Studui Whltby's regional representatives have been fightlng for the cmetion of a $3 milosanitary sewer pipe to Port Whitby for many years, but none quite as eloquently as a group of Grade 6 studen- ta from Whltby. Last week, reglonal councillor Tom Edwar- ds appealed to council to heed the advice of .,nts pie studenta at D.R. Thor- nton Public sehool who wrote town council voicing their environ- mental concerna. 'I suggest the Corbett Creek pipe should be finlshed," Drew Mullin, a Grade 6 student, said fiatly. "The Pringle Creek Water Pollution Control Plant bas had spillage problems because the WHITBY FR ad for environment Corbett Creek Pipe bas not been completed," he went on. "dIf there's more sludge in our water then tbere's more chemnicals in our water. Myself and mny fellow clasamates are very worried about the environment."1 Other students wrote the town explaining they were studying the en- vironment when news of the Pringle Creek spillage came out. They decided to write to the town and let their views be known. Edwarda aaid the let- ters. were unsolicited, but show the concerna ail Whitby residenta have about the Inadequate sewage facilities in Port Whit- by. "These letters were completely un- solicited," Edwards said. "I don't even know these children. Wouldn't it be nice if they had a hand in making thiat pipe go through?"1 Couneil decided last Wednesday to recon- aider includlng the project in its 1983 budget after a $1.5 million water and sewer surplus was found. tEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 1983, PAGE 7 RAISED fPRINTINO BUSINREADS LETTERNEADS s r 0 usENVELOPES CLOCA gets_ grant for access trail disabled The Centrai Lake' Ontario Conser- vation Authorlty has announced that t wiii receivo a Win- tarlo Capital Grant for the construction of a disabied ac- cess traolat the Heber- Down Con- servation Area, Whitby. . Joe «Dnumm, Chairman of the Centrai Lake On- tario Conservation Authority stated that the Authorlty had received a lot- ter from- Reuben Baetz, the Minister of Tounismn and Recreation which ndicated that the OI Minîster had ap- Ot proved an ap- wu plIcation by the dol Authority. for a Win- dIsah tario Capital Grant. gain, The, disabied ac- with1 cess trall Us the vironi resuit of a study The dons for the estim, AuthorUty during the total, summer of 1981. $35,0( Through a Winta FederaU Summer Up toi Canada grant ln one-th that year, a team of o dlsabied students Chair, compieted a study Authoi outiining moans by 19819 which the conser. an vation areas couid Yeay be made more ac- tee foi cessible to disabUedtefo persons. One of the Whitb) suggestions of the that ti study was the sur- has a c facing of a trall that terest Id ailow, à led persons to cdoser contact the natural en- ment. e project ls iated to, cost In approxlmately 00. of whlch iro wll fund a maximum of hird., eDrumm, now mlan of the rity was, Un Chairman of International of the ed Commit- ,r the Town of y. Ho noted tho Authority continuing ln- Un providing y access for dlsabled persons and, ln 1982 was able to have a summer crew improve signage and access at a number of con- servation area sites for the use of disabled pensons. The success of the Authority's ap- plication to WUn- tarlo indicates the Centrai Lake On- tario Conservation Authority's con- tinued desire to ob- tain atomate fun- ding and to con- tinue to provide to local residents ac- cess to a naturai environment area. SPRING -SALE_- EI VCR'S portable & cameras Liced toclear Purohase any VCR & reCeive 52 FREE movie rentais Great selection of VHS & BETA movies Kendalwood Park Plaza 1~ il Dundas St. E., Whltby 579"i -2591 j 'j F;OR UNDER $Li45EA sCH BUCETSPECIAL This Saturday and Sunday March 26th & 27th, enjoy 15 pieces of the Colon-eI's fîiger Iickin' good chicken when you pick up a Bucket for only $8.5O. That's a -saving of. $1.30 this weekend only ,. Ke&ky 4FwA CNDNCMPANYtj m Fý 1 1 wý m Joe Drumm, Chairm an, Central Lake ario. Consuervation Authorit, i $8.5o 1