PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'E..(C D~m'. __________ Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions.I ARTICLES FOORR SALE AQUARIUM, W0 gâllon, wlth wooden cabinet end canopy, f liter system, pump end corai, excellent condition, $150. Twin mattrees, box eprlng and frime, extra long, 80", excellent condition, $100. Zenith tereo record ployer with 2 speakers and etand, excellent condition, $75. Wooden deek, 4 drawer, wrting top 22"1 x 39", $30. Phone 57»%.33 ATARI video game syetem Includ- Ing joyeticke, paddies and seven game cartrldges - lnciuding Pic- Min, Space invaders, VIdeo Pin- bail, Night Drivers, Starmaster. Oniy. $275. Cati 668-000 after ô p.m. COVIERIED box triller,?7 feet by 12 test, 5 feet high, remavable top, 2 electrIc breke exies, 818,000. Phone 655-3477. DRUMS forsaeo - Basa, Snare, Tom-Tom, Crash Symbol, plus emelier symbal attached. ln gaad condition. Asking $250. Aiea for sale good bed and mattrees $25. Kitchen table and chaire $45. Living roam drapes $40 Truck mirrors $35.. Ploase cali 576-1911 after 5 p.m. EVERYBODY roade the Classi- fiedel Bell a hausehoid of fumi- ture ... ssIi a boit, or a car ... or, something s email as a bird. Na motter what you are selling, there laea custamer out thore arnong Our 70,000 readers wha le your poten- tiel buyer. Phono today, we'me waiting ta help yau write a dieus- led id. Whtby Fre. Prese 668- 6111.- 5-STRiNO BANJO with case, used 3 monthe, $175 or bout offor. Phono 668-4300. FOR SALE: BMX, Raigh framo, Viscount area seat, aiioy seat past, clamp nock, 1 pieco 7"1 crank, 4018 goaring, Raleigh tango forks. Aeking $100. Caii Rab 579-0878 alter 4 p.m. FOR Immediato resuits, use the Free Prose Emporium - 668-6111. FOR SALE - Zenith 19" black and white TV, $60. Wringor waser, excellent condition, $100. Cash only. Phono 666-1663. GARDEN TRACTOR - walk behind hoavy duty type, Briggs & Straton engins, 12 Inch tires, 3 speede for- ward, neutrai and reverse, four îttachments lncluded. One furraw piaw with couiter, ons disc harrow (8 disco); ans cuitivator; ans front end biade for grading and snow. Ail ln A-i shape. $995. Phono 655- 4995. ARTICLES FOR SALE GUNS FOR SALE - 20 geuge $60. .22 Cal. $50. Ciii 728-4849 and esk for Ken. KUBATA Floul mower, new, 5 feet wide, fine cut, model 3681,$2,000. Phone 855-3477. MANS sheepekin coat, size 40, brand new, warn only twice. Bought for $400. Asking $200. Muetali. Phono 666.2119. 1970 CHEVELLE, 4 dr., gaad rmn- nlng condition, neede minar work for certification, $200 as le. 1978 Honda 400 twin, mint condition, beer box, hlghwîy bars and mag wheels, muet b. seen, $1,200. Two burgandy b.d chairs, lîke new, 880pair. One York exorcise b.nch with leg exerciser $60. Ciii 68- 2912. NOTHIN bate an ad ln thie Whitby Free Prose Emparium Sec- tion whon It cames ta sollIng your car. Oeil 68611 lnw. PLUMBINO fîttInge, 'h" and up, copper and gaivanizod, $300. Smail dînette table and four chaire $3. Bed $30. Phono 680202. PROPANE gas epace heater com- plote wlth pipes $150. Wringor washIng machine $100. Chester- field and choir suitabie for roc raom or cottage 850. Phono 723- 1605. SILVER CROSS falding strallor, excellent condition, $30. Pedigree baby carnlage $50. Swing-O-Matic, rocking horseoan spring, tricycle, pull toys,.Fieher Prico activity con- tres, assortod clothos, $60. Phono (416) 649-3064 aftor 6 p.m. SKIS, boots and polos. Ski length, 170 cm. Boot sizo 10. Price $85. Also, aid records (78). Prico for lot $35. Phono 883-6638. STEREO, JVC recoiver and cas- sotte dock wth duel 508 turntable, 3-way speakers and stand. Asking $800. Phonoe888-4546. WHITBY FREE PRESS 6888-6111 SUEDE jacket, rabbit fur collar, excellent condition. Warn twico, drycleanod, almoet new. Sizo 16. Asking $100 or beet 0fifer. Contact Milke or Annette et 668-8404. 35 MM S.LR. camnera, 2.8 ions, in excellent condition, $75. Two 30" headbaard $5 each. Phono 668- 8943. 