Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Feb 1983, p. 18

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P.AGE 18, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 23,- 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS CLASSIFIIiD ADS Contlnued. From Page 17 %_ UCj T lONN JJ AUjIDNS 640-5691 -N AQUARIUM, W0 galion, wilh wooden cabinet and canopy, fliter system, pump and corai, excellent condition, $150. Twin mattrose, box spring and frame, extra long, 80", excellent condition, $100. Zenith sterso record ployer with 2 speakers and stand, excellent condition, $75. Wooden desk, 4 drawor, writing top 22" x 39". $30. Phono 579-3354. FOR SALE: area sîreet maps, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa, and West HilI. DIckson Printing & Off ice Supplies Store, Ajax Shopp- ing Plaza, M3-1968. Deaier Inquir- tes Invtod. FOR SALE - Pair of rouler skates, girls, sîze 5, $10. Judo unIform, chîîdrens, size 2, brand new, 'h price. Ktchen dînette, glass top, $60. Phono 688-6516. GM Infant car seat, 1 year oid, very good condition, $40. Phone 725- 8538. GOLF CLUBS - 8 Irons, 4 wmode. Mcregor.-Jack Burke. Excellent condition. $125. Phone 655-4344. "HEROES of 1h. Bibis" coîouring book ovaloblo af Dlckson Prlnting & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 883- 1968. Dernier Inquirios Invted. MENS RING, solitaire, 57 points, 10 carat, VS quaiity, appralsal value $4,750, asklng $2000. Phono 688-9547 after 5 p.m. AUTOOBIES FORRSA SAELE FOR SALE - 1979 Ralty 5TX Van, automatIc, V8, cerfIfled, very good condition, approximatoiy 80,000 miios. Othor opt ions avgilablo. Phono 655-3978 betwoen 1 and 3 p.m. or 6 and 10 p.m. PROBLEMS SELLING VOUR CAR? W. offor the unique economicai way f0o eil your cor or truck foot at the price you wanf I CALL LARRY AT: 433-4781 You'iI Be GIad You Did. MOTOR CITY AUTO SALES "leostïMii.c.- hua lu Oshwa.." 480 Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa MUST SELL - Botiovue hardtop font troiter. Sloeps 8, 3-way fridge, af ove, fur nace, turn tanks, ward- robe, spare tire. $1,895. Phone 579- 3103. PICTURE FRAME DISCOUNTS *Custom framlng. - Ovor 500 stylos. Noediowork strotchod. SAVE NOW! bCati 668-4521 To<favt1, SUEDE Jaïcket, rabbit fur colaer, excellent condit ion. Worn twice, drycieanod, aimost new. Size 16. Asking $100 or best offer. Contact Mike or Annelle at 668-8404. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied 5s colors, 1 89. 50Il*e4 stylos lnstaied inciuding tax. Aiso oco- nomicai and onergy efficient st0(m or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 VISIT our usod furnifuro waro- house by appointmont. Big savings on deoks, chairs, fiting cabinets, etc. Cati DIckson Print. ing & Office Supplies f0 arrange an appointment to vIew. 683-1968. AN ad ln 1he Whitby Free Prose Classifiod Section wiii eiaiamoot anything. Colt 688-6111l. HIGHEST' PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP CARS AND TRUCKS. New & used motors sold & installed. 655-4045 ,MAUTOMOBILES WFOR SALE A xi nm RICLES vvzE nu TIl TAX! Instant fax robale ona walerbods and accossorie Financîng avallabie. WATERSHED 244 Brock St. S. Whiby 666.1303 Open Weekdays 10-9 Sot 10o TYPEWRITER RENTAL, mi makea and modela, by the we end, week or monlh. Discoui avaliabie. Dickson Printîng &i fice Supplies In the Ajax Pla caîl us for business machi repaire 883-1968. ail an irt ni. p. :s FREE: Drop Into 1h. Dickson Pri Ing &. Office Suppiy store ln ti Ajax Plaza and pick Up a f roe col of their 1983 MetrIc Caiendî Prînted ln two cotours, If maki for handy referonce. 6831968. J iny ek- it at- le )y The caflan mowrmnîn for poesonaifinon. FR SALE CORNEILS AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 26-Il1 A.M. 3 mlles east of Little Bni- tain or 7 miles west 0f Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Britaîn Rd. The estate of the late Mrs. Irene Greenan. Pine bon. net chests,. china cabi- nets, cedar chests, wash stands, Vîctorlan style settee, round oak table & 4 chairs, pîne blanket bo<, oak walI telephone, mantle docks, .antique platform rocker, parlour tables, chain saws, quan- tlty of picture frames, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER RAR 1, Little Brîtaîn 705-786-2183 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby EVERT MON. & THURS. AT 6:30 P.M. Ail estates and conslgniments welcome. The. p1ce t. bey or soif. -We wil1plck up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS) (EVG5.) TIMELINESS ls;important when you are buying or seiiing. And a CLASSIFIED AD is the iow-cost timeIy way to a quîck solution. Cou hity FePres68-11 LOOKING FOR A CAREERIN ADVERTISING? Downtown business re- quires that person who: *Possesses good com- nmunication skills;. *Has ambition and self confidence; *Is eager to learn; *Is capable of earning an above average in- corne; *And is not af raid to work for it. If you possess these qualities drop ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Start imme- diately. Corne in to our office anytime Wed- nesday through Friday. M.B.M. PUBLISHING 131 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY TENDERS ONTAR~; ICIO OEI!4:kMlJ kITE WINLIOW(ALUMUNUM) ICONTRACTORS 1. Tenders are lnvited for the removal of exlstlng & installation of new dual horizontal sldlng & double hung windows & f rames, Mli stry of the Soilcitor General, O.P.P. Detachment Whitby, Ontario. 