice. Bought for $40. AskIng $200. Mustusii. PhoneO0062119. MUST SELL 26" color T.V. $200. Becutiful pîcturo. Two 12" black & white TV's $100 or $60 each. Ccli i8-7017. NEW black swivel bar stool, regular $109.95, acklng $75. New flourescent llght fixture, two tubes, 48"1, with bulbe, csklng $20. New large Tonka toys, ask- ing $15. Ccli 068058. 1950 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typewrlter $25. Three 5x7 vinyl covered room dIviders with loes, $15 each. Four floor polishers, $25 each. Phono 576- 0709. 1970 CHEVELLE, 4 dr., gond run- nlng condition, needs minor work for certification, $200 ae le. 1978 Honda 400 twin, mint condition,. beer box, highway bars and mag wheois, must be seen, $1,200. Two burgandy bed chairs, lik. new, 880/pair. On. Yerk exorcise bench wlth leg exorciser $60. Calii 608&2912. ONE hscvy duty est of acetylene torches, by iquid air, comples with cuttlng tip and hoses, $200. New heavy duty air hammer $40. Phono 686-4874. Calii 008.0111Io place your ad. -PLEASE READ - When the advertieed Item la seld, dlepoeed of, or u'navailable for whatever reasen, the Item wll be deemed ho have been eeld and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiuetrated beiow, regardiese If price la etated wlth "beet offer". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dieposed of, the ad wlll be run fer 3 MONTHS and c MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00 wiii apply payable ln advance of publication of the f iret ad. Otherwise a 87.50 charge will ap. ply If blled whlch muet be paid upon recelpt of bill. The above minimum charges wiiI be applied te the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 *pra-pald; 87.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertaeente muet be placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one monthIl ifnet eeid. 5% ofiadverticed pnice up to 8400.0o RATES (if article la sold): EXAMPLE: "od Item adverhic.d for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge la $6,00>. Private advertleing onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Prose lmmedlately whon Item la sold se that we may deieto it from the foiiowlng Issue. Ail ado not fitting the Emporium guldelines willlb. troaied cnd chargod por week as regular classilid ada on a pre-paid base uch as: services, heip wantsd, clothIng, resi estate, and personal message type ada. or ado not quoling price or quantity. Private ciassifled ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriais headInge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTH ERWISE SPECIFIED. -MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206. Whitby, LIN 581 If In doubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 arock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ATOMOTI MoRCYCLES PAT FOR ALE AUTOMOTîVE PARTS FOR SALE - Four 7" wlde dsep dislh spokod universel rime for 15" tires $125. On. new elotronic Ignition con- version kit for ai GM '/8's 195910o 1974 ernd American Motors V's 1963 ho 1974 wiih Delco distribu- tors $5. Phono 579-2352. RADIAL TIRES, two GR70-15 tires, #air condition, $45 pair. Ccii afler ô p.m. 668-3885, ONE Gendron Infant love smat $25.* On. Gendron chIid love seit $50. Both In gond condition. Phone 655-3575 after 5 p.m. and weekends. SkCEARTICLES i OBILJES ~iSi~ SALE FOR SALE W FRSALE PROPANE gags pacc heater com- piste with pipes $125. Wrlngor waehing machins $75. Phono 723-1005. SUEDE Jacket, rcbbit fur colaer, excellent condition. Worn twice, drycloanod, cimost nsw. Size 16. AskIng $100 or offer. Con. tact Mike or Annette at 0888404. 3 H.P. SEARS comprosser, 30 heurs use, 25 galion tank, $950 nogetiabis. Phono 055-3503. TWO AR-14 bookahoîf 2way speakers ratod at 150 watts each $225. Twe Shure SM-57 micro- phones comploeswith desk stands, low Impsdance, $150 for paI r. On. large Lazy Boy rocllnsr, leather, siightiy worn, $75. Phoe 666&3958. 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Chan- nel Mlxboard. Great fer recording or perfermIng. Excellant condi- tien. Pcld $1,800. Asklng $900. Phono 686-4868 sftsr 6:30 p.m. VACUUM - FlItsr Quson wlth et. tachmsnts. Excellent condition. $150. Phono 743-0929. WOODEN DESK $70. KItchon cupbocrds, countor, double sInk, $40. APartmont slzed humidifier $50. Please ccli 668.2785. 1One cd ln tho Whitby Fres Press Empori. um Section wili sii almoat anythIng. Ccii66.611 te Place your cd. 1973 FIREBIRD "ESPRIT", nseds body Werk, $1,100 In nsw parts. Will Iliifer same. Negtable. Caii 7286Msoaftr 5p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTHI FURY, 318, autemnatic, power brakes, power atoerlng, hoivy duty, rune goed, nosdcsnome body work. $250 as le or trado for air compresser, uand biceting equipment or paint equlpment, Cali 668-8785. 1972 BWICK SKYLARK, body geed condition, neede transmis- sen, V8, big block, nsw tires on roar. $30 or offer. Phono 668.1377. éni7 UOMILES C »MT-ivE WFORSASALE 190 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, 2 1973 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN dean, standard transmission, for parte. Gond body parts. Tiree good condition, 35 M.P.G. Aek- on rima and 4-epeed transmis- Ing $5,695. Phono 728-7158 any- sien wîth swing axies. Parts $5 te, time. $75. $150 for ail. Phone 282-8760. MOVINO - 9 placoe olîd oak dlning room cuite. Brand new - neyer used. Podeetai extension table, belge volvet on chaire. 7- foot buffet'and hutch with llght glass on aides aise.' Exqulsito. Paid $5,997.98, asklng $4,700.00. Bought 2 menths cge. Phono 668-2395. NOTHINO botse an ad ln the Whitby Free Proes Emporium Section whon It comas te ssiiing your unwanted articles. Cal 668. 6111 now. QUEEN.SIZE bed chostorfield, red veour, lîke new, $400. Ccli 66&2702. OUEEN.SIZE waterbed wlth brown veivet button tuf t, four pester with wator mattrese, heat. or, waterbed shoots and mattrose cover lncluded. $50. Ccli 668- 6998. TWIN mattress, box eprIng and frame, extra long, 80", excellent condition, 8100. Phono 579-3354. 1981 HONDA Intorstcte, 14,000 km. Too many options te liât. Ex- collent condition. $5,400. Cali 655-3917. 1900 HONDA 400 . eHAWK, bought ln spring 1981, gond con- dition, heimets and c rain suit In- ciudsd, 17,000 km., weii maIntain- ed, muet oeil, 81,200 or boat offor, wili cortify. Eminent organ, Solina A315, two full koyboards, f ive pro-set percussions, Orbi- tons and Arpegglo.matic Ritmlx box, foot podala, $1,550 or boat effor. Phono 683-4307. 1900 YAMAHA Enduro 175, iow mloage, vory gond condition, $1,000Ofirm. Phone 608.6494. 1978 05 KZ KAWASAKI, 15,000 kiiometers, -good shape, must ssii. $1,000 csrtified. Phonoe888& 5155. VAMAHA trail bîko, NX 80, bought new summer ef 1982, novor rlddon In wIntor, mint con- dition. Perfect boginnsr's motor bike, $695. Ccli 65.4267 after 4 p.m. THINK MONEY - Thlnk the Whit- by Free Prose Emporium Section. One omail advorlssment la ail it takos. Place your article for sale ln the WhItby Free Prose and get Immediate rosuits. The Free Prose la rsad by over 70,000 potentiel buyers oach we.k. ThInk about what we con do for you ... thon ccli us. Whitby Free Prose 668.6111. INSTRUMETS HOHNER Tango Il M Accordian, 96 base, totaiiy recondionsd, $900. Thrse-yoar-old Yamahc Claseical Gultar, excellent condi- tion, $120. Phono 688.7965 after 5 p.M. SILVERTONE sloctrlc chord organ, 72 chords, gond condition, wlth bench, $200 firm. Ccii 68& 8955. G'TAILERS APACHE 'Mosi" Triler, 1975, goed condition, 2.20 lb. propane bottes, 3-way frldge, n.w spars tire, Bles 6, curtaIns, ai ABS sxtorior, $2,500. Phone 608.7965 alters5 p.m. COVERED box triller, 7 foot by 12 test, 5 foot high, remevabis top, 2 electric bnîko exige, 81,800. Phone 655-3477. THERE ARE PEOPLE wIllIng te pay good monoy for thIngs you've tlred ef. Place your cdvor. tisemnent ln the Whitby Free Prosse Emporium Section. As fast as a phono ccli, recuits happent Cali 668.6111 today. 1974 CHEV % TON with ccp, 64,00 original milo«, vory good runnIng condition - body nseds work. 81,000 firm. Phonoe608. 4M30b.twoon 6:30 pm. end 9 VAN - 1962 M Ton Chev, 350, V8. 4 barrot. Super Van conversion, loadeni with extras. AskIng $16.500. For flet of options, pieseeCcci 08.178. FOR immediate resulte, adventice ln the Free Prose Emporium. Check your closets, situec and basomsnt - shirt summer with cash ln hand and yeur cpring cisanlng dons. Caii 6084111 now. 668M61 11 h -~ -~----,~------- ~-~- - NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUILDS The newspaper, of ail media, commands the most re- sponse by the consumer. The consumer needs certain faith in its buying power and their local newspaper provides a buying guide that helps families make import- ant decisions. The Whitby Free Press can motivate sales for every retailer - regardless of size. Advertise with us and be in good company with successfui retailers of every size. WHITBY FREE PRESS 2% of balance over SM.00 lÃ