Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Dec 1982, p. 12

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PAGE -12, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29,1I982. WHITBY-PRWVPR PPP.O Mm.. ii~ mi ii~iinuiii PEU.. _________ Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeci to the following pondit ions. HOUSUSEOLD CABINET colfee table, A-i condi- tion, $125. Hi-fi, A-i condition, $125. Dark brawn velour rocking chair $200. Phono 668-2368. CURVED SPACE lurnIlure, lhre places, IncIuding spoon chair. Ex- cellent condition. Asking $400. Phono 668-1564. FULLY LIWED antique satin goid drapes, In good condition, to lit a window 168" wide x 92" long and misa 102" wide x 92" long, $125. Green unIined polyester drapes, 150" x 95", $25. Phono 668-3720 allen 5 p.m. MATCHING fridge, slave and fan. Fridge, gold, $220. Slave $150. Fan $15. Phono 579-4212. OLD wardrabe, mlirors and draw- ors, $75. Antique table, maho- gany, $125. Phono 683-6638. ONE black bar, good condition, $75. One black recliner chair $40. Phono 668-4116. ONE PHONE CALL AND vOU AWAKE A SELLING GIANT. Place your adverlisemeni under the Whitby Free Press Emporium sec- tion and gel Immodiate resulas. For lurthor Informat ion or io place your ad In the Free Press cmii 668- 6111. AIR CONDITIONER for aide ail window, 6,000 BTU's, bargain $160. Cmii Oshawa 725-5M3. AIR CONDITIONER $40. Gli covered rattan fable $90. Phc 68-6937. ALUMINUM storm nand acre door wifh grill, size 331/ I x 801, $45. 14" colour TV, brand ne Sears moke, $35o. Phone 63.13 BAIJER Supreme 100'9 hock skates, aire 8. Retali $219. Sf iii thé box, neyer ueed. PrIce $il Great gifli Curling shoes, Bau Bonspiels, neyer uaed. si 98$35. Size 88$25. Cali 686-0683 8 9 a.m. or aller 10 p.m. BEAUMARK free arm portablez zag sewing machine In carry cas Aaking $130. Caii 666-3674. BEIGE & BROWN 4 pc. cheste fieid. New condifion. Askiri $400. Phono 668-2605. J lder 1 ai one een ew, key 1In 50. uer ze to ig se. 'e >d1 le n c i c * ir ol br hc j or Pl Pl ce tel eji 66 PC mi $5 fax $r. ani Sc tiqi ma disl Bic SEI quil yo' Fr* CHESTERFIELD and rocker, woc frame, new cushions9, goid, $15 Largo pictura window $295. Phan 685060. THERE ARE PEOPLE wiiing t pay good maney for things you'î tlred of. Place your md ln the Fne Prose - as fat as e phono cel roulits happeni1 Cmlii668-6111. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm wilh polos and boots, size 5, $45 Cross-country boots, sire 7, $12 Figure skatos, size 5, $4. Figure skates, sizo 6, $6. Boys Cougal boots, sizo 6, $6. Two schoal dosks, biuo and red, omch $12. Hamster cage, raund, slurdy, motmi, like now, $10. Phono 66U 9482 evoninga. DRUMS for sale - Bass, Snere, Tom-Tom, Crash - Symbol, plus emaloer symbol alfmched. In good condition. Asking $250. Aiso wmnt tasaili good bed and maifrese, for $25. Ploose oeii 576-1911 mter 5 p.m. FIVE antique oak chmirs wif h bm- f her seat s $25, very good condi- lion. One pmir aI girls siza 10 Kanen Magdmnaon skates $12, ax- cellent condition. Phono 668-9170. FOR SALE - Completesaaw sharp- enlng equlpm.nt ln 161 tralor, $5,000. Phoane 655-414. FOR Immodiate roscuifs, use the Freo Prose Emporium - 6684111. FOR SALE - 2 pair boy's Bauer skates, sire 5 & 5%. $10 each. Mens' Toinna skis wlf h paies & boots $40. Antique buffef with mirror $100. Boakoase, 3 shelvos with 2 doora ai the boftaom, 875. Atari videa gamne, 6 cartrldg.s, $M5. Singer freddIo aowlng machina 825. Color TV set, RCA, 26" f 10cr madel, $50. Chesterfield & chair, gald, $100. Pîcnic table $20. Mens' 10 speed biko,Ilight- wolght, new ftires & tubes, $75. Assartment af books & records $10. Tyco racing car set, command contrai, $25. Phone 579-3353. ýA FOR SALE - Steel box traiter <E sun pick-up box), 15" whel $350. Phone 655-4814. FRIGIDAIRE. ciothes dryer S 1956 Evinrude, 25 h.p., $125. 19 Mercury, 6 h.p., $225. Webcor re to-rosiltape recorder $40. Pho 576-769. LARGE train set, N-Gouge,1 cars, 16 engines, 27 eIectric am ches, building and transforme Asking $1,495. Couall fer 6 p. 579-3408. MENS European ski boots, size excellent condition. Aaking $50, beal allfer. Phono 668-0495. MUSKRAT fur coaf, sire 12-1 gaod condition, $250. Cail 66 0127 aller 6 p.m. NEW OUTBOARD MOTORS unused. With warranty. 