Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1983, p. 11

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--- WHITBY -FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 2, 1983, PAGE 1l COMINGEVENTS CALENDARt MEMBERSHIP MEETING Durham Association for Family Relief Ser- vices will be holding their annual general mernbership meeting or Tuesday, March 8, ai 7:30'p.m. in conference room 'B' of the Durhanm Centre, Gordon St., Whitby. (Parking at rear.) Elections wi.il be held, a film wil be shown and refreshments served& Everyone is welcome. THEOS MEETING The local THEOS Chapter will meet on Sunday, Feb. 6 at 2 p.m. in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Coch- rane Street, Whitby. THEOS is a seif-help group for widowed peo- pie who are having pro- blems coping with their grief. Ail widowed people in the area are welconie. WOMEN'S, AGLOW The next Women's Aglow meeting wiil be held Feb. 3, at Evangel Church, 374 Farewel St* , Oshawa. Fellow- ship- and refreshments at 7:30 p.m.; praise and worship at 8p.m. Speaker for the even- lng wiil be area Presi- den t Jean ?Morgan. Ev'eryone welcone'. For more information cal Marney at 728-5373 or Jeanette at 668-0115. DOWN9S MEETING A Down's Syndrome parent's group wiil meet Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the program room of the Whitby Public Library. I There will be a general business meet- n'ing and also an opportu- nity for informai dis- cussion. Ail interested 9 people are welcome. For more information please cail 723-0164 or t 668-2785. LACROSSE DANCE The Whltby First City Junior A Lacrosse Club is holding a Valentine's dance and buffet on Feb. 12 at Heydenshore Pavilion. The dance begins at 8:30 p.m., and music wiil be supplied by a disc jockey. Tickets are $15 per couple and in- clude a chance to win door prizes.. A cash bar wili be available. For more in- formation and tickets, please cail 668-6197. VA LENTINE' LUNCHEON St.« Mark's United Church, 201 Centre Street South, Whitby, wLi hold a Valentine luncheon, soup 'n' sand- wich, on Friday, Feb. 11, 1983 from il a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost for the luncheon is $250. ONE PARENT, FAMILIES One Parent Families Association of Canada, Oshawa Chapter meet at Lake Vista Club House, at Cedar Street, on Emerald Avenue, every Tuiesday at 8 p.m. The next meeting, "6Coffee, Cards & Con- versation" will be held Feb. 8.* Anyone needing fur- ther information conf- tact Arlene at 579-4043. M SKI CLUB MEETING The Pine Ridge Cross Country Ski Club is hold- ing a general meeting on Monday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fernhil Park Ciubhouse on Fernhill Bivd., Oshawa. The film "Jackrabbit" wiil be shown. Refresh- ments. Everyone wel- corne. GENERAL MEETING The Parent Advisory Committee of St. John the Evangeiist Sehool, Whitby is having a Generai Meeting on Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the St. John's School gym. The guest speaker wiii be Dr. Lagroix B.A., M. ITHE1 DURHAM Ed., Ed. D., Director of Education of the Durham Regional Roman Cathoiic Separ- ate School Board. He wiil address the topic of "The Role of the Direct- or."y Everyone wel- corne! PARKINSON MEETING The Parkinson Found- ation, Oshawa Chapter, wili meet on Feb. 7p 7:30 p.m., at Hillsdaie Manor Auditorium. Dr. D. Waller, neuro- iogist, wiil be the guest speaker. The generai Public is welcome. NEWCOMERS New to Oshawa- Whitby area and wouid like to meet other new- REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBL IC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee will considerat a meeting ta be held on: FEB 'RUARY 8,1983 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTrMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY rhe amendment,,as proposed by the Appicant, wouId exclude the subject site, as indicated on' he map below, f rom the Main Central Area iefIned in the Off iciai Plan for the former Planning ýrea of the Town of Whitby. TOWN 0F' WHITBY SITE p o S R sslanj Rd. =Bou dary of the Main Cntral A ecd Subsequently, the» Regionai CÃ"uncil wiiI consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at 'a meeting to be heid on: ci d A 0 FEBRUARY 16,1983 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAM BERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The repo 'rt related to the amendment application is available for inspection ln the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive,' Whitby, or by caliing Mr. L. Kotseff, M.C.J.P. Plan- ning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requests to appear before the Planning Commit- tee as a deputation concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.L.P. Commissioner of Planning, 105 Con- sumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and must, be received by the Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to appear before Regional Council as a deputation concernlng the amnendment applica- tion must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Raod East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3, and must be received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting.1 Gary Herrema Regional Chairman M C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional CIerk corners? The Oshawa- Whitby Newcomers Club invites you to at- tend our next dinner meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at Alil Baba Steak House, Brock St. N., -Whitby, at 6:30 p.m. Cail 576-6M2 or 579-4741 before Friday, Feb. 4 to Uniforms by Mauda CLEARANCE SALE February 1 to February 18 25 %- to50 % off Dresses, Pant Suits, Cardigans 20 % off lab coats, scrub dresses 15 % Off loungerie, liadies' & men's shoes 44 BOND) ST. W. 5107 BOND) TOWERS MALL, OSHAWA 5107 Hlow tobanc tlhebookse Corne into our store and we'll show you d ihow an IBM Personal Computer cari help you maintain a strong foothold in financial - and accounting maccers. Wiîth software programs from BPI -.- Systems, Inc. and Peachcree Software mnc., an IBM Personal Computer can Shelp mind youC-business. By generacing vendor files. Keeping month-end debît and credit records. Printing invoices and consolidlacing multiple transactions. Even by wricing checks. We'll also incroduce you to general ledger packages chat improve control * and produccivicy coday 50o you won'r * be off balance tomorrow. Visit us soon. Our expertT staff will demonscrate al che ways %J an IBM Personal Computer can be your cool for modern imes. Tlhe IBMPRUICmptra MENTAL HEALTH Nancy Handieigh, B.A., Executive Direct- or of the Oshawa Dis- tress Centre, wIi be the guest speaker at the Durham Mental Health meeting Tuesday, Feb. 15, at 7 p.m., U.A.W. Hall, 44 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Ms. Handieigh will be speaking on the subject of Depression and Sui- cide with the focus on Have your special phot-os glazed on a Beautiful China Plate, A truly unique idea priced f rom $9,97 For more information cail 668«3390 m mmmummm mum mummmm mu - ~SAVE $1 .00 on any size of portrait.plate (one coupon per plate) Valid unitil Feb. 28/83. 1 0 m î 1

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