B ^PA,'GE 2,, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 15, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Settiemeni The $3 wage gap with GM aïd, Ford was. created after'Chrysler workers acceptýed wage, concessions lun11M Wt keep 'Chrysier from, bankruptcy. t(from, page 1) Since thin, the financ- es of the companyhave turned aro und, and UAW members are seeking to close the gap between "Chrysler workers and Ford and GM workers. "W intget every- thipg we wanted, " UAW Canadian director Bob Whlte told the Ajax workcers Saturday. "lIt's only the first stop back to parity) ... Chrysler workers are absolutely entltled Ito get as much as GM or Ford,." White said Saturday 'was an "historie day" because the settiement was 'reached without giving the company any >Ken Gerard, presi- dent 0f Ajax Local 444, evhoed the elation of the members, saying that~ wbile the union, dldn't get everything it wan- ted, "the company didn't get a damn thng"p. Union members who dropped their ballots, in boFces at Iroquols arena Were obviously reiieved by the settiement, which headed off a dismal Christmas strike. 11 I'm just gettlng back, the interest-free loan I gave the company three years, ag o," said one worker. 1Others, said the,,wage increase la jua't one stop, in -cbosing the gap that angered Chrysler workers. 'It'S a tlny stop, but you've g9tto start some-, The set tiement gives Canaclian Chrysier workers 40 cents an hour more than their American counterparlte, Who rejected Cbrysler's offer, but opted not to strike five weeks ago. Chrysler officiais. rationalized the Cana- dian, Increase by point- ing to higher inflation' energy costs, interest rates and mnortgage- rates in Caaa I The settiement brings the wage ,of-an assemb- erat- Chrysier from $9.Q7 to $10.85 per hour. Non-monetary gains made by the union in- clude improved health and safety training for workers, testing to re- duce noise levels and air' contaminants, - and studies on occupational health and safety. BE READY FOR PAY-TV - ORDER NOW! Just when'you th'ought you'd run' out of great ideas! When you give that special someone cable TV service for a pay-TV channel or money-saving combination pack- age, you're preparing them for the thrill of a lifetime! St 'arting Feb. i st, pay-TV is coming to your TV screen. Avoid the rush and order now. Cornein to aur office-andask about a pay-TV gift certificate today. *F1RST CHOICE* SUPERCHANNEL *,C CHANNEL* Cai.579-223 FOR GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS! G») Rogers CahIeTV- Pine Ridge 361 Marwood Drive, Oshawa Open: Mon. to Fr1. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1] Let me get you the best rate for a "payout" annuity from over 30 Me insuraânce and trust companies. HERB TRAN ira 668-5968 Mutual Life of Canada UA W Canadian Director "an historie day" ........... ................ .......... .................... ....................... -9 'M ............ . ..................... . ............. ................ I where," said Marlene Hunt who works in the Ajax plant. The new agreement is a one-year contract which gives Chrysler workers 25 cents an hour retroactive to Sept. 14, when the old con- tract expired., Union of- ficiais 'gave up their demand for a two-year contract at the Iast minute. AT LAST SOMETHING NEW TOGIV T HIS< CHRISTMAS