3 H.P. SEARS comproseor, 30 hours use, 25 gallon tank, $950 negotiablo. Phono 655-3503. -PLEASE READ - Whon the advertisod Item la sold, disposed of, or unavlilabie for whatever reason, the Item will be doemed ta ha been sold and a commission wlll be chargod based on THE ADVERTISED PRîCE as Iiiustreted below, regardless If price le statod with "bout offer". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wili bo mun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 will apply payable In advance of publication of the f irst ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiii ap- piy If bllled whlch muet b. pald upon receipt of bill. The abovo minimum charges wiii bo applied to the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wlll be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid; $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission. 8100.00. Ail advertisements muet be placod on sn ex- clusive basie wlth the WHIT BY FREE PRESS and run atleast one morlth If not sold. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertleed price Up le 8400.00 2% of balance over 840.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item dveitleed for 8120-00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge Ia 88.00). Private advertieing onlyl Please notIfy the Whitby Free PresImmediateiy when Item le sold s0 that we may deleto It from the followIng Issue. Ail ade flot fittlng the Emporium guideilnes wIll be treated and charged per week as regular cIasIfied ade on a pre-paid biaseuch as: services, help wanted, ciothlng, real estate, and personai message type ade, or ade not quotIng price or quantity. PrivaIs classified ade may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinge. ALL ADS WILý. GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhIlby, LiN 551 If ln doubt cali: 668.6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT. NOON. VACUUM- Filter Queen with at- tachments. Excellent condition. $150. Phono 743-0929. THINK MONEY - Think the Whitby Free Proes Emporium Section. One emailiadvortIsoment ls al i t 'takes. 'Place your article for sale In the Whitby Free Press and get immodiato resuite. The Fre Prose la read by aver 70,000 potential buyers mach week. ThInk about whît we cen do for yau ... thon cali us. Whitby Free Proses668-61 il1. ARTICLES FOR SALE1 WALL-TO-WALL carpet, 9x16, beige tons, short shag, $50. Two Iight green single bedspreads, nylon, with matching drapes, $30 sach. One red single bedisproad, hoavy backod materiai, with mat- ching drapes, $30. Two-cushlanod day bed. 2 years aid, beige tons, nevor used as a bed, $200. Apart- ment-eized freezer, white, 2 yoars aid, A-1 ehape, $185. Set of 59 loather-bound Books of Know- iedge, mint condition, $150. Cet toilet $10. Phono 668-2649. AUTOL BIL FOR1 SALE] 1980 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, 2 doar, standard transmission, goad condition, 35 M.P.G. Asking 86,450. Phono 728-7158 anytimo. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, auto- matlc, power brakos, power seerIng, hoavy duty, runs goad, needesamo body work. $250 as le or trade for air compresear, sand blasting oquipmont or peint oqulp- mont. Oeil 668-8785. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 AVOTIV. FOUR Michelin tires, 5,000 miles, like new, $300. Days ceil 668922. Eveninge cal 684048. USELOI COLONIAL sofa and chair. Beige, brown and Ivory plaid, Ono year new. Paid $1,250. Asking $850. Mut sil. Phono 728-7744., FIRE ENGINE bunk bede, com- plote. Boys dreaml Asking $200. Phone 668-4447. 