Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1983, p. 23

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By W. Roger Worth Finally, Jean-Claude Parrot has corne up with a sensible proposition. After years of ighting and striking for one massive saiary increase after another, the leader of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers suggests the latest round of postai rate increases should be postponed until ser- vice improves. What's amazing is that Par- rot openly admits the country's postal service leaves something to be desirecl, no matter the expensive surveys and adver- tisements placed by the post office to inform us otherwise. For'if the postal service is something Iess than efficient (and just ask any small firm waiting for an importantiorder or cheque whether that's the case), il is difficuit not to lay the blame on the people who sort and deliver the mail. And many of these individuals are Parrot's members. Parrot and the postal workers, 0f course, blame al the problems on management. They don't seem to understand that by using strikes and the threat of strikes to win more than $23,000 per year for em- ployees, that the post office is going to lose big noney, which will have to be paid by taxpayers. Last year that loss was about $660-million, compared to a surplus (or profit) of $7 10- million for the United States postal service. But wages are oniy one fac- tor. Parrot, for example, dlaims it is illegal to lay off postal workers, even though they aren't needed whcn mail By NORAH STONER Rousseau Heritage House is much more than a furniture store in Whitby. Rousseau's is an historic village corn- plex on Mary Street, north east of the "Four Corners". There are three cen- tury buildings. The main building was oni- ginally the Major Har- per Machine Shop built in the 1850's. In 1929 Louis Rousseau founded the shop specializing in upholstery and drapery. The "Carniage House" and "Murdoch House" were both saved from demolition and moved to Mary Street by Hugh and Marcella (nee Roussea) Poison, the present owners. A unique experience greets the visitor to these lovingly restored buildings. The Pace is easy, browsing is li- vited. Making visitors *volume drops, as it has in the last few years. So postal employees end up doing iess work for the same money. With such costly agree- ments it is flot hard to under- stand why our posties are being asked to pay $2.50 per week each to support Quebec teachers who may again strike and close down the province's school system, even though the law says that option isn't available. When governments and the employees involved have a monopoly on providing such g oods or services (with littie or no competition. froin the private sector), then unions representing these individuals can hold the public to ran- som, which is what has been happening. Parrot, of course, has been a relentlcss user of strikes and the threat-to-strike weapon. As a result, the cost to tax- payers, businesses and the country has been tremendous. The union leader is quite correct when he dlaims that the. postal service is not effi- cient. He is also correct when he suggests any postal rate in- crease should be delayed until service improves. Buit taxpayers shouidn't have to f'oot the bill for addi- tionai post office losses. Instead, the postal workers (including those represented by Parrot) should accept salary cuts until service here reaches the level of efficiency provided by the Posties' coun- terparts in other countries. As Gilbert and Sullivan have sa aptly put it: "Let the punishment fit the crime". feel comfortable, neither hounded nor rushed is one of the se- crets of Rousseau's suc- cess. The pleasant atmos- phere is enhanced by the use of the gallery. concept of display. The funniture groupings are co-ordinated from the sofas, chairs and tables right through to pic- tures, lamps and acces- sories. Room settings assist the purchasers in visualizing the possibili- ties of their own homes. Stressing quality, highly personalized ser- vice, and informality Rousseau's offer the finest traditional furni- ture li cherry, maho- gany, oak, maple and pine. Queen Anne and Chippendale styling are always popular. The Country French and Oriental influences are very strong in 1983. The interior design departmenit is located in the "Carniage House" with the widest selection of fabries and wall- papers in Durham Region. Experienced designers help co- ordinale exclusive rooms for the Rousseau customers. The Rousseau story is a continuing saga with three generations of the family having been in- volved with