WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 1983, PAGE 5 Whitby gets second chance at sewers An unexpected $1S5 million surplus In the region's water and sewer budget means Whitby will have a second crack at getting a sewer pipe to Port Whitby included ln the 1983 budget. The surplus, which resulted from an in- crease in water use throughout the region, will be used to compiete projects that were earlier deferred due to lack of funds. Regional council voted last Wednesday to include four projects in the budget im- mediately,, and the review several others in September 1983. The Port Whitby projects is among those to be reviewed ln September. "There wilI have to be a surplus ini September for the project hi be ap- proved, " regional works Chairman Gerry Emm said foilowing the meeting. "And 1 arn ad- vised that will be the case." Two factors strongly favour the Port Whitby project, Emm says. First, the region wiII lose a $440,000 gover- nment grant if the project is not started this year. ,Secondiy, if the pipe isn't completed within the next few years, the regions will be forced to spend sPend $800o to update a Whitby plant which begins pumping water to Ajax and Pickering this July. "When that plant starts pumping water in three months there wili be a backwash situation that will cost the regions $8000O," Emm said. "If we don't.build the (Port Whitby) exten- sion, the region will have to spend the money to dlean up the back- wash." Emm called the backwash "filthy, yucky stuff"l that wil end up on Whitby's beaches unless sewer facilities in the Port are improved. WhitbYys regional representatives were obviousiy elated by the possibiity that the pipe will go ahead in 1983. The project was deferred by the region for the third year in a row one month ago. Two weeks later, Emm learned the region wiIl lose the $440,ooo goverrnent grant forever unless construc- tion begins this year. Since that time, Whit- by's three regional representatives have been working to convin- ce the region to include the project in this year's budget. "I feel a lot more op- timistic about the pipe being completed to Port Whitby than I ever have as a regionai coun- cillor, " Tom Edwards said last week. Emm said Whitby representatives cound have pushed hi have the Port Whitby pipe in- cluded in the current budget (along with four other regionai projects) immediately, but said he felt there is a better chance of having it ap- proved by waiting until September. "We cound have pushed for it to go today,"P Emm said. "But it probabiy would have failed."' This way, Whitby will have an opportunity to gather facts and figures about the project to present to coundil in September. The lack of adequate facilities put a hait on ail development in Port Whitby, and severai We'vebeen BUILDING ourqrpuatonI Since 196 I *Concrete -Construction -Excavatlng *Customn Bulit Homos *waterProoflng - Snow Romoval * Radio Dlspatchod Trucks *GeneraI Repairs aARRITANO BROS. LTD. perience flooding beause of inadequate 881mNesonS.,ODaw&Ca.Cada 881 oisn St, Ohawa 576864 J'aycettes help J.O. Ruddy fund Whitby Jaycettes are now taking the first 50 snapshots 3"1 x 5"1 for babies under 3 years oid as of Dec. 31, 1982. A $2. entry fee, with photo, together with a form stating baby's name, birth date, parents' name, address and phone number. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a starnped, self- addressed envelope. Send or bring ap- plication to Whitby Jaycettes Baby Photo Contest, c/o 29 Goidring Drive, Whitby, Ontario. L1P 1B9. Display for voting will be set up i front of the Whitby Mail Florist 'In the Whitby Mail from March 26 to April 9, 1983. Voting wiii be done monetarily. iLe. le - 1 vote; 251 - 25 votes, etc. Winners will be notified by phone and prizes awarded on April 12,1983 at Whitby Public Library., Net proceeds to be given to Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital Expansion. FOR PROTECTION & APPEARANCE UN 12 ATTRACTIVE COLOURS r Ventiated Aluminum -4 AWNINGS Manufactured by Free Estimates.Ouick Delivery & Installation 6728-1633 FACTORY & SHOWROOM 845 FAREWELL ST. OSHAWA 1 OPEN OAM5PM MONFRI ý CUSTQM COVF1IŽ sALI'Lý SAVE 20% The sale you waited for. Put together the look you want - STERLING quaiity with a choice of construction in a com- piete range of styles and coverlngs. Remarkably comfort- able, built to last with ail the extras you have corne to expect from ROUSSEAU HERITAGE HOUSE. Hand cut covers. Meti- culous pattern matching, protective arm caps. A magnifi- cent fabric cholce including velvets, prints, geometrics, tex- tures and damasks, in a rainbow of colours. Many styles to choose f rom. HERFRAGE HOUSE Iimited 216 Mary St. E., WHITBY, ONTARIO.- 668-3483 Tor. 686-0061 Store hours: Tues. through Thurs. 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. a - love seat b - wing chair c -sofa d -sofa Fri. 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. untli 6 p.m. Closed Mondays. reg. 1030 820 1700 1180 sale 825 650 1365 945 e- club chair f -sofa g- love seat * *..q* I rbl reg. sale 660 530 1330 1065 1160 930 s INLY Ilfflin, COMMERCIAL e RESIDENTIAL 1 576-8642 1 -493