Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1983, p. 28

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PAGE 16,WEcDNESDAYAPRIL 6,,1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'E.. PEU..Frl i.......... j~Empor um Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions.j AQUARIUM, 60 gallon, wlth wooden cabinet and canopy, fliter, systemn, pump and coral, excellent condition, $150. Twln mattress, box spring and trame, extra long, 80", excellent condition, $100. Zenith sterso record player Wîth 2 speakers and stand, excellent condition, $75. Wooden ,desk, 4 drawer, wrting top 22" x 39", $30. Phone 579-3354. ATARI vldeo game system Incîud- lng loysticks, peddies and seven *~game cartrldgos - lncludlng Pac- Man, Space* Invaders, Vldeo Pin. bail, Nlghi Drivers, Starmaster. Only $275. Caeil 6684000 after 6 p.m. BRAND NEW 24 volume of en- cyclopedias, 10 vol. chldren's clase ' Is, 4 vol. medîcal book. Wor- th $1200. SaiI for $690. Ploase Cal 728-2370 ELECTRIC lawnmower, Sunbeamn deluxe, $100 or beat 0f fer. Cal 5 PIECE kitchen sot with brown, uphioistorsd chaire, excollent condition, $200. Chiid'e dosk and matching chair $25. Cali afier 5 p.m. 668.5254. FOR SALE. BMX, Raleigh trame, Viscount aroc soat, alloy soat posi, clamp nock, 1 place 71, crank, 40-18 gaaring, Raleigh tango forke. Asking $100. Cali Rob 579-0878 aftor 4 p.m. FOR SALE - Zenith 19" black and white TV, $60. Wringer weshor, oxcellent condition, $100. Cash oniy. Phono 666-1663. FOR Immediato resuits, use the Frso Prose Emporium - 6686111. GARDEN TRACTOR - WaIk b.hind haavy duty type, Briggs & Straton engins, 12 Inch tires, 3 eeode for- ward, neutral and reverse, four attechmonts lncludod. One furrow pIow wth coulter, ono dise harrow (8 discs); one cuitivaton; oe front end ble for grmding and snow. Ali ln A-i shape. $99. Phono 655- 4995. G.E. Slow Cookor, used twico, $25. G.E. Coffeemaiic, good condition, $20. Phono 668-7965 afier 5 p.m. GUNS FOR SALE - 20 gaugo $60. .22 cal. $50. Cal 728-4849 and ask for Ken. ARIES F OR SALE JET FLOATING dock, 18 places $500. Cast iron roll top bathtub. $50. Caîll668-7498.I KUBOTA Flaîl mower, new, 5 foot wide, f Ine cut, model 3661, $2000. Phono 655-3477. MAN'S sheepskln coat, sîze 40, brand new, worn only twice. Bought for $400. Asking $200. Must selI. Phonoe866-2119. MUST SELL 26" tolor T.V. $200. beautîful plctura. Two 12" black & white T.V. $100. or $60. each. Cal 6W.101 7 f970 CHEVELLE, 4 dir., good run- ning condition, neoda minor work for certification, $20 as le. 1978 Honda 400 twin, mînt condition, boor box, hlghway bars and mag whei, muet ba sean, $1,200. Two burgandy b.d chairs, lîke now, $80/palr. One York exeoise banch wI ,th log exorcîsor $60. Cmli 8668 2912. PLACE your ad lb the Whitby Frea Prose now - as fat as a phono cail, rosuite happeont Cali 668- 6111. PLUMBINO fittînge, %" and up, coppor and gelvenized, $30. Smeil dîinette table and four chaire $3. Bod $30. Phono 668-022. PROPANECas apate heeter com- plate wlth pip6s $150. *Wrngar washing machiàie $100. Chester- field and chair sultable for roc room or cottage $50. Phono 723- 1605. STEREO, JVC roceivor and cas- sotte dock with duel 508 turnimbie, 3-wmy speakers and stand. Asking $800. Phono 668-4546. SUEDE Jacket, rabbit fur collar, axcellent condition. Worn twico, drycioaned, aimosi new. Sizo 16. AskIng $100 or beet offon. Contact Miko or Annettoeti668-8404. 35 MM S.L. R. camera, 2.8 Ions, i excellent condition, $75. Two 30" haadboerd $5 each. Phono 6W6- 8943. 3 H.P. SEARS comprossor, 30 heurs use, 25 gallon tank, $950 negotiable. Phono 655-3503. WHITBY FREE PRESS 608-6111 I~I - PLEASE READ - When the advertlsod Item la seld, disposed et, or unavailabie fer whatever roason, the Item wili be daemed te have been sold and a commission wili be chargsd bassd on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Ilusirated bow, regardls If price ls stated wlth 'beat offer". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dispossd et, the ad wIli be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ef $6.00 wiiI alppiy payable In advanceofe publication et the tiret ad. Otherwiee a $7.50 charge will ap- piy If bIlied w hlch muet ba pald upon rscelpt et bill. The aboya minimum charges will be applied te the final commission dus but ln any case the hlgheramount will b. charged. Minimum charge: $600 pne-paid; $7.50 billlsd. Maximum commission: $100.00.Alil advs 'rtisemsnts muet be placed on an ex- clusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run aileasi oeamenih if-net soid. RATES_(if article la soid): 5% of advertised prIce up to, $400.00' 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advsrtIaed for $12000. Commission due $600 (minimum charge ls $6.00). Privats advertising onlyl Please notify the Whitby Frea Press lmmediatoly whan Item Is soid se that ws may dolais il from the followIng Issue. Alil ads not fitting the Emporium guidelinos wiil be troated end chargad per week as regular classified ads on a prs.paid basis such as: services, help wanted, ciothlng, reai asiate, and porsonal message type ads, or ads net quoting price or quantity. Privaté' classifisd ads may appear ln the Emporium section underappropriate hoadlngs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PREiS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Li N 581 If ln doubi ceni: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE EADINEFOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR SALE BABY NEEDS GOOD 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Channel Mixboard. Great for recordlng or performIng. Excellent condition. Peid $16800. Asklng $90. Phono 686-4868 efier 6:30 p.rn. VACUUM - Piltor Ouson with et- tachmonts. Excellent condition. $160W. Phono 743-0929. WALL-TO-WALL carpet, 9x16, beige tone, short shag, $50. Two Iight green sIngie bedepreade, nylon, with matching drapes, $30 ach. One red single b.dsproad, heavy bmckod matorlai, with mat- ching drapes, $30. Two-cushionied day bed, 2 years old, beige tono, nover ussd as a bod, $200.. Apent- ment-slzed freezer, whito, 2 yeers oid, A-i shape, $185. Sot et 59 ethor-bound Bocks of Knew- Iedgo, mini condition, $150. Cet toliet $10. Phone 668-2649. WOODEN DESK $70., kitchon cupbeards, counter, double sink $400., Apt. size humidifier $50., 21" black & white T.V. $20., 4 - radiai tires 185 x 80 R13 $20. Pleame. cmii668-2785 AUOOTIVE FOUR Michelin tiras, 5,000 mles, Ilke new, $300. Days cmli 668-6922. EvonIngs cail 668-4046. SILVER CROSS folding stroîler, excellent condition, $30. Pedigree baby carniage $50. Swing-O-Matic, rocking herse on sprlng, tricycle, Pull toys, Fisher PrIce activity cen- tres, assortod ciothos, $60. Phono (416)8649-3084 afier 6 p.m. FOR immediete resulis, dvrtiss ln the Pree ProesEmporium. Check your closais, attic and basement - stert summor with cash ln hmnd and your spring cleaning done. Cmli 668-6111l new. 1980 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, 2 door, standard transmission, good condition, 35 M.P.G. Asklng $5,695. Phono 728-7158 anytimo. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, mute- matie, power, braes, power steoring, heevy duty, runs good, naïade soe body work. $250 as le or trade for air compresser, sand bImsting oquipment or peint oquip- mont. CeIl 668-8765. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, body goed condItioM. noode transmission, V- 8, big block, new tires on reer. $30 or beet offer. Phone 668- 1377. COLONIAL sofa and chair. Beige, brewn and lvory plaid. One year new. Paid $1,250. Asking $850. Muai 8011. Phono728-7744. 5-PC. BEDROOM outtit for sala. Includas mirror, box sprlng and mattrese, In goed condition, $1,000. Aise, one German crib In excellent shape for sale, cornes wlth vary good mattrose, $100. Phono 668-9042. KENMORE waahanlspln dryer, goed condition, $100. Phone 668- 7821. KITt.MiEN countarîop, 146" long, beige, with meldad backsplash from etft, 86" te double sink con- tre, $60. Kitchen countortep, 18" long, with two finishad ends, $25. Chopplng board for dishwashor, good condition, $50. Phono 576- 3925 evoninge. MOVING - 9 place soiid oek dinlng room suite. Brand now - nover used. Pade'stal extension tabls, beige volvot on chairs. 