79-ECR (65206) SEPARATÈ INDIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS wîîî be recelved until 3:00 P.M., Local Time on Monday, March 7, 1983. Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ont- ario Ministry of Government Services, Reglonai Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontario, M5A 18B4. NOTE: For further information regarding the Ten- der/Tenders, please cail Mr. G. LePard at the above address, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. The lowest or any Tender not necessarlly accept. Ministry of Government RCLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE7) (ARMENTS/ (àCONDOS FOR RJENT APARTMENT - Brookiin area. Wouid suit oideriy couple who wouid enjoy modern accommoda- tion with very picturesque rural and gardon envIronmenl. Waik- out, separate onîranco, iower lovol, 1 bedroom, 4-pc. bath, very large living roomn wilh firepiaco and large kitchen. Rent approxi- mateiy $350por month. Appiy ln writing to Box 414, Brooklin, On- tario. ONE DEDAOOM apartment for renl. $300 per monlh. Everythlng Inciudod. Phono Mike 728-3974. IWO BEDROOM apartmont ln quiet woIi-maIntained Whitby building availablo April 1, 1983. Fridgo, stovo, hydro and parkng nciudod. Hoatod garagos, iaundry facilltios and cablo TV available. Only one block away t rom GO and local bus stops. Cail 668-6372 be- tween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. ACCOMMODATION OUNTRY HOME has room avait- kblo 8 miles norlh of Whitby. 'haro houso, lots of treos and Irase. $190 monthly includos utîli. ls. Phono 655-4035. VACATION ' V RENTAILS FLORI-DA C earwater - Three bedroomn close to beaches and major at- tractions, chiidren woicome. $225.00 U.S. weokiy (boas than motel room>. OFFICE SPACE' FOFO R RE*NT WHITBY Office Space 500 square f eet Next to Post Off ice 668-5112 THREE.ROOM WHITBY OFFICE SUITE with privale washroom. Has over 750 square foot of fuiiy broad- ioomed and air-condItioned spa. clousneas. Main office about 32 foot long. Couid be divided into smaiier offices. For further infor- mation cail Mr. Burgess belweon 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 6W6372. ti c ai s Ir THE KEY TO BUYING OR SELLING YOUR HOUSE... ...AN AD IN THE WHITBY FREE PRESS. C/anfida , 4 Matjcaysca CALL 668-6111 TO There's hope on the corporate losers, the Ot- tawa establishmnent should make a concer- ted effort to foster the entrepreneurial spirit, perhaPs our country's greatest resow!ce. As well, policies to better support such risk tkn mhould be put Into place. GREATDEALS ON TWOyWHELaS. Youreahead inii'83. SERVICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with 10 years of expert servicing experience. DUIHAN CYCLE LYD. Taunton Rd. E. & Townllne, Oshawa 576-3150 PLACE YOUR AD. Services Ontarlo 1 lý 1 1 1 1 sa By W. ROGER WORTH Syndicated Coluinnist The nation's smaller firms have been hit bard by the worst economie downturn since the 1930's, yet there is a glimmer of hope amid the disappearance of 80.000 companies in the last year. The good news: 150,000 new firms were created in 1982. Better stili, the 64,000-member Canadian Federation of Independent Business estimates another 200,000 new companies could be set Up this year, providing Ottawa delivers the right bud- get. Nevertheless, the job creation efforts of the small business sector have flot been enough to, keep Up with spiralling layoffs. As a resuit, there are no jobs for at least 1.5 million Cana- dians. WMile it is difficuit to asseas blame, particu- 'larly when the world economy is in such a slump, it is becoming clear that the macro- economists and other "6experts" in the corri- dors of power simply don't understand the nature of entrepre- neurs, and their import-, ance to our success or failure at creating jobs. .A recent article in Britain's respected business magazine, The Economist, bluntly outlines the facts: eSince 1969, about two-thirds of America's new private sector jobs have corne from work- places with fewer than 25 employees. (A simi- lar situation exists in Canada.) * What's more, these' small companies lose Iess than 1 per cent of the days lost through labour, disputes by eom- panies with more than 1,000 employees. e SmaIl firma produce an unbelievable 24 times as many innovations for each research and development dollar as large companies do. e Japan's manufac- turing industry bas had greater succeas and less unemployment because 58 per cent of the em- ployees are in work- places with fewer than 100 employees, comn- (Ê) Ontario

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