Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1982, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15 ,1l982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in- Byines 0:, By ROXANNE REVELER Cali 655-4951 wth iteis for thi. columu. HM there: "'Tis the season to be jolly'l. That's what the bar- ds say, but because of our economie tiems I'Tis the season of despair" for many familles in this area. None of us bas much nowadays,' but please try to serape a littie together'durin gthe Cbristmas season and give to the lijkes of the Salvation.Arrny to enable them to bring a littie liglit into the gloorn of a needy family's Christrnas. H is waiting without hope. TO ALL AREA CHILDREN There is a post box at your library ready to reèçeive your Christrnas letters., Send Santa your requests or a cheery note, drawhim a picture,-tell hlm what you'have b)eendoing lately. Santa weuld love te, hearf rom you this week because....... SANTA CLAUS 18 COMING TO TOWN . Hurry,,burry,,hurryl Santa Claus lscomlng ta tawn. Scoot over ta, your library Dec. 18 from 10: 30 ta 11:30 arn. for mavies'and a very special visit frarn Santa hlmself. Let's thank Santa' for takig tirne out of his busy schedule ta visit aur library by showing up and saying "lWe lave you Santa". LIBRARY NEWS No guessing, countlng or searchlng ta enter the "lCandy Cane Contest". Just pick out a book and show your library card and you could be' the wlnner, of the giant candy cane. Good luck kidsl1 BOTTLE DRIVE The 2nd Brooklih Cuba and Scouts will be having a giant bottie drive on Jan. 8,1983. Tbey will be happy ta accept ail re turnable botties so save them up aver the holidays., Ail funds raised will help ta finance sending district scouts ta the World1 Jamboree 'in 1983. Corne an Brooklin, you lend a hanïd. A WARM WELCOME INDEED A warm welcorne from al the residents of the, area ta the Dyer family, Ivan, Dawn and Hannali. Reverend Dyer, was inducted as minister af St'. Thomas AnglicanÇChugrch Brooki, on Nov. 25. .Rev. Dyer and bis wife Dawn are frorn the city af Peterboroughli wlere, they were higli school sweet- hearta.' Af ter higli scliool Ivan did volunteer churcli work in the Bahamas for a year and upan returming, ta Canada drove an ambulance for twa years. Wliile working in this'-emergency care section lie became, increashgy aware of bisdesre tacommit himsef ta futmriitry as an Anglican priest. Dyer returnedtesehool and-earned a B.A. fromýý Trent- University in. History and Antbrapology. It was during lits first.year of university that he and Dawn were married. Frorn Trent they moved to St. John's Theological Coilege in Nottigham,England ned to Ca naa t opee ihooical. dearee at- * Wycliffe, College, Toronto ii December 1980.- Since * that Urne le has been'serving at St. Georg's on-the- A pertect Chrlstmas gi*. -BROOKLIN HOME.BAKERY "lLeatherio've".&D LIA ESA As'orted Iengthis, >colours, prices.6,BLWNS. RO I 5-4 1 Suede mttens61ALWNS.BR KLN5-41 aval lable . SPECIAL THIS WEEK d: Enter aur-Fr, Shortbread as -1~75 dz 4Z, Mince Tarts $1 .,95 doz. 1/îIIaaC We wiII cater your next party at reasonable rais V Hot or cold dishes, salads. etc. See our unadvertised in-store.specials., DJ3 Day -1 Event Programming El Easily Visible Electronic Counter El Forward and Reverse Search El Remote Pause/Stili Frame El New Beta Loading System Three other models aval lable.. 4800 portable.......$99900o. Your sÀaNvo dealer in Brook- lin. 'Specializing in Beta Sys tem VCR Rentais with over 200 rentaI tapes in stock. Video "Cassette, Recorder 4000 while supplies Iast ONLY 689 a ... . ... ... . . . . . 430-$799.0'0 ... . . .. ... . . . .ý . 6300 -,999.00 Wo wIliI fot be undersold. T NEVI DEO IMAGE '14 Church St..,Boki 655m4228 h-l, Isllngton.11 For thepast three years, Dawn bas worked at Wycllffe Cailege as faculty secretar and lately as s ecretary to the Directer of Development. Their daugliter Hannali Michele was born ini June 1981. The Dyers say their appolntmenftot St. Thomas was an answer ta their, prayers as tbey are tbrlled wlth the prospect of raising their family in sucli a settig as Brooklln. .They have a diversity of interests. They are great readers and are keenly lnterested i matters, con- cegte church in 'the Third World. Their liai> bis nud photograpliy, gardening and