PAGE 14, WEIJNESDAY APRI L27,,1983, WHITBY FR EE PRESis L Vandale 4SPECIAL Vandals :aused $,0 daaewben they 1 ALL TV wide, 4-foot blgh block I SERVICE 12 0 walI at the site of the V' CALLS WrrTxnew Otter Creek, Public 1 THISAD ONLY 21 School'some time We tenlast Thursday and Friday nigbt. Durham Regional ~Police say that five FA LC N TVjuveniles bave been ap- BLAIRPARK LAZAprebended and are B00LAPIN RIARK PLAZAbeing questioned con- 100 LU IN DRI E, WHIB cerning the m atter. 6686060Police caution that Open MIl Day Saturdays anyone wbo causes any furtber damage will be charged. cestaura#/ and ZrOPEINIG SPECIAL) of these dinners G;ET 1 for 1/2 PRICE ROAST PRIME RIB 0F BEEF House select Roast Prime Rlb of Beef, au jus wlth horseradlsh $10.95 Value or T BONE STEAK WITH MUSHROOMS The flneat and most desirable of ail red meats charcoal brolled wlth just a hint of spîce. $10.95 Value Above dinners Incude - Soup or Saled, Potatoe, Vegetble, Roll à Butter or GUdilc Bread. 1009 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 666m2811j Are you between age 60 and 71? If you are and you wish to secure a'payout annult from your RRSP, call: HERB TRAN 668-5968 725-6564e Mutual Life of Canada Product Placement Service Typ e writer RENTALS also SALES"& SERVICE1 Saturday was the per- fect day for tbe opening of a brand new WealI and Cullen Garden Cen- tre in. Wbitby. The sky was clear, the tempera- ture was warmn and the mood was genuinely friéndly. The event was another line in the suc- cess story of Cullen Gardens. Tbe new building, de- signed by Owen Hacbey, reflects tbe best of early Ontario architecture. The decor consists of barrn boards,.' Irougb bewn beams, early wail 1- paper styles, the com- plimenting use of green plants, indoor flower arrangements, and banging pots.. The officiai opening, last Saturday, was con- ducted by Mayor Bob Attersley and Durham Regional »Chairman Gary Herrema. Weail and Cullen have been doing -business in tbe town of Whitby since GýALA OPENING Frlday, April 29th "MA RRIA GE- GO-ROUND"I Starrlng - John Bayllss, Kaibrine Guselle' Terrence Siater & Jane Whlteley Tonlght & To-morrow Nlght April 27& 28 Dinner L< DlnnerlShow Package f rom Il7.95 Plyo s Nlghtly Including Sunday. 2 Shows Sot. 419 BROOK STREET N; WHITBY 668-OM0 TOR/IAJAX 686-3911 land bas grown from 22 acres in that year to present holdings of close to 300 acres. "We have made no at- tempt at being the larg- est but we have made an attempt at being the best," said general manager Mark Cullen. The Henry Street 111gb School Concert Band and the visiing Willlamoville N.Y. Higb School 'Band provided the musical entertamn- ment. Remax Realty Com- pany of Whitby demon- sÊtrated the,, exciting" sport of hot air balloon- ing and the Cullen bor- ses provided free trans- portation to visitors, between the new garden centre and Cuilen Gar- dens. Weall & Cuilen Gar- den Centre Is located'on Taunton Road, 3 Miles nortb of the 401, just west of Higbway 12. FUNYP.. GOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street Somtb, Wbltby, UUR-Ui. Ths o-uarchines Restaurant bas been in WhltbY for 30 yrs. Te Bo-Bo platter recetly over weH b gL he Golden Gate also olfer a wlde selon cf Canadan elusfhm rsat bee t verni cutiets and poirk chope. Faly m e eeved ,wlth- Purfee ÎuhedWn Openuffntl 2a&.m. dely. Fi. nid Set. untl3S &m. Sundey il &m-11 p.m. Fully Uloensed i a 'y