PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY MARCH 16, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~N~EMENTS ~5NcEMENTS I M JOHN R. BAlLET, B.A., C.A. wishes to announce that effective March 10, 19839 the former practice of Bain and Bailey, Chartered Accountants wilI continue to be operated as J.R. BAlLET, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 400 Dundas St. W., Whltby, Ontario, 668-8644 B 1 ýNGOj3 BIGO At THE HIDEAWAYRd Hwy. 2 Whitby - Just W.,of Thornton R.Nrhsd behind & bolow Checkers. (433-0751) HAVE IT BOTH WAYS MON., TUES., WED. Maxi W2011100 Muto 25 regulars $60 on bonus. s500 55nuMini 1"$50 55 nmbers or less 5 earîy birdsl5 late gamnes. 3 other specials. THURS. FR1. SAT. SUN. 25 Reguars $80 on a bonus. Numbered Maxi Jackpot 7 Nights A W.ek By THE HIDEAWAY BINGO COMMITTEE. Licenced by The Town of Whitby. OPEN HOUSE 4Oth Wedding Anniver- sary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town. Open House at their resi- dence, 207 Bowman Ave., Whltby, on March 20 f rom 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. Best wlshes only please. INFLATION put the bite on you? BITE BACK Cîassîfîed Ad... Good priceo have beez realzed ly oeIIng vdluahleleu,. y have grown thed oL tooepie me anal.. i. boy good mdug ou do. un enjo7 a»Y maree.h in yo.rpoebe lhrough our claaiflcd coui.. CALL 888411 WMITSY FREE PRES TO BUYJ 00OYOU HAVE hidden treasures ln your home? Cash paid for any- thing aid 1ke furniture, an- tiques, glass, china etc. Estates and househoid con- tents of epeciali nterest. Phone 655-3526. WANTED (Gouda> Peftery Cali MaRty 1655-38721 Iafter 6p. m ARICLES COATS - One ladies' fur coat, sîze 16. One ladies' long leather coat, six. 718. One ladies' winter suede coot, size M/8 One ladies' spring suede coot, size 78. Phons 688- 5404. FOR SALE: area- atreet mape, Whitby, PickerIng, Ajax, Oshawa, and West Mill. Dickson Prtnting & Office Supplies Store, Ajax Shopp- ing Plaza, 683-1Z68.Deaer inquir- les invited. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE.- Refrigerator, 12 cubic foot. Truck cap, f its % Ton. Bath In very good condition. Phono 655. 3481. "HEROES of the Bibis" coiaurlng book evailabis at Olckson Printlng & Office Supply, Ajax Piaza, W83- 1968. Dealer inquiries lnvlted. KENMORE washer/spin drysr, gocd condition, $100. Phone 668 7821. PICTURE FRAME DISCOUNTS .Custom freming. Over 500 styles. Neediswark strstched. SAVE NOW! Cmii 668-4521 Todayl TANDEM bicycle, good condition, $125. Phone 668-1807. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied *5 colora, 1 89a 04 styles, ineteiied inciuding tex. Aiea eco- nomicai and energy efficient stan,, or replacement thermal win- dows and patio cloars. FREE ESTIMATES Durhaâm Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 VISIT aur used furniture ware- house by appointment. Big savinge on deeke, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Caii Dicksan Print. ing & Office Supplies toaerrange an appointment ta view. 683-1968. 1940 TOYOTA SUPRA, excellent condition, fuiiy iaaded, 70,000 kilo. matres. $8,400. Phone 668-8453. ARTICLES FRSALE TAX!l Instant tax rebats an ail water- bedsanmd mcessaries. Finano- ing availabie. Assembiy kits WATERSHED 244 Brook i. S. Whitby 88&1303 _Open Weekdays 109 Sait.10.6 ARTICES FOR RENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL, man) makes and models, by 1ýh. week- end, week or month. Discounts availabie. DIokson Prlntlng & Of. tics Supplies in the Ajax Plaza Caii -us for business machine repaire 683-1968. W FOR SALE 1979 FAIRMONT $2,000. Auto. matic, 4-cylînder, power steering, buckets, 5 new tires, duel wing mirrors, reer dol router. Phono aqveningslweekends 655-3102. DAlé- TRCK IBY O 10Dundas S. E, gi WH ITBY DEALSI1 Special Car & Truck Prices For Our Good Whitby Friends Phonoe7*180 Now 740-v ln your drlveway" ENTERPRISE FORD 815 King St. W., Oshawa <at Thorntan Rd.> 1~ I j- GUN AUCTI1 FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 18 -AT 7P.M. - Located at the D&M Sales Borm, R.R. 2, Lndsay, Ont. (one mile west of Lindsay an the Little Britain Rd.). For those wishing ta canaign guns to our monthly gun auction, we are registerlng Thurs. ove., March 17 tIi 9 p.m., and aii day Frlday, with an Elghty Gun ILimit. 18For detalis cili the barn 324-966 or Rois. 324-2472. Auctianeers Sud Mckee, Ptllllp Faulkner, Doug Waiden. AUCTIO0N *SA-LE BUSINESS CLOSINO SAL5È SATURDAY, MARCH 19 il A.M. Tools, Airtight Stoves, Vehicles. The property of DURHAM STOVE & CHIMNEY, 3 miles north of Greenbank on Hwy. 12. TOOLS: Automatlc Torcli Cutting Machine Twln Torch (Canox), table model; Drill Press 5/8 Chuck; Do Ali Model C4 Metal Cuitting Bandsaw (buit-ln coolant & blade cleaner); Hobart Beta-Mig 200 Mlg Welder; 2 H.P. Twin Cylinder Compres- sor; Makita Cut-Off Saw; Heavy'Duty Bench Grind- ers; Blue Glant Eîectric Hydraullo Fork Lift; Set of Airco torches, guages & gas weldlng tips; 225 Amp Electrlc Welder; Heavy Duty Wolf hand drill 5/8 chuck; Heavy Duty Bosch grinder; Makita & SkiI grinders; Labeling machine; Com- mercial kerosene heater; Shop vacuum; Large assortment of clamps, vise grips, drivers, ham- mers, drills,. etc.; Qty. of certified Airtight Stoves, Fireplace, Inserts; Stove accessories & Fire screens. VEHICLES: 1976 Ford 1/ ton, 6 cylînder, custom cab (certif led); Case industrial loader with forks & bucket; Utility trailer with spring loaded tailgate; Box trail- er completeiy enclosed with double doors; 1975 Lionel Tandem AxIle house traler (fully equlp- ped); Snowmoblles; 1982 Yamaha MX 80; 21 ft. Car- ver cabin cruiser with 1976 115 H.P. Johnson motor. -MISCELLANE- OUS: Heavy Duty exhaust fans; Lg. stalnless steel trough with' drain valve; 14 ft. van body; Hydraullo cylinders; Lawn mowers; Push hand carts; Propane Bar-B-Que; Chain saws; Office desk; Copying machine; Filing cabinets;, Oty. scrap steel; Qty. stainless steel fittlngs; Qty. 220 & 550 electrIcai Tiotors; Qty. Aluminum, brass & copper stock. rerms cash. No reserve. Lunch availabie. Open for inspection March 17 & 18. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-78&.2183 li nat b. responsible for any >bic liablity, praperty demnage wlnjury ta the public ln cannec- In wlth thîs auction sais. AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 19 - 8 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 bmiles South of Port Perry. 4 With a good quaiity kestate from Toronto and i other items. 15 H.P. MTD L garden tractor with mower, blower, tiller & iblade; 14' fîbergiasa boat 9with 50 H.P. Mercury; 9 3po. French Provincial bed- $room suite; 31/ H.P. wRoper mower wlth war- 3ranty; Sessions mantie 1dcock; G.E. auto. washer; maple bunk beds; caned rockers; china cupboards; kîtchen suite;, antique desks; coal cil iamps; wash, stand; pull-out couch; dressers; 2"x2" cedar & 4', 6'& 8' iength iFrench doors (32x80); single beds; fir doors (30x78); saddie; air condi- tioner; fake fireplace; por- table colour T.V.; patio furnîture; sets of dishes; small appliances; bicy- cles; wagon wheel light; good iamps; cookware; bedspreads; tools; clock radios and many more Items.'-This is' a large estate & will be sold this Saturday and next. Differ- ent list next week. Terms cash, Visa or Mastercard. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTION EERS What's an auction with- out buyers? Your ad ln the Whitby Free Press will be read by over 70,000 potential buyers. Caîl now to advertise your next sale. WHIT13Y FREE PRESS 668-6111 BUSINESS PPTUNTNTES E XC LU S AVyA WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby EVERY MON. & THURS. AT 6:30 P.M. Ail estates and consignments weîcome. th pise lebuyor se. We wli*I pick up. 66-3731 668-M43 <DAYS> <EVOS.) BUSIESS1 W PPORITUNTIESI v E P Market our complete Satellite TV system for $2,495.00 suggested retail. e Receive over 80 channels. 0.8 foot solid aîuminum dish. e True polî ar-tracking mount easiîy adaptable to electric dish drive. e LNA, polar-rotorand KLM recelver. e Warranty and service depot in Canada. Full training program for'marketi ng and installation'at no charge. No franchise fee. STAR'SATELLITE LTD. Phone 306-242-3383 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan CANADA'S NUMBER i IVRO DISTEIIUTOR s ADS ~DNS D EAL ER SH 1: Ml 411 Whitby's Most Widely Read CLASISfI FD a 9 L E