WMITBY, FREE PRES, WED)NESDAY, DIECEMBeR 25,'1982, PAGE 27 COMIN EVENT'S CALENDAR. BONFIRE AND CAROL SING The grounds of St. John's Church,, Port Whltby, wilU be thé scene of outdoor carol slnglng &round a-bonfire, on Wedne0day, Dec., 22.- cch mmbrs hav suug carls up and down the streets of the 'comn- munity.: Nhs'year they are lnvýitlng residents and passers-by hgin them around, the fire and sing along. Singing wlll hoê from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and bot chocolate wiIl ho avail- able to help keep every- one warm. 1If. the, weather is too bad the singing will be held indoors. PORT WHITBY SCUBS-, The lst St. John's Port Whîtby Cubs meet Thursday nights -from 6:20 to 7:50 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Chur- ch, Victoria St. E. Boys, from 8 to 10 years of age, ,are needed. Camps and hikes are planned. CHRISTMAS PARTY- An exciting Christmas party will -again, high- light the, festive season for the members of the Durham Stroke Reeovery Association. The Programf Com-- mittee bas announced that the regular month- ly meeting, for Decem- ber willl ho beld at The Thornton Day Hospital, on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 7p.m. Santa Claus will be on hand, naturallyl The en- tertalnment wil Include Christmas carols, '.'i- strwnental solo num-, bers,, the usual lunch goodies and' a speial bonus surprise. ' S.R.A. members should make their usual (early) plans for trans-. portation. :Any, ques- tions, probleùm or doub- ts, may bie answered lu the newsletter - or'. by phonlng a -'member of the Committee., ART AND CRAFT SALE The Station Gallery and volunteers of Whit- by Arts welcome visit- ors 'to their sale of original art and hand crafted gift items. Such artists as Sue Tabuchi, Janet, McGhee and Maureen 'Remington will, be . featured, and many ,Works' will be priced under $100. Ail proceeds go to- ward funding the com- munity- gallery. Hours are, Tuesday to Thurs- day, 2to 5p.m.an>d 6to9 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. Admission is free. For more. information cal Maureen Remington at 666-3192., SPEAKING CONTEST - The Optimist Club; of ý,Whitby is-holding its an- nulpublie speakîng contest for boys, and girls under the age of 16. There will be one con- test fr'boys and one for girls, with $1,000 seho- larships -being present- evdto the wlnners ln each contest. Contestants wlll re- celve help ln preparlng their 4 to 5 minute speech by quallfled Op- tlxnist coaches. ,TODDLER DRtOP-IýN WMe, you are busy completing -those final prepratonsfor Christ- mas, dolng last-mlnute baldng, or fbnlsblng off your Christmas shopp- ing, the 'Y' is offering supervlsed play activi- ties and babyslttlng for eblldren ages 10 montha ti 5 years, by their' qualified staff. Child cmr locations and dates are as foilows. Centennial Building in Whitby on Monday, Dec. 20 and Tuesday, Dec. 21' from 9 a.m. to 12 noon or from 1' to 4 p.,m., both days. Lake Vista Club- bouse on Emerald Ave. i Oshawa- on Wednes- day, Dee.22 from 9a.m. to 12 noon or from 1 to 4 P.m. There is a reductlon on fees for more than one child in-a family. The cost is: $3, lst child; *2.50,,2nd child; and, $2, 3rd cifd.' 1For further - informa- tion, please eall the 'Y' office at 668-686. SANTA CLAUS SUITS- The -Whltby Jaycettes are' renting out Sauta Clauss uits. -Individuais or. gréffS May rent a suit for $20 whlch in- cludes a -$5refindable deposit. Cail Ruth Oliey at 668-7253 for rental in- formation. Proceeds wil go towards Conmu- nlty Development Pro- jects of the Wbitby Jay- cettes. ART AND CRAFT SALE Thle Station' Gaflery and volunteers of whit. by ' Arts welcome visit- ors hi thleir sale of orlginidl art and baud crafted gif t items. Such artists as Sue Tabuchi, Janet .McGhee and Maureen ..Remirgton. will be featured, and many .wo rkswil hoe priced under $100. Ail proceeda go hi- ward funding the com- mulygallery. Hours are Tuesday hi Thsw- dayp 2 hi 5 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m., and Saturdays, and Sundays ýfrom 2 thi5p.1m., Admission is free. For more information eaUl Maureen Remington at 666-3192. BOWLING If you would like to join a mixed 10-pin bowling,league at Lei- sure Lanes, in Oshawa on Thursday nîghts startlng, at 683-0613 9p.m. eau BURNS NIGHT he Canadian Scottlsh Club M Whitby willl bold their Burus Nght Dmi- ner Dance 'at'Heyden- shore* Pavillon, Water Street,,Whltby on Satur- da4an. 15,1983. Cokail ,t6:30p.M. Dinuer wrn h sW red at 7 p.m. For tickets and information call 728- 3012. ONE PARENT FAMILIES One Parent Famiies Association of Canada, Oshawa. Chapter meet at Lake Vista club House, at Cedar Street on Emerald Avenue every Tuesday at 8 p.m. The next meeting is' Dec. 14 aà nd features a discussion ' called' "How's Your Love Life. Anyone needing fur- ther information con- tact Arlene at,5794043. PURHAM THE REGIONAL'MUN1CIPALITY -OFDbURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regionai Municipality ofDur., hamf le considering AN APPLiCATION TO AMEND THE DOURHAMY REGIONAL OFFICIAI PLAN The purposle of the proposed amendment appllca: tion le to pérmit.certain indust.riai andcommercial uses ln, exIsting structures useed, previlousiy for such uses, under certain 'cônditions, at the discre- tfion of the area municipal Council. In order to assist In the evaluation of, the amend-, ment application, thie public Is Invited to provide Input by way of submissions to the Region's Plan- ning Department. Information related'to the amendment application is avaliabie ln the offices of the Planning Depart- ment, 105 Consumers Drive', Whitby, OntarloLLiN 6A3 or by caliling Mr. Larry Kotseff, M.C.l.P. Plan- nin g Depart ment, (416) 668-7731. Submissions concerning the amendment applica- tion must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, at the above.-noted address, and must be received no iater.than Friday, January 12, 1983'. Don Haà dden Chairman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.l.P. Commlssioner0f. Planning' COMING E VENTS CA LENDA R Theè next time your community group or non- profit organization is holding an-event, let us know. The Free Press wil help pub.licize your event in our Coming Events Calendar Exclusively Yours T-Shirts CLEARANCE SALE- T-Shirt *CustoW" Transf er, pr~fltNOW *siock1 $49 Ail sizes &colours. Sale Starts Fri., Dec. 17 to 19 or whlle quantities Iast. Sweatshirts - Cutoffs - Custom Screersery New Location Now at 500 Wentworth at Wilson Unit 15, Oshawa 571M0933-