7 foot buf- fat and hutch with Ilght glass on aides ise. Exquisite. Paid $5,997.98, asking $4,700O.00. Bought 2 menthe mgo. Phone 668- 2395. ONE ad ln the Whitby Pro. Press Emporium Sectien wiiiosali almosi mnything. Cmli668-6111. ONE highback Lazy-Bey chair, olactric, built-in vîbrator and heet- or, avecado green, thnee menthe eld, $75. On. Simpllcity wash/spin dryer, $75, geod worklng condi- tion. Two movlo projecters $25 each. Phono 668-0193. NOTHINO bas an ad ln the Whltby Pros Prass Emporium Sec- tMon whan l cornes to seîllng your car. Cali 688-6111 now. QUEEN.SIZE bad chsstorfieid, red velour, Ilke now, $400. Calil M6 2702. OUEEN SIZE waterbed wlth brown veivot button tufi, four poster wlth wator matiross, hoater, watorbad shoots and mattrose covor ln- ciuded. $500. Cail 668.998. ROUND maplo table and 4 chairs, Colonial stylo, asking $300. Double bed bedsproad, two pliiow. shame and curtains and two table covonIngs (suitablo for hidoaway tablas), India waave, beige In color, $275 complote. Oesk with' throe drawers, Ilght woed, $200. Pour-drawor chosi, llght wood, $150. Phono 668-8684. M'CTOCL5 M FU .~SLE 1901 HONDA intorstato 14,000 km. Tee many options to lisi. Ex- cellent condition. $5,400. Celi 655. 3917. 19M HONDA 400 cc HAWK, beught In epring 1981, goed condi- tion, holmots and a rein suit ln- ciudod, 17,000 km., weil maIntain- ad, muai soul, $1,200 or beet ofor, will cartify. Eminont organ, Solina A315,,iwo full keyboarde, f iv. pro- sot percussions, Orbitons and Ar- peggio-matic Ritmix box, foot pedals, $1,550 or besi offor. Phone 683-4307. 1980 AMAHA Endure 175, 10w miisaga, very good condition, $1,000 firm. Phono 668-6494. 1978 050 KZ KAWASAKI, 15,000 kiiometors, good shape, muet seit. $1 ,000 csrtifiod. Phono 668-5155. VAMAHA trail bika, NX 80, bought new summer of 1982, neyer ridden in wintor, mini condition. Perfect begInners motor bike, $695. Coli 655-4287 afier 4 p.m. INST MENTS HOHNER Tango Il M Accordian, 96 basa, totaliy rocondltloned, $900. Throe-yer-old Vamea Classicai Gultar, excellent condi- tion, $120. Phono 668-7965 after 5 p.m. THINK MONEY - Think th. Whitby Pro. Prose Emporium Section. Onoemrali advartlsamont la ail ht takos. Place your article for sale In the Whltby Free Prose and got Immodiato rasuits. The Froe Prose la raad by over 70,000 potentiel buyors oach weak. Thlnk about what we can do for you ... thon cmii us. Whltby Free Pross 668-6111 197f OLYMPIC Skidoo with eloc- tric start, on. owner, low hourse o use, $400. Doubla skidoo traloer $20. Phono (416> 649-3064 aflor 6 P.m. MIA LERsI APACHE "Mesa" Trelier, 1975, good condition, 2-20 lb. propane botties, 3-way fridgo, noea tire, sloops 6, curtains, ail ABS ex- ionien, $2,500. Phoneo 668-7965 et COVERED box traller, 7 leot by 12 foot, 5 feot high, remevablo top, 2 electric brako axies, $1,800. Phone 655-3477. ~~ ~FOR SEALE 1974 CHEV 16 TON wlth cap, 64,000 original miles, vory geod runnlng condition - body noode wonk. $1,000 flrm. PhoneoO68-4830 betwoen 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. TRUCK and traliar. 22-foot Master. coach fuily oquipped. 1974 ;4 ton Pend pick-up. AskIng $10,500. Cen b. seanai 146 Brook Street North, Whltby or phonoe668411 1. VAN'- 1982 -Y4 ton Chev, 350, V8, 4 barrel, Super Van conversion, loadsd wlth- extras. Aaking $16,500. Fer lisi et options, please cmii 68-8178. THE Its strength is in the resu Its it commands, Somewhere, someone has something to seil, buy, rent, lease or offer. As fast as a phone cali, resu Its happen. Our classifie.d pages, with the help of our professional telephone ad representatives, get resuits' for those who advertise as weII as those who are Iooking. COLUMN INTHE WORLD WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6l11 M . - . I m mm loi

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