Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1982, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 5,_1982, PAGE 25 HIGHEST1 1CARPENTRY' PRICES HOME REPAIRS Pald for GoId and Siîlver& oinad guns, dlocks, I MPRO VEM ENTS jewelery, dishes, furnl- METRO LIC. B-2554 ture, crocks, 011l paint- Ktchens, CeramicTII- ings and, sealers. ing, Drywall,' Rec. FRIEN.DLY Roorn, Cedar D ecks FLEA-MARKET- FREE ESTIMATES 23 KING ST. W.' OSHAWA 725-9783- CALL 668-4686 CALL"' ALLMAKE SERV 'ICE CENTRE proet P»OftSiO#a/ri«4fi to a(i aks Of appliaffecs. 24 Calder Crescent WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 6M3 Phono 666-3222 for service A COMPLETE ACCOUNTING SER VICE ON BOOKkEEPING TRANSMISSION, INCOME TAXES DIFFERENTIAL & From $100 DRIVE LIN ES Pre-Chrisimas Speclal For Most SmaiI Bualneaaaa. Personal, IlTaxes, $25 nd Up. 571-2032- EDCEKANOWICZ s .clair» PHONE 668-0137 %p i m ul 132 BROCK ST. N., Safeway Plaza Mldtown Mai11 WHITBY, ONTARIO ilîsoSimcoe N. 200 John St.~ Li N 4H4 Ohw 576-9971 576-2431 0 S E R VIC E S THE WORLD YOU KNOW THE RIflUT PEOPLE.. CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcomlng marrlage. Pleese viaw our aamplee of engravad weddîng Invitations et your leleura ln our Ajax Plmaastore. Dlckaon Printlng &Office Suppî leas683-1968. Chrstas pial I RUG SHAMPOOING S Starting at$40 for rooms.I 46ra.45j HELP la on the way for firme whoae printar ha recently gone out of busineas. Lou Dlckeon ha the coat cuttlng Idea you need et a lime lika thia, 683-1968. SNOWPLOUGHING Wherever y'ou move the Wei- Monthly Service Or coma Wagon hoteaa la the Per Hour rlght pareon 10 )elp you flnd a Guaranted place ln your naw communlty. [ L.K. MARTIN Cail Forestry & LandscapIng 668-8943 683-7990, MW PICKCERING @INO AIjGO RBINGO! START: 7 P.M. 7 NIGHTS AWEEK $39500n'"o frd E12 cncs to wn$80. 0"or $ 5 EARLY BIRDSI5 LATE GAMES 5 JACKPOT GAM ES Payuptol ,500030 for a single full card. At THE HIDEAWAY (433-0751), Mon. - Whltby Iroquois Swlm Club. Tues. - Whitby Garrard Rd. Lacrosse. Wed., Thurs., Sat., Sun. - Optlmlst Clubs of Oshawa, Whltby, Ajax, Oshawa Optlmlst Track & Field. Fr1. - Sockey. Lîcenced by Town of Whîtby W ERICES "GRAMMAR for people who hate gremmer" la the ideal pocket reference book for businaespao- pIe. $3.95 par copy and avallebie ai Dickaon Prlntlng & Office Sup- ples ln the Ajax Plaza. Daier an- quirlea lnviaed 683-1968. NOICS NOTICE TO CREDITORS/ HEIRS AND OTHERS In the oBlate of Ernest Manser Burton, retired carpenter, single, de- ceased. AIl persons hav- Ing dlaims as creditors and heirs agalnst the es- tate of the above men- tioned, late of the Town of Whltby ln the Regional Municlpaiity of Durham who dled at the-said Town of Whitby on the 2Oth day of September, 1982, are required to file proof of same wîth the under- signed on or before the 28th day of January, 1983. After that date thé Public Trustee wiII proceed f0 distribute the estate, having regard oniy to the dlaims of which he then shal have had notice. DATED at Toronto this 8th day of December, 1982. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, ADMINISTRATOR 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario. M5H2N8 LOST - Black-grey maIe tabby cat, browniah nosa and undarparte, no coller. R6ynolda-Dunflop arse, Whltby. Rewmrd. Pleame cmli 668- 6701. PE3SONLS ALONE. Are you llrad of balng mione? Are you unmttachad, eepmr- sted, aingle, or dlvorced? Meat Ihat apeclal pereon. Appîy PO. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 51P1. Pleaaa atate ae. 95 INTJ CASH FOR GOLO Ail Gotd and Silver Items, rings, watches,* earrlngs, chains, me- dais, and dental goid. Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- ciai prices for Canadian and Amercan silver coins, any condition.' Aiso buying any for- eign silver coins. SHORTYS CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whltby Exclusive Agent in Whltby for Northland Goid & Slver Inc. j ARTICLES FOR SALE re ARTICLES FOR SALE A SELECTION, 0F FINEWATCHES UP TO 50 % OFF ~JAN ADDITIONAL 5% OFF WITH THIS ADS MCCULLOUGH JWLER S 217 Dundas St.. E,;, Whiltby N 668-5051 ALