PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY MARCH 23. 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS GENERAL MEETING The Brooklin - Whitby Mînor Hockey Association Ladies Awdliiary is holding their General Meeting Tuesday March 29 at 8:00 p.m. at the Whltby Municipal Building. Ail mothers of hockey players are lnvited. Please attend and give your support! By ROXANNE REVELER Cai 655-4951 wlth Items for thf. coluinn. In tbree words 1 can sum Up everything 1 have learned about life: It goes on. *WHITBY KIDS* *BROOKLIN-KIDS* 1~.S~IU e a carrier for the Free Press today. Become the outstanding carrier of the month and become a winner! Learn to be a business person with responsibility while earning money. Here are some of the routes available now! BROOKLIN Route No. 2031 50 papers - delivering on Heberdown ores., Casseis rd., and west aide of Baldwin. Route No. 2000 100 papers - dellverIng on Winchester, Durham, Princess, Albert, Slmcoe, Ohurch, Cassels, Pearl, Roebuck and the east side of Baldwin. WIHITBY Route No. 1253 200 papers - delivering ta King's Gate and Avon ct., Lynde ct., and Cochrane to the bridge. Route No. 1045 100 papers - deliverIng on Forest, Meadow ores., Meadow rd., and Westwood. Route No. 1223 110 papers - delivering on Perry et., Hickory et., and John et. Route No. 1410 200 papers - deiiverlng on Walnut, John, MMr, Kent, Centre, Byron and the west side of Brook, ai forth of Dundas. Route No. 1420 125 papers - deliverlng on Palace, Wainut, John, Mary and Eucid. Route No. 1232 100 papers - delivering on Ash et., Chestnut and Maple streets. Talk ta aur Circulation Manager Cali 668B61 Il Today!' WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in Byines - wý - -w rw% e s o - u - IA COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax f Teephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 I BROOKLIN HOME BAKERY & DELICATESSAN 61 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Donuts $1.89 strawberry.- blueberry * lemon and honey dip HOT CROSS BUNS MADE FRESH DAILY AN O aIE i- Becomi Whitby CONGRATULATIONS Hearty, congratulations to William Medland who was recently presented with his 60-year pin, having belng a faithful member of Mount Zion Masonlo Lodge, Brooklln, Ontario. Medland was the Wor- shlpful Master in 1948. DO YOU LOVE THIS PLANET? On Sunday March 27, at 7:30op.m., the film "If you love this planet" wlil be shown at Brooklin United Church and the evening is open to ail interested In the nuclear arms race. This powerful docurnentary film records a lecture to American students in 1981 by outspoken nuclear critic, -Dr. Helen Caldicott, National President of Physicians for Social Respon- sibiity. The film was produced by the National Film Board of Canada. A discussion wiJl foiloW the film. THANK YOU MOTHERS The Ladies Auxiliary of the 2nd Brooklln Scouts, Cubs and Beavers wishes to thank everyone for their most generous response to the fudge sale at Meadow-crest School. Your co-operation is most appreciated. SPRING FASHION SHOW "Spring Fashion Show" wll be presented by the Brooklin United Church .Womnen with fashions from the Brooklin Village Shoppe, on Wednesday April 20 at 8 p.m., in the C. E. Building, Brooklin United Church. There will be door prizes and refreshments wlll be served. Tickets at $3. each will be by advan- ce sale only. Please cail 655-3053 or 655-4181. ROAST BEEF DINNER The Rebekahs and Oddfeilows will be hosting a roast beef dinner in the Oddfellows Hall, Bagot and Cassels, Brooklin, on April 9. There will be three settings; at 4 p.m., 5:50 p.m., and 7 p.m. Tickets are $6.75 for adults, $3.25 for children 12 and under, with pre-schoolers welcomned free of charge. Tickets are available fromn any member of the Rebekahs of Od- dfeilows or by caling 655-3650. SPRING DANCE After dinner be sure to attend the "Annual Spring Fling"p sponsored by the Brooklin Business Association. It will be held at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club on April 9 fromn 8:30 to 1 a.m. Music WHERE THERES SMOKE THERE'S FIRE! Alarmex systems can provide safety ta your place of business - smaii or large - and your home or apartment. EXPERIENCE + GOOD PRICE + 24 HR. SERVICE= ALARMEX .F. M e r.. = CaIl us now for a fast. f ree. professional estimate S610OFinley Ave. Ajax 686-0636 will again be provided by B. & H. Sound and there wil be a late night buffet served. Tickets, priced at $20. per couple are available from elther Cosgrove's Varlety or Brooklin Bakery and will give you a chance at wlnnlng some excellent door prizes. FLOWER ARRANGING COURSE There are stilI a few places avallable ln the flower arranging course offered by the Brooklln Hor- ticultural Society. These wil be held four con- secutive Tuesdays commencing April 5 at the Con- cept Centre, Brooklin, from 7 to 9 p.m. Instructors for these classes wtll be Joan Brak, an experlenced prlze-winnlng arranger and Veronica Colangelo, an accredlted floral designer. Flowers wil be provided and other necessary supplies wil be abaïlable for a nominal fee. Classes include basic flower arranging as well as some contemporary and novelty party arrangements. Registration is $15. for members and $20. for non-members which also Includes membership in the B.H.S. To register please call Joan Brak at 655-4742. WOMENS INSTITUTE Three quilts, one a first prize wlnner of the Canada Packers Prize, were on dlsplay at the last meeting on March 16 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd M.Stanley , Convenor of Tweedsmulr Hlstory of Brooklln, was ln charge of the meeting. Mrs. John Hall gave an interesting St. Patrick's Day reading. Mll members and isitors answered Roll Cail by showlng valuable and interesting articles which weremore than 50 years old. Current events were given by Mrs. John Hall. A silent auction was held,. with proceeds to be given to the District Womens Institute. Hostesses were Nora Walker and Helen Grandy. The annual meeting wil be held on April 20Oat 1: 30 p.m. at the Brooklin Commumity Centre. The Motto will be "The Womens Institute shows concern for people and that is a sign of good citizenship". Rol Cail will be "How to make our daily lUfe more pleasant". Mirs. Levi Arksey wil be in charge of current events and hostesses wil be Margaret Wat- son and Marion HaIll. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK I cannot bear the categorization of humnan beings: "bourgeois", "'capitalist", "bolshevist"', "nigger"t, "honkie",y "hippie", "y44pig"P ,"imperialist,'. The one so0 labeled may be reviled, imprisoned, tortured, killed or exiled because he 18 no longer a human being, but a symbol. Hie is not supposed to bleed when pricked; his heart does not cry' out i the night. By this conjuring trick, conscience is made to disappear. It is perhaps the profoundest corruption of our time. See you next week .. Roxanme Reveler Brooklln Bakery drop off Frldays, before noon please 655-1951. ?ýFORMS REGISTER, CONTINUOUS, CARBONIZED & MUISC.'