WIQITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 1983o PAGE 13 It's great Wo be back. Nice Wo get away-and soak up that gorgeous sunshine, but there's no place like home and Whitby. Many thanks Wo Marlon Buchnanwho eptthe presses, humming ini our ai sence. WATCH TUE PONDS <It'S early.March and Scott's Pond normally would be frozen solid and waiting for the eager children Wo skate and play hockey. This bas not been a year for outdoor rinks. Kids, be extra careful of any icé. It may look sale on the surface but it's anythlng but sale. For everyone's peace of mind, don't skate or walk across outdoor ponds. They are very dangerous this year. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Mornlng Bible Study begins Tuesday, Mardi 1, 9:30 p.m. Theme wlll be on special times in the 111e of Christ and their meaning for us. Evenlng discusflon sessions begin Wednesday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. The general theme will be the meanlng of Baptism, Confirmation and Com- muion. The firsttWpic for March 2 - What does in- fant baptlsm mean' Who should be baptlzed? What about sponsors? 25th Anniversary Project - Flrst major Item, Pan- cake Supper, Saturday, March 12 at 5 p.m. $3 for adults, $1.50 for children under 12. Tickets may be obtained from members of, the Finance Commlttee. U.C.W. Supply Project - Next Saturday, Mardi 5, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Any clothing i good condi- tion, ladies' and mens', for hostel in Oshawa and Women's Shelter in Toronto, will be accepted at the churcli. Special thanks tW those who helped with the card party last week. Net proceeds were $130, ear- marked for the Organ Fund. No Jupior Choir Practice this week and, next. Senior Practice on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. CAPERS BALL The Capers Bail, held at Heydenshore on Satur- day evenlng, was again a great succesa. Our thanks Wo Bey and Don Rogers, who looked after the even- Ing. Prizes were generously donated, by Wheelies Famlly RoUer, Centre, Kendalwood Video, K-Mart, Gerry Emm, B & R Transport, Pepi's Pi=z, North American Van Unes, Town of Wbltby and Lynn Majoros. Our thanks to ail the donors, but a special thanks to K-Mart, who have contributed Wo every dance i the past 10 years. Guests Included Corridor residents and their friends, Regional Councilors, Gerry and Betty Emm and Tom and June Edwards, our past- president Vic Sheffield and Ev. It was Sheffield night and President Chrais Pelgrims presented Vic wlth a gift and a corsage of pink and white carna- tions to Evelyn. The Sheffield's recently moved to Scarborougli and it was a great pleasure Wo have themn witli us on- ce again. Guests were also present from Toronto, Pickering and Port Perry. Our next dance wlI be held in- November in the Masomie. Hall in Whitby. You ail come back. Please cail 725-896 with news items for the column. Ontario's Minister of Health recently announced that increased funding for mental health services were included in the Ministry's planning schedule for 1983. Presently, the Ontario Governnient operates ten psychiatrie hospitals and funds sixty-five psychia- trie units in general hospitals throughout the pro- vince. Current mental health care spending *ex- ceeds $300 million per year and the Ontario Govern- ment plans to. increase this allotment to provide significant improvements to the existing system. Mental Héalth Issues: *'Shortage of backup programs for ex-psychiatrie patients *Additional community support services are required * Discharged patients must be provided with the skifls needed to live and work in the community e Ex-patients often face a community which is both fearful and hostile e -No one government nisfitry is presently respon- sible for supportive programs for discharged psychiatrie patients. Additional Funding For Community Support Pro- grains: Spending in community health services lias lncreased by more than 50 per cent during the past three years and funds will continue to be allocated for lncreased communlty support. A Mental Health'Division las been established wlthin the Mlnlstry of Health to integrate both community and institutional services for the men- tally ill. This re-structurlng within the ministry wiI result in a more streamlined and co-ordinated men- tal health care system wlthln the province. Thfe Mlnlstry of Health wll as sume the role of lead min'stry