Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1983, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY FEI3RUARY 2, 1983, WH1TBY FREE PRESS Br(Fk1i Byi nes By ROXANNE REVELER Cmli OSS-4951 wilih Items for tisi column. Hi there: When you corne to think that over 50 per cent of the Canadian population wears glasses, you realize just how important ears can be. Are you between, g60Oand 7l? 1If you a re a nd you wish to secu re a payout annuity from your RRSP, cati: HERB TRAN 668-5968 725-6564 Mutual Lite of Canada Product Placement Service LIBRARY NEWS Movies will be rolling every Friday after school frorn 3:30 to 4:40 p.rn. for the rnontb of February. Corne on kids ... drop in for an hour of fun and enter- talnmentl Feb. 4 will be featurlng 1"Fourteen Rats and a Rat Catcher", "Mlckey's Trailer"l, "The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy", and "The Mole and the Egg'. Sure to be lots of giggly fun. The pre-sebool storyhour la in full swing every Tuesday from 12:30 to 1: 30 p.m. and some interest- ing prograrna are underway for the aduit group at the same time. Look forward to seelng you at your library. 2ND BROOKLIN SCOUTS, CUBS AND BEA VERS There will be a mneeting of.the Ladies Auxiliary on Wednesday, Feb. 2, (that's tonight) at the Brooklin Concept Center at 7:30 p.rn. They will be discussing plans for the forthcorning year's important projects. Please show your in- tereat and plan to attend. UNITED CHURCH NEWS The Brooklin United Church U.C.W. are holding a "Cupid's Dessert and Card Part" , in the C.E. Build- ing on Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. Admission is $3. Door prizes will be drawn. For tickets please cal! 655-4559. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Brooklin Branch of the Women's Institute receiv- ed a certificate of recognition from Durham Region Lung Association in appreciation of their'faithful work. The Annual International Day meeting of the Women's Institute wiil be held at the home of Mrs. Stafford Cosway on Feb. 16 at 1:30 p.m. The Motto will be "Peace only prevails among nations when it prevails in the heart of man". Roi!. cal! will be «'Name a country and its emblem". Mrs. Levi Arksey will look after "Current Events". Members are asked to bring an item (Show and Tell). Host- esses wilJ be Alice Arnold and Bessie Conway. Con- venor will be Elleen Young. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILA Congratulations and best wishes to a former life- time resident of Brookin, Lila McBrl' an, who cele- brated ber 94th blrthday on Jan. 28. Lila Is now a resident of Port Perry Nursing Home, and ail her friends and associates in this area remember their dealings with her tbrough the building and insur- ance professions'for many years. Best of luck to you in the future Lila. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Brooklin and District P.C. Association plans to hold thefr annual Euchre Party on March 16 at the Oddfellows Hall, Brooklin. Volunteers to assist with'the deails of arranglng such an evening are needed. If you are able to donate some trne please cail president Bob Carson at 655-3662: A GIFT FROM THE HEART Feb. 1 marked the opening of the 1983 Heart Fund Campaign which wWl continue i Brooklln through Feb. 28. Forty dedicated volunteers wili be knock- ing on doors requestmng a donation to this worthy cause., The proceeds from the "lHeart Fund" wil be used for research and education. By helping to support research every resident in Brooklin la makingan investment in the protection of their own heart and in the welfare of this community. Tbrough educational programs bealthy hearts are protected and cardiac patients are enabled to resume healthy lives. As the 1983 slogan says: "Someday your heart may need us as much as we need you". Last year, Brooklin residents generously donated over $2,000 to the Heart Fund. Please find it in your heart to do it again. See you neit week ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop off Frldays, before noon please Peari, Street residents face council ag-an St ereo stolen About $1,000 worth of stereo equipment was stolen froin a Whltby man's car on the nlght of Jan. 26-27, police report. Martin FIonis, 20, of 144 Ash St. in Whltby, discovered early last Thursday his car had been broken intowhile in his driveway. An AM-FM cassette deck, speakers and a tachometer had been taken from the car. Equipment vanishes The Glenwood