2 h.p. $39 5 h.p. $695. Hmwk siide-in ftruc camper with slave, sink and l< box, ses, 3, exceloent conc lion, $795. Phono 985-3486. ONE amai adverlisement las ail takes. Place your article for sal ln the Whitby Free Press and ge Immodiate resuls. The Free Pros se read by over 70,000 pote il buyers each week. Think il-au Nhal we can do for you ..Ihen cel us. Whifby Free Press 668-61 11. ONE lake fur cool, size 44, $100 One Serte bed chosferfieid bec moene used, $2W0. One browi tweed winler coot, size 16, $W< One Woalheraii nain cool, sire 14 $10. Phono668-1398. DNE fruck cap for hall tan tnuck, mseuiafed, wilh iighls, $150 ar besi lIfer. One 80 galion lish tank, ail ocessories, $250. Chocolats )rown poodie, il monthe, flii louse frained, not regilered, $75 )r boat aller. Phonoe668l1260. PIERRE CARDIN daubie-breosfed ,incoal, mensa, size 44 regular, )ege. Warn f v lystmosi $60. hane 571-3423 aller 6 p.m. ONEER modol KE3000 AMIFM mssette car radio, elocfronic digi- ai funing, pro-sel stations, auto- oct. In original box, $225. Phono ORTABLE Singer sowing aâchino 860. Gendron baby buggy 55. Double b.d. aide rails and ait board, $15. Exorcise lounger 25. Eîectrlc trains $60. Stfufed nimalae $18. Phono 576-6479. IHOOL dosk, soid oak, $45. An- que T.V., 7" Admirai, wood kbinet, lirai modol Admirai T.V. nuaclured ln Canada, working ce aid, $425. SoIid wainut trostie mie SM0. itIty bod, soîid birch, sposablo aanhtary maltroas, $59. cycle training roulera $50. Phione 84M9. ELL your unwantod articlos [ckiy and oasiIy with an md In vr local newspaper - 1h. Whitby se Proes. Cmii 66"-111. J >at- 957 Bel- ne 124 3*m. e8. or 4, 8- le 38' ut i@ -PLEASE READ - When fhe advertisod Item leaald, disposed aI, or unavailabie Ion whatever reason, ftho Item wiii be doemed ta have been soid and e commiesion will bo charged bmsod on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiuatralod beiow, regordiosa If price la atated with "beal ofor".< If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposod aI, t ho ad wIii b. non for 3,MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGEý of 86.00 wiil appiy payable ln advance aI publicalion of the finat ad. Otherwise e 87.50 change wiil ap- piy If billed which musf be paid upon receipt aI bill. The abave minimum charges wlii be pplibod a fho final commission duo but In any case ftho higher amounf wliiib. charged. Minimum charge: 86.00 pre-pald; 87.50 bilied. Maximum commîsalon: 8100.00. Ail advertiaementa muaI bo piaced on mn ex- clusive basis wilh the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleaf one mcuith If not soid. 5% aI advertiaed price up ta $400.00 RATES (if article la aold): EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertiaed forSl2O.00. Commissiondue 86.00 (minimum charge la 86.00). Pivaf e edvertiaing oniyi Please natfiy the WhItby Free Press Immediaieiy whon Item la soid ao thai we may delete Iijrnmthe oliowing Issue. Ail adae not lifting the Emporium guidolines wili be lreeted and charged per week as regular ciassified ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wmnled, ciothing, nemi estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoiing price or quantity. PrivaI e cieesiliod adae may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriais headinge. ALL ADS WîLL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 551 If ln doubt cmli: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. A R RTICi7E1 FOIR SALE 7 PIECE Tama drum set plus Syniare electranlo drum. Ail hard- ware'inciuded. 4 cymbals and stands. Liai $4,500. Ssii $3,250. Cali 668-1377. SHOPMATE radiai arm sew, 7 inch biade, wiih stand, $225. Phone 655-3215. SKIS, boots and paies. Ski lengi h 170 cm. Boot size 10. Price $85. Aiso, aid recorda (78). Price for lot $35. Phone 683-8638. CALL O686111 fa place your ad. ARTICLES FOR SALE SLI DING DOOR, heavy gaugo alu- inum, suitabie for paftla or store front. Coef new $975, wiii ssii for $300 or- beel offor. Phono 579- 4388, STERLING SILVER ladies watch $75. Phone morninge until 18668- 3579, alternoane and eveninge 668-6424. SUPER «'8" Yshica movie camera, eiectrIc eye, zoom ions, $80. Haminex Super "B" projeclor, zoom, variable speed, oic., $65. Mavie acreen $30. Phono 668-3885. ARTICLES FOR SALE THOMAS DeLuxe E uropean 1125 eiectric organ with a double key- board. inciudee bonch, light and eheef music. Like new. Asking $975. Phonoe68-2725. 3 HORSEPOWER air compressor, 40 galion holding tank, $750. 75 lelt aI 120-voit lino $75. 1970 440 Magnum Rupp $60 and troiter $75. 1975 250 cc Skidoo rclng machine) $200. Gardon f ractor, 7 horeopower Viking, with more al- tachménf s, $750. 1968 Triumph 650 cc customized moforcycie $600. Phono 571-3024. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO Ue CASH - Uethîs form to mail In your Emporium Ad I have read the Emporium guldelines and wish ta have the followlng advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. 't forget to include your phone number> E 1 enclose $6.00 to caver the minimum charge 0 Charge $6.00 ta My Visa account El 1i1 me $7.50 after f Irst publication of my ad Card No. Exp. Date Noms (ploase print - lirai and lat nams) Siet Addmose City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O.BOX 206 131 Brock St. N. WhItby LiN 551 THREE amk chairs $15 each. Brasa lampe $30 Pair. Large fulsize' mirror $20. Car jack with, stands, hoavY duty, $60. Phono 683-6638. TIMELINESS la Important %when you are buying or seiIing. And a CLASSIFIED AD la the low-coat f Imeiy wmy tlao quick solution. Calii Whilby Free Prose 668-111. WALNIJT BUFFET wi h- glass doars, excellent condition, $150. Outlde waii chImney unit for woad slave, $200 ýor beaf ofler. Dorchester siereo with twin speakers $25. Phono 668-0495. WOOD 24' extension iadders $30. ,Snow akimmer, ail steel, $50. Phono 668-1987. ZERO clearance lirepiace, 36,, opening, $175:- Approximofeiy 100 smoked giasa mirrar files $50. Venity only, dark wood, $25. Proc- ter Silex 12-cup collee maker with digital dlock, usod twice oniy, $45. Phono 6833236, ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scolia rap. bed, 48" wide, asking $250. Phono 655-4271. ANTIQUES FOR SALE - Victorien sofa wif h matching chair $250. Victorian wing bock chair $150. Canadimna bed $175. Square aak dining tabla, 6 legs, 4 beaves, $400. Two matching wlng bock chairs, new, nmvy coifon, $200 emch. Secretary desk, daled 1879, $8(00. Cmii 579-0765. THERE ARE PEOPLE wliliing ta pay good money fan thinga you'vo f ired aI. Placo your mdvrtisemonf ln the Whifby Free Press Empor- Ium Section. As fait as a phono cail, rosuits happoni Cmii 668- 6111 foday. TOMOILLS WFSAI.E SLE 1976 HONDA CIVîC, hatchback, automatic, ans owner, body good, good running condition, needs fines fa b. cartified, 57,000 original miles. 81,200 or boaft0f fer. Phona 668-1564. 1974 CHEVELLE, gaod for spare parts, 4 doon, B8.cyllnder, new exhaust system, boat offor. Mini- mum $250. Phone 668-9944. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSC, 400 mafor and transmission, new brakos mii tha wmy around. Asking SM0 or besf reasonabie aller. Phono 668-9840. 1967 BUICK SKYLARI< SPECIAL, 420.2 angine, had ring and valve lob and robuilt transmission. Aiso naw fuel pump and walar pump. Rune excoeloent. Souf for parts. $60 or besf aller. Phono 579-4388. MI IJ4,j TT lia À M 1 L' jIàjý J[-£%ýzaa m 1 1 . ý< > 1 à 1 - 1 m MSALE 1970 OMO ;4 Ton Truck, long box, 10-1 pistons, aiuminum Intake, much more, $1,100 or boat ofter, muai ssii. 1975 Honda 500 molor- cycle, needa tune up, ln good shape, M50. Both for 81,400. Calii Wade 6687520. 2% of balance over $«.W ROLL TOP dek, medium oak finish, aire 50" x 24" x 42" high, oak venons with soiid oak roll-top, cuatom made (new). Asklng $500. Phonoe668-1385. SEARS frosi-free nefrigorafor/ freezer wif h Ice maker. Full sire. Brown. Good condition. Oniy $150. Phono 725-7729 dmys. SINGLE BED wif h mmtress, In 'good condiftion, $50. Twa pleces af broadioom, blue, 12' x 18' $120, 12' x 8' $40. Phonoe668-9605. SOLID WOOD chestorliaid and f wo matchlng chairs, blue 5f iped cushiona, $150. Phona 668-6144. WRINOER WASHER, excellenf condition, $235. Phmone 623-7522. 8NOWMOBLES FOR SALE 1975 TNT SIIDOO, 340, goad non- ning shape and excellent candi- fion, needa 111f le wark on flibre- gluse haad. AskIng $700. Phone 839-9725. Mn

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