PAGE ,; WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 1983, WHITBY FEE PRESS By ROXANNE REVELER Cail 655-4951 wlth Items for thl, column. Hi there; Did you hear about the ship that salled from Hong Kong wîth a cargo of yo-yos' It sank 164 times. LIBRARY NEWS The library is bursting into the month of March packed with fun-filled programs for the children. BROOKLUN HOME BAKERY & DELICATESSAN 61 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK MUFFIN,- New improved Recipe ~1.99 doz. MOT CROSS BUNS MADE FRESH DAILY Q SPECIALS! Q Effective until March 14.Q Rent a VCR Player NOW Swhlle speclal lasis. FOR ONLY Q WEEKENDS MON. - THURS. Q Fr.-Sat. - $1000 1 Weekday - $699 Q Q FrI.-Mon. - $25.99 2 Weekdays - $10.99 ýSat.-Mon.- $1 8.99 4 Weekdays -$1 5.99 Q MOVIESQ *mon.-Thurs. - $2.99 Fr1., Sat. - $3.97Q Intellivision units & games for rent. Q 350OVHS &BETA MOVIES Q 14 Church St., Brooklln (Sehlnd Brookln Communlty Centre> 655-4229 MONITUE8I4EDTHUI18 104 FRIISTI1&8 J < P-SiDY- S e e e - I - ByS-lins HAIR' SALON SUPER SPECIALS Mondays Perms - 1/2 Price Wednesdays .12 Price on everyother serviCe (except Perms) (This of fer applies ta Susan only.) Calil for your appoiniment now. 119 GREEN ST., WI-ITBY 668-9262 Every Frlday for the remainder of the month, movies wil be runnlng from 3 to 4 p.m. Please note the tizne change!1 Takre a chance klds and register before March 18 for the March Break I"Squeegygloop Surprise". Every day startlng March 21 to 24 fromn 3 to 4 p.m. you can be creatlng " gloopy cratures'. Remember you must sign up for this super programn. Somnethlng new for 12 years old and up. During the, March Break (March 21-25) every eveming fromr 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the library will be rolling "Fright Night", movies starting off with the "Fail of the House of Usher", Edgar A. Poe's eerie story of the mysterlous house full of crumnbling foundations and crumbling people! Remnember, younger children must be accompanied by somneone 12 years old and Up. A remninder to ail from the pre-achool storyhour and adult group that Tuesday, March 8 fromn 12:30 to 1: 30 will be the final program of this session. In need of somne extra copies, just head to your library and make use of their photocopier at 15 and 20 cents a copy. Even at the slight increase it's stili a bargain. Look forward to seeing you at your library. P.C. FUNCTIONS GALORE Your Progressive Conservative Associations in this area are always busy and the month of March is no exception. There are many funct 'ions going on which I'm sure will be of interest to you. The Durham West P.C. Aà sociation wiil be holding their Spring Dance in the West Shore Comn- mumity Center on Friday, March 4 st.arting at 8 p. There will be a dise jockey for your dancing plea- sure, a light buffet, door prizes and spot danices al for the 10w price of $7.50 per person. The Brooklin and District P.C. Association will host a Night of Cards 'on Wednesday, March'16 commencing at 8 p.m. at the Oddfellows Hall, Brooklin. There will be prizes and refreshments and the charge for admission is $3 per person. The South Central District P.C., Association of Womnen wil be holding an, Inaugural Dinner Me.eting on Wednesday, March 30 at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. This should prove to be an'exciting evening as the guest speaker is Laura Sabia. Cock- tailswill be served at 6:30 pý.m. followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for this are $15 per person. Tickets for any or ail of these functions can be ob- tained fromn Bruce Bagg Realty 655-4211 or Brooklin Bakery 655-4951. FLOWER ARRANGING COURSE The Brooklin Horticultural Society is again offer- SALT SPECIAL 20 Kg. Crystal W.C ................ $4.16 40 Kg. Crystai W.C................ $7.46 20 Kg. Select W.C ................. $3.54 20 Kg. Commercial W.C ...........$3.00 FARM SALT 25 Kg. Cobalt lodized ............. $4.97 40 Kg:* Common Fine ............... $5.79 BLOCKS 20 Kg. Cobalt lodized.............. $4.00 20 Kg. Trace Minerai ..............$5.10 SAFE-T-SALT 10Kg ........................... $1.59 20 Kg ...........................$244 40 Kg ........................... $3.79 DE-ICER 25 Kg. Urea...................... $8.6e FISHERS FARM SERVICE ASHBURN 655-3842 Quilt show Ing a four-week flower arranglng course Wo be hed at the Concept Center i Brooklln. Classeswlll be held on Tuesdays, April 5, 129 19 and 26 fromn 7 W 9 p.m. Classes wlll include basic flower arranglng as well as some contemporary and novelty Party arrangements. Registration 18 $15 for members and $20 for non-members whlch Includes membershlp to the Society.' Flowers wlll be included. Other necessary sup- plies wlll be avallable for a nominal fee. Instructors for these classes wlJ be Joan Brak, an experienced prize winning arranger, and Veronica Colangelo, an accredlted floral designer. 