5-PC. BEDROOM ouifit for sale, Includes mIrror, box sprIng and mattrees, ln good condition, $1,000. Also, one German crib ln excellent shape for sale, comnes with very good mattrees, $100. Phone 668-9042. INFLATE your money euppiy. In these Inflationary day., mor.ey le preclous. Everybady yearns ta flnd that pot of gold, but seerne ta Overlook a source of monoy'moet familles have. Yee, look ln your et- tic, cellar or garage and you are sure to find remnents of chiîd- hood, thinge of yesterday not being used today. These tema can be your pot of goid by advertislng ln the Classified columne. Cail today and wo'ii help you write a sure-firoe elling ciassIfied ad. Whitby Free Press 668M611. KENMORE waserlspin dryer, good condition, $100. Phono 66&- 7821. KITCHEN countertop, 146" long, beige, with molded backsplash from loft, 86" ta double eink cen- tre, $60. Kitchen countortop, 18" long, with two finished onde, $25. Chopping board for dishwaeher, good condition, $50. Phono 576- 3925 oveninge. MOVING - 9 piece solid oak dinlng room suite. Brand new - nover usod. Pedestai extension table, beige velvet on chaire. 7 foot buf- fet and hutch with Ilght glass on sides aiea. Exquisite. Paid $5,997.98, asking 84,700.00. Bought 2 months ega. Phono 66&- 9772. ROUND maplo table and 4 chairs, Colonial style, asklng $300. Double bed bedspread, two piIiow shame and curtains and twa table cavoringe (suitabie for hldeaway tables>, indua weave', beige ln colar, $275 complote. Desk with threo drawors, iight woad, $200. Faur-drawer chest, light woad, $150. Phonoe6886684. QUEEN-SIZE bed cheterfiold, red velour, like new, $400. Oelil666& 2702. PLACE your id ln the Whitby Free Proe now - as fast as e phone. cail, resuits happeni OeIli888- 198 HONDA 400 'ce HAWK, bought ln spring 1981, goad condi- tion, heimets and a rein suit In- ciudod, 17,000 km., well meintein- ad, muet oeil, $1,200 or boat offor, wili certify. Eminent argen, Saline A315, two full keyboards1 five pro. set percussions, Orbitonseand Ar- PeggIa-matlc Rltmix box, foot podals, 81,550 or boat of fer. Phone 683-437. 1980 YAMAHA Endura 175, low mileago, very good condition, $1,000 firm. Phonoe886494. 1978 650 KZ KAWASAKI, 15,000 klaometors, good shape, muet sou,. $1,000 cortiflsd. Phonoe68-5155. YAMAHA trail bike, NX 80, bought nsw summsy 0f 1982, neyer ridden ln winter, mint condition. Perfect begInner'e mator bike, $695. Cali 655-4267 atter 4 p.m. Ne 1WLBS FRSALE 1971 OLYMPIC SkIdoo with elea- trIc start, one owner, low haure of use, $400. Double skidoa trailer $200. Phone (416) 649-3064 after 6 P.M. ~~FORFOR SALE 1974 CHEV % TON with cap, 64,000 original miles, very gaad running condition - body neede work. $1.000 firm. Phone 684630 between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. TRUCK and treilor. 22-foot Master- coach fully squipped. 1974 3À ton Ford pick-up. Asking 810,500. Cen b. seen et 146 Brock Street North, Whitby or phono 688-4111. VAN - 1982 Y4 ton Chev, 350, V8, 4 barrei, Super Van convereion, loaded with extras. Asking 816,500. For Ilit of options, piese caîl 668-8178. -I i __________ I ____ Mss! the "Recycler 01 Unwanls"v The EmPorlbm Seion SI IhN WhIbY Free PreSSI There is no reason to keep things you don't need or enjoy anymore just because they're valuable. There are customers willing to pay good money for things you've tired of. - Contact the "Recycler of Unwan- - ts", the classified department of the Whitby Free Press. You wiIl be _ pleased with the quick resuits. As -'- fast as a phone cati, resuits hap- c I have read the Emporium guldelines and wish to have the followlng advertlse- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. it forget to include your phone number) n 1 enclose $600 to cover the minimum charge. E Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. E Bill me $7.50 after first publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nome (please prînt - f irst and Iast namne) Street Address City Postal Code 1 MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby Li N 551 M I mmmmmmmmmmmmmn mmmmmm~mmm mot InteIprlmG R E [iHE:E Ieto o oeIfr IRI I OO IIEPYOT SUT $65IR $40 $25 I Iuu m mm m m m m mm u m m u - juun a