cycling on their purpie tandemt bike. They also have a small busiess computer and love, ta ciscover various ways of using it. if the Dyer family is pleased ta be liere i Brooklin, it could not compare with the satisfaction we ail feel in havrng sucli a family jain aur cammu- nity. Welcome, and may we wish yau healtli, bal> piness and a fulfilling life in aur fair tawn. GREAT NEwéi I received a telephone cail from a kind ernployee at Whitby Library wbo naticed my column last week in wbich I attempted ta give suggestions an having a great time this Christmas an a shoestrig. I was flot aware until this'time af a great service offered by the main brandi -of the library ta everyone i the area. There ta a "Community Information Service" at the main library, whicli' answered some 405 questions in November alone. They have in their reference secetionjust about, everythlng that is going' onin this area. Tbey have suggestions for New Year's Eve celebrations operated by non-profit groups sucli as the Lions Club, lista of free Christ- mas concerts, where you can cut your own Christ- mas trees, lists of non-profit organizations seilig Christmas cakes and other seaisonal goodies, even, a listig from, CLOCA -indicating where yau can take the family for free cross-country skiing You canitdrap into'the library .(onthe'corner of, Dundas Westiand Henry St.), wbich I miglit add is open evehigsand .Saturdays or give ,them a tele- phone caîl. The ' lady I spoke with was extremely- uolite and lielbful. and I tliank lier verv mucli. LAMENT FOR A HOUSEWIFE This is the tirne 0f year wlien there doesn't seem to be enougli bourslef t in enouglidays.ta get every- thing done before Christmas. Neyer mmnd, it brings ta mind an epitapli on the grave of wbat must have been an overworked liousewife of years ago. It reads: Weep nat for me friends, Thougli deatli do us sever, I arn gaing ta -do nothing, Forever and ever. See you next week ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklln Bakery drap'off Fridays before noon please 655-4951. Brooklin Flour Milis Flour& Baking Supplies 40 Kg AiU Purposo Flour Cereals, fruits, nuts, mixes - Christmas baking supplies. 23 CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKLIN 655-4851 Check ment if you received a plece fjukmail frorn the Pfrovine of Ontario last week, it miglit be a goad idea ta retrieve it frorn the "Ifile" beside your desk. It's your annual assessment notice, and while it's not a bui t does determine liow mudli property tax yqu'll be paying in 1983. For the first time, this year's assessment no- tice clearly ,idicates whether a changeithe value af yaur property lias been assessed. And if the value of your pro- pierty has gone up, you'il be paying more for municipal and regional services.> Town- and- regional, coundils determine wliat your 1903 tax levy, will 'b. from a ý"mili rate" based an the total assessment value of properties ithe reglan. >Prôperty ow'ners.bave tWo mare daY;s'taappeal their assesament through the .regional assessment officer. If you have any questions, or if your praperty value bas gone up, you should contact the assessment off icer at, the regional municipal buildings on Rossland, Road by Friday. The officer is empow- ered ta make changes in you r.. asseasment if you can prove that a correc-' tion should be made. Af ter Dec. 17, liow- ever, any complaints must be formally made to an appeal board by Jan. 11, 1983. "ýBy",speakinrg to.the assessor-, on, or before Dec. 17,' an amenidment cnbe made riglit away,"p says Gerry Ernm, the regional councillor wlio proposed that this year's notices include, an explanlation of the -asseasment'and an indication that a change bas occurred. "If it'can be shown that a correction should be made,, it will be amended and yoP wili re ceive another notice," Emrn said. 1improvements sucb_ as structural renova-, tions, backyard pools, and re-fiislied base- crease is to study your assesarnent, notice and make an appeal ta the assessment officer be- fore you get your tax bil. "It's stili Up ta the town and the region ta keep taxes down by' trimming their bud-' gets," Emm says.' "But those, taxes- are cal- culated on the basis of property values assesa- ed by the province."' e e s - I -

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