for ail matters relatlng to aduit men- tal health. This minlstry will co-rdinate services for which it does flot bave direct responsibility Wo ensure that patients' non-medical needs are brouglit Wo the attention of appropriate ministries, agencies or governments. The Ministry of Healtli of presently establishing Communlty Advisory Boards at each psychiatrie hospital Wo enable the hospitals to better serve the needs of the communities in which they are located. District Health Councils have also been requested to review ail adult mental health services in their communities with particular- empliasis on the strengthening of community health services for mental patients.' 1%e goal of the Ministry of Health is to, create a mental health care system in which the assessment, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation constitute stages in a single process. -Appropriate mental health programs are essen- tial components of an effective health care system. The recent announcement from the Minister of Health demonstrates your goverrnent's ongoing commitment to meet the difficuit challenges of mental health head-on. BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY >CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 Two men arrested for breakm Two local men were arrested after police ob- served an attempted break and enter at Variety Video on Station Street in Oshawa. Police say two men were seen trying to en- ter the-'store through a rear window late last Thursday evening. The police officer arrested two men on the spot. Charged with attem- pted break and enter is Thomas Richard Dono- van, 16, of Dundas Street East in Whitby, and Donald Victor Hockley, 17, of Albert Street in Oshawa. LIstIngs requlred 4 Whttby, Brooklln, Ashburn and -area. Caîl 4 a f ree valuatIon & llst 4 a commIssIon téeof4% 4 more ln4mation cali JACK GRANT 668-4000 WIFRE THIE NF-"BORHOOD PR0FT--Sýý 824 Brock St. N., Whftby 21 6 68-6221 ,GOLO JACKET REALTY flifIfilber broker Across from the Curling Rink. Bill Bird 666-6221 DELIGHTFUL - 4 bedroom home, separate dlntng room, sunken liv. ing room and main f loor family room wlth f ireplace. 120 ft. deep lot, dock and patio. Lllen North 668-6221 or 68-7479. Only $83,900. STONEFIREPLACE - for those wlnter nlghts. 3 large bedrooms, 1 ¾ bathrooms, privacy backyard. Large assumable firat mortgage, negotiable move-In date. Bob Jackson 668.6221 or 576-7034. PIESHAPED- fenced lot, 1 'h OPEN SPACE - la what this over- battis, 4 bedroom, large famlly kit- aized home backs onto. Fireplaq0,@' chen, fireplace and more. $69,900. large games room, full basement, Chrlstine Kendal668-6221 or 86&8 pool - $89,900. Marg or 0111 BIrd 7083. 668.6221 or 668-5S774. 835,900. - 3 bedroom, large kit- chen, finiahed basement, il;4% mtg. avallabie, low, 10w down, oeil 6884221. DETACHED $44,900. - Whltby home on nîce lot, close to sohools, paved drive, only $4,500. down to one let mortgage, 060& 821 or 571-3727. WHITBY - $66,900, detached brick i' ½ torey, 3 bedrooma, extra In- su latton In garage, woodburning stove and more. Bob Jackson 668& 6221 or 578-7034. BROOKLIN - 3 bedroom home ln amai town large treed lot. Sep. garage. Eat in kitchen. Sarah Sur. sey 668.6221 or O9.925 SPECTACULAR - 4 bedroomn 2- storey home. Broadioomn, parquet f looring throughout, ftrepl&ce, dlshwaaher, 101/ % f Irat mortgage tilt 1984.-$69,900. Llittn North 68& 6221 o468-7479. LOW DOWN PAYMENT - Roomy 3 bedroom 2-storey, i ½ batha, sep- arate 'dining room, professionat tintahed rec. room, floor to ceillng fireptace. 13% mortgage $49,900. 684221. IMMACULATE END 0F COURT HOME - 4 bedrooms, solarium, dintng room, rec. roomn with fire- place and wet bar. Only $79,900. Marg or 8111 Bird 6684221 or 668- 5774. 225 Brock St. N., Whltby 668-6171 KIM GREENWOOD WHITBY- FAMILY HOME $76900. - College Dowris super semni on 140 ft. lot of fers 4 large bed- rooma., formaI dlnlng, pool, central air & terrît lc decor. CatI Merv Parchment 668-6171 or 668-8040. Ganabda-k1O boIOcOl 81estate service. MEETING Durham Down's Syn- drome Assoiation will meet Tuesday, March 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Pro- gram Room of the Whlt- by Public Llbrary. The month's meeting wiil include a presenta- tion of some current film on the topic of Down's Syndrome. Ail interested people are welcome. For further information phone 668- Canada's Largest Real Estate Network Mm