PAGE 18,WEDNESIJAYAPRIL 13,1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS C INOBINGO AHEhbyHIDEAWAYRd Hwy.2 Whtby- Juat W. of hrtnR.Nthse behlnd & below Checkora. (433-0751), HAVE IT BOTH WAYS MON., TUES., WED. L~~y~taxi 25 regulars $60 onbonus. I$500 55 numbers orle1 5 early birds/5 late games. 3 other spec ls. THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN. 25 Reguars,$80 on a bonus. Numbered Maxi Jackpot 7 Nlghts A Weok By THE HIDEAWAY BINGO COMMITTEE. Llcenced by The Town of Whltby. .HELP WAMTED Your Regional Chlldren's Aid Offers You A Challenge, Live ln Whitby or Oshawa? Like klds 13-1f) years? Enjoy receiving emotlonalrewards? Willlng to add to your present parenting skllls by attending agency training sessions? 6 addltionai foster homes are requlred for teen- agers of your community. Why not contact Carol Beamish 433-1551 to find out more? but transportation is. Smali local corn- pany wlth good reputation. Interested parties cali Liz at 668-6111 for further details. BROCICUN UNITED CHURCH r.- quires orginistflciir dîrector commencing Septomber 1, 1903. Two masmai L.gge pipe organ. Sand resume and references ta Worahlp CommIttos, eco S. Robin- son, R.R 1, Brooklin, Ontaulo, LOB iCO. REUABLE part lime uieip ta work .M day Monays and 4i8a Tu.sday evenînga. Muet be able ta iff fur- niture. Ideai for healthy, retlred or sen-rstIrsd persan. For Informa- tion phione 416-9U8161 or 294- 1l90. A weii educated mani with many y»earxperience ln purchasing and inventory contrai seeka steudy position. Ciii 283-0873 ef- tor 5 p.m. ENOLMS girl, 19, relatives ln canada, xperienced with chid- ren and hores. Any position con- aidera&. Wite Mixine Allen,. Red- gats Hous, Wat.r Lino, Statheun, Leica. LE14 4HX, Engiand. CIDCARE SERVICES] MOTHER of two, iges 8 and 2, wili give ioving cars In'my home. Any age welcame, Garden and Dundas Street arsa. Phone668-0042. BUTTERFLY Daycare Contre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualified Staff Children From 18 Months to 2 Years Hot Meais German'Lessons 309 Bosch St., Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 VALABLfJ MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, live-In girls from Quebec, heip wlth chIidren and housewark, succeas or refund guarantbed. Cmli 282-2478. WEDBY anBSEL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE <Gaudi> Poftery ICai MartyI 1655-38721 Iafter 6 P.M. ARTICLES FORRAISALE BABY cardage, canverta ta strolier, $45. Change table $12. Crib mîttreas $10. Gis baby and toddier clathing, 28 Items, 50* each; 22 Items, $1 eîch. Six baby shoots and bianketa $1. Crib bumper .pîd $3. Duaper poil $2. Blaseilicirpet sweeper $12. Ele- trlc f loor polisher $15. Fiatbed'zig. zig sewlng machine $45. Cash only. Ciii 668-2510. FOR SALE: ires Street mips, Whitby, Plckering,'Ajax, Oshawa, and West Hili. ickson Printing & Office Supplies Store, Aax Shopp- ing Plaza, 68n1968. Dealer Inquir- les Invlted. FOR SALE - 45 aiumInum Insert windows, one SUze, 40;4" <45") x 37", $4 each. Phions 655-4097. ~FORSAIBLES USEUDBIKES SALE (SOLD AS 18) 1980 X11l00 8 599 1979 CR 250 MX $ 799 1078 CR 125 $ 499 Honda 1981 CR 125R $1199 Hondo 1977 KZ 750 '1999 Kawasaki campietsiy dressed> 1982 CB 45 '1799 <Knight Hawk> Honda 1981a 650 8 999 TrIumph Tiger 1979 CX 500 $1699 Deluxe Honda 1981 XR80 59 1980 T250 '899 Yamiaha NIMSIGLE LII 578*31 50 'I ARTICLES ~~FOR SEALE FOR SALE - One.Niagini recliner, back rouler, houter, vibrator for back and feet, like new condition, originaiiy coat 81,600, seli for $900 or beat affer. Phone 683-488. GRANDFATHER dlock for sale. A little aver 6 feettli, soiid cherry- wood, Westminster dlock, Lyre 6%a" pendular. Finished ta your requirements. $85. Phone 855- 4097. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Sewing machine $50. Tail white baokcase $50. Wheeibarraw, new, $20. Old oak wash stand $45. Four aak chairs $15 sacli. Camp stove $20. Stop iidder $12. Iran frime aid achoal dssk $40. Men's bike $50. Large aid crack -f35. Typewriter $30. Plions 0831-8638. "1HEROES of the Bibi." coiauring book availabie at icksan Printing & Office Suppiy, Aax Plaza, 683- 1968. Dealer inquir(es invlted. MOVING - 5 plece bedroam suite, saiid oîk. Qusen size waterbed In regular mattresa, 90% m otionleas, uses standard sheets. Large men's dresser, triple dresser and min-ar, two commodes exquisite>. Paid $3,795.98. Asklng $2,99.00. Ciii 688-2395. Trucklond 0f WATER SOFTENER SALT - SALE f rom April 13-29 4 free draws on 5 baga ofBsit and 40 kg. only U.76. No lmit. GARY YOUNG PLUMBINO Downtown Brooklin behind Quik Bite> 655-4936 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied 5 coors5l18985 0 4 styles ihstaiied inciuding tax. Aiso eco- nomicai and energy efficient sta(m or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doars. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 ATMOBILES) ARTICLES FOR SALE VISNT Our ueed fumiture wîre- houa. by appointment. Big sîvInga on deaka, chairs, fiiing cabinets, sic. Ciii Dlckaon Prînt- ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appainiment to view. 683-1968. FactoryTrck e SAVE $$$ TME 244 Brook St.8& WhibyhOOlsoa Open Weekdays 10-9 Sat. 10-6 Flinancing Availîbe ie C ATOOLES 1982 FORD ESCORT 14 door sedan, auto- matlc, power steering and brakes. DrIven only 1,500 miles. Warranty to April 1984. Best offer before April 27. 725-6661 198 OMO HALF-TON, High Sier. ra madel, A-1 condition, .V8, 350, autamatic, now cap, running board,- heivy duty shack, new sxhaust. Cortifisd. $6,500. Phane 725-5883. 1974 FORD TORINO, new tires and sxhaUSt, brîkes overhauied, engins un ,excellent. condition. Asking SM0. Cail anytimle 668 8427. 1971 OLDS DELTA S8, v8, auto- matic, ln good condition-.$550 as la. Cali 666-1400. WHITBY DEALSI1 Special Car & Truck Prices- 1 For Our Good Whitby Friends Phone Nom 57641800'w "You should have a FORD ln your drlveway" ENTERPRISE 815 King St. W., Oshaw <atThornton Rd.> AUVOMGTIVE ~JEARPASIR/pARTS PORT PERRY AUTO IGLASS AND TRIM V Wndshiuids - Vinyle 1Cnvertibie tops, comploe Interi fa, pin stripes, mauldinge. Port Perry 98507 139Gusen stret North Oshaw i Auto Body I ISpeIaJPint Jo - S Acrylie Enamel Peint I 425.001 Bus. 855-4206Ras. 065-3440 SUPPLIES 23 FOOT Matîlda al boit with triller. Fuliy equIpped. Good con- dition. Ciii <416) 399-3188. BEAUTIFUL Germen Shepherd dag, 7 monthu aid, excellent wat- Ch dog. $200. Phono 668-8948. QUALITY Sprlnger Spaiel pup- pies, 9 weeks, shots and reglater- ed. $200. Core ne d se sIali <Port Perry> 985-7758. TYPIEWRITEA RENTAL, many mokes and models, by the week, end, week or month. Discounts avaliabie. Dlckaon Printlng & Of- fice Supplies in the Aax Plaza. Caii us for buainess machine repaira 683-1968. FREE: Drap Into the DIckson Print- ing & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1983 Metric Caiendir. PrInted ini.two coloure,,It moas for handy reference. 683-1968. AuIGNIOS CORNEIL'S AUCTION'BARN AUCTION SALE FR1 DAY,-APRIL 15 AT 6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bni- tain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Britain Rd. Consign- ment from home ln Bowmanviile. Findiay cook stove (warming Cia- set & reservoir,-2 yrs. old), box stoves, bow front curlo cabinet, hanglng lamnp, Tiffany table iamp, dining room extension table, 5-pc.' parlour set, spinning wheel, console color TV, Rockwell beaver 3 ft. wood lathe, Winches- ter model 1886 shotgun, qty. of tools, china & glass, wooden roclclng chairs, parlour tables, 2- dr. refrîgerator, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, oak buffet, antique dressers, piano stool, coffes & end tables. DON CORNIEIL AUCTIONEER RAR 1, Lttle Brltain 1706-78&.2183 AUCTION SALES CONTINUE ON PAGE 19 0F THIS EDITION I I ~I ________________________________ i. Acustom mnotorcycle you can run on pocktchange. You'reahead in- '83. SERVICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with 10 years of expert servlcing experience. DURHAM -CYCLE LTD. Taunton Rd. E. & TownIllne, Oshawa 576-3150 OPEN: Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Thurs. 9-7; Fr1. 9-9; Sat. 9-5 WANT Aà DS