Mer- cury dealership at 1120 Dundas Street East i Whitby reports more tban $3,000 in equipment bas been stolen over the past month. Police say a sand- blaster, body grinder, a two-ton floor jack and four axle stands have been removed from the building in the last four weeks. No sign of forced en- try is evident, and police are investigating the nia # NLY a 4fI After a four-year bat- --- -- -- -- -- -- - - - --dte wîth Whitby town council, residents of Pearl Street in Brooklin FALCON TVsay they still have to FALCO TV' "play Russian Rou- B3LAIR PARK PLAZA lette" eacb tirne they 100 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY turn from Pearl Street 668-6060 to Highway 12. Op ll Day Saturdays The residents, Who formed a delegation to the operations commit- tee last week, want their ITPEETING ON THE PREMISES,,-1 IL COMPUTERIZED & PHOT Oj street *cbanged frorn one-way running north, to a two-way street. They say it is very dangerous to-turn from Pearl Street to ighway 12 beause. the two streets interseet at a sharp angle. "It's a tbree-quarter turn," said Evelyn Wil- son, representative of tbe residents who bave be-en trying to have the direction cbanged sice 1978. "You can't. nake up your mind whether it's safe to turn until you're half way out in the High- way ... it's like playing Russian Roulette." Tbe operations corn- rnittee decided to look into having the street changed to one-way IBROOKLUN HOME BAKERY 1& DELICATESSAN 61 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Cinnamon Buns (Reg. 11.80)li e I Beef Meat Pies (Reg. 654) See our unadvertlsed w59ea. 1 - -men-store 1p6clal -1 --v q-w" running soutb, but said it would be impossible to make it two-way be- cause the street isn't wide enough. North Ward Council- lor Ross Batten agreed the present situation is dangerous, but said he wasn't sure what the solution is. The residents said tbey would be satisfied with changing the street to a southbound one- way. Town. engineer Dick Kuwabara said there would be "no pro- blem"l with the change. The request for a two- For the third Urne in as many weeks, Lyle's Cut Rate service station on Dundas Street East was the victirn of rob- bery. Police say $125 was stolen from a drawer beneatb the cash regis- LA CONT.ESSA HAIR SALON SUPER SPECIALS * Mondays * * *Perms - ½/ Price Wednesdays ½/2Price on every other service (except Perms) (This offerapplies to Suzanne only.) We also do a complete makeover. Cail for your appoirnment now. 119 G REEN ST., WH ITBY 66809262 À way street was turned down in 1978 because no residents appeared be- fore council to present their position, opera- tions chairman Joe Bugelli said.' Wilson said the reai- dents were not.informed of the meeting in 1978. She said this time, she and her neighbours were only informed of the meeting hours be- fore it started. SCouncilor Batten apo- logized for not calling the residents this Urne, saying he thought, they Lyle's hit agam night Of Jan. 26-27. The thief broke' in tbrougb a window on the front bay door of the sta- tion, which had been boarded up from pre- vious robberies. There are no suspects in any of the three rob- M CUSTOU& M SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS gestions. littie sachets that N The aicohol con- many people put ln N atent- of many per- their drawers for N * FRAGRANCES fumes and colognes sweet smeîling * wiîi affect the dyes clothes. If these sach- Be careful wîth and cause permanent ets, potpourrls, or f ra- your favorite per- damage. The resuît grant crystals come fume. You can spend could be stains, rings, ln direct contact with N flot only your Initial color Ioss and odors. your clothing, perma- N M cost but also extra Women's fragrances nent damage can re-. * clothîng dollars. K&M are not the only of- suit.N Cîsaners'and the In- tenders; men's after- Be sure to read and N * ternational Fabricare shaves and colognes foîlow the directions Institute, the world- are also capable of carefuîîy and ac-N wide trade associa- these types of curately before usîng N M tîon for launderers damnages. these products. You N a and drycleaners, of fer Another cause of may be very glad you * * the followîng sug- damage is the pretty dîd. * C (&aninq e4Sztuicr fot t& E 8flLL'rL am LyN M 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY 668-2831 N buildin - - m ,adL- - -.doLà& - --..& - ý , ho - - vrv- - liv"qivom- 9 doz,

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