'To register please caîl Joan Brak at 655-4742. PLAN AHEAD The Brooklln Business Association will be holding its Annual Spring Fling at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club, Ashburn, on Saturday, April 9 from 8:30 p.m. toi1 a.m. Music will again be provlded by B & H Sound and a lavish late buffet wUll be served. Your ticket,,priced at $20'a couple, wil make you eligible for some fantastic door prizes. Tickets wlll be available this yegir from Cos- grove's and Brooklln Bakery. Only a limited num- ber of tickets wil be sold so plan to get yours early. BLOCK PARENTS Mrs. Dorothy Batty is the new area chairman for the Brooklln and Area Block Parents. Dorothy has lived in this ares for the past 12 years and has been active in the Block Parents for the past five years. You can contact her by calling 655-4248. BURNS KIRK GUILD The Kirk Guild of Ashburn is holding a "Colors" demonstration on March 15 commencing at 8 p.m. i Burns Church Hall. 1Find out' about wardrobe and make-up co- ordination which wil assist you now that spring 15 just around the corner. Put your best self forward. Tickets are limited to 100 and cost $3 each. If i- terested please phone 655-4652. THANK YOU SO MUCH Heather Bray would like to, tbank the staff, of Meadowcrest Public School and St. Leo's Separate School and also the block parents in this area for their support while she was area chairperson.' The Block Parent Organization 18 set up to protect the children in this area and needs your continued support to make this worthwhile program work. OUR HOME A faint beacon in the gathered gloom of rnoney borrowed, balance due, interest rates and monthly payments flickered in the classified ad section of a large newspaper, a while ago. It tickled my fancy as I read: "The Moores wi sh to announce that they have paid off their mortgage ... While not ungrateful.. they wish to inform -the senior officers of the two companies concerned that they may now jump into. the coldest, deepest and muddiest part of Lake On- tario. " Futile 0f course, to stick out the tongue at the gods. The dank, dark recesses of Lake Ontario wll wait i vain. The economic leviathan lumbers -on, casting its shadow across the land. But it's the thought that counts. At least one couple is unfettered, smiling and smug - if only for today. See you next week ...Roxanne.Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop off Fridays, before noon please * MM CLEANERS, * . SAM EDAY SERVICE * ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS Mmai fats and oiis, and K&M Ciemners and *vegetable fats and the International Moîîs. Fabrocare Institute, * CANDLE WAX Candle wax can be the. world-wlde trade STAINS difficult to remove association for dry- M and drycleaning Is of- cleaners and launder- * Today, candles are ten flot stMficient by ers, suggeat that you * very popular table ltself. Other chemi- take your linens to a decorations. But wat- cals are needed to re- prof essional dry- ch out, candie wax move the dyes and cleaner for the best * can end up on your pigmnents used to pro- stain removal results.N M lovely table, linens. duce the colored cà n- You may wish to use N * Even non-drip can- die. These chemnIcals a dulI knife to scrape N * dies can drip and are flot always avail- off the excess candie * stain. The stains can able and safe for the wax 'before brlnging be compounded' by consumer to use. the linen to the clean- ~the colored dyes used Also, -many stains re- er. Remember, your M for the candies. quire a rather long cieaner knows the M Candies are made and complIcated pro- proper procedures forN from petroleum, ani- cedure for removal. stain remnoval.N "A Cleaning Service for the Entire Family" * 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WHUTBY 668-2831 st. Mark's United Church Women wlll pre- sent their annual one- day quilt show Thurs- day, March 10 from 2 Wo 9 p.m. Admission price is a voluntary donation. Refreshments will be available. At leastI 50 quilts, not' previously shown at St. Mark's, .wlll be on display. Many of the, quilts have been, made locaily within the last five years. The dresden plate pat- tern 18 ever popular. One example was made i the Chatham area in 1920 and another was completed just this: year. One quilt featuredý will be a" crazy quilt, made by Marguerite' Crawforth's grand- mother in 1902. Butterflies, flowers, nursery rhymes and animais ail find their, way onto. quilts. The, Centennial Rose quilt recently completed by Caroline Alderson of Brooklin copies one ,designed and made by Fredý Blakeney of Van- couver Island in 1967. Two of the quilts, a Sunbonnet Girl and a Dresden Plate will be for sale. Be sure to visit the. quilting room and put a few stitches in the crib quilt on the frame. Some of the St. Mark's Quilt- ers will be on hand Wo help you and answer any questions. St. Mark's Quilters quilt . each Wednesday morning at 804 Centre St. S. Newcomers, whether- old or Young, novices or -pros, ýare always welcome. 1The. date to remember is Thursday, March 10 from 2 to: 9 p.m.' St. Mark's Church is at the southeast--corner of Col- borne and Centre Streets in Whitby. a mmsommi-