the store. In many cases the custom- ers have made shopping at Rousseau's a family tradition in fine furni- tune. for Por0on ftM&u WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1983, PAGE 23 Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLA'SSIFi[ED ADS TENDERS services ai Durham Centre for the Deveiopmen- taliy Handicapped, Whitby, Ontario. This contract is for a 24 month period. A site visit will be held March 17, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. in the Conference room ai the C.M.R.V. Building. Tender documents may be obtai ned f rom: MInistry of Government Services Public Tenders Off ice Room M11-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone (416> 965-1152, A 50% Performance Bond Is required. Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m., Friday, March 25, 1983, ai which lime they wiil be opened in public. Tenders will be opened In Toronto. NOTE: For further information please contact Mrs. L. Sidney, Public Tenders Office, Toronto. The lowest or any accepted. T.O. 272 tender wiii not necessariiy be Ministry of Government Services IOntario CLASSIFIED (ARMENTS/ S CONDOS FR FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent. $300 per month. Everythlng Included. Phono Mlke 726-3974. 2 BEDAOOM apartment for rent ln downtown Whitby. Phone 6688- 2757 after 6 p.m. ÀÉIDAMODîON WAqA~TDNTED ONE large 1 bedroom apariment with utillties. Retired couple. Ap- ply: File0302, Box 206, Whltby Free Press. FLRIDA ciearwater - Three bedroomn mobile homes. Pools, tennis, close t0 beaches and maor at- tractions, chlldren welcome. $225.00 U.S. weekly <Iessu than motel room). 683-5503 FOR SALE *LACKWATEA - 10 miles north. @st Uxbridge. 2,200 square foot plus full basement viceroy home on 1 acre. 4 bede, country kitchen, sunken living room, formai dinling room plus much more. Many ex. tras. $108,000. 475-5410 days. 705- 357-3940 eveninga and weekends. PRIVATE SALE - 4 Hârper Court, Whitby. Open H~ouse Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. or cal 668-4447 for appolntment. 4 bed- mrne, 2 storey, 1 'h batha, family room. 60 x 100 lot, double garage, many extraa. COUNTRY HOME has room for rent. Eight miles north of Whltby, garden, stream, beautiful trees. $190 monthiy includes utilities. Phone 655-4035. OFFIEESPACE' OFFICE for rent, ground floor, downtown Whltby. $30 per mon- th. Phono 668-.2757 af ter 6 p.m. CLASSIFIED - HOUSES HOSE FOR RENT FOR RENT room, brick house, located at 977 Susan Drive, Squires Beach, Pickering, Ontario., Occupancy May 1, 1983. Proceed south on Brock Road from Highway 401 East. Turn east ai second stop llght 10 McKay Road and follow road 10 Intersection of McKay Road and MontgomeryPark Road. Turn rlght ai thîs Intersection to Susan Drive, and proceed south 10 third house on east side of the street. The property Is accessible 10 the Pickering "GO" Train, and serviced by Dial-A-Bus and a school bus. This property may be viewed f rom 4:00 p.m. 10 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 22nd, 1983, when a repre- sentative of the Mlnistry of Government Services wiii be ln attendance. "OPEN HOUSE" signs will be posted. Tender documents may be obtained f rom the rep- resentative on this date, or f rom: MinIstry of Governiment Services Public Tenders Office Room Ml-43A Macdonald Bloc k Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontarlo, M7A 1 N3 A certified cheque or money order for the f irst month's rent must be submitted with the tender dr'cuments, and wlll be promptly returned 10 un- successfui bidders. Sealed tenders. will be recelved until 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 30, 1983, at which lime they wiil be opened ln public. Tenders wiil be opened ln Toronto. NOTE: For f urther information, please contact Martha McBurnle, Mlnistry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontarlo, Telephone (416) 965-2040. Please quote File No.: M767-31. The highest or any1 accepted. tender will not necessariiy be T.O. 274 (~) Ministry of Government Ontario Services THEKEYTO BUYING OR SELLING YOUR IIOUS.E... ...AN AD IN THE WHITBY FREE PRESS. CALL 668-6111 TM PLACE YOUR AD. Postal service is less than efficient Rousseau's buildings three centuries old THREE- ROOM WHIIBY OFFICE SUITE With private washroom. Has over 750 sq. ft. of f uliy broadloomed and air-conditioned spaciousness. Main office about 32 ft. long. Cou Id be divided into smaller offices. For further information contact Mr. Burgess between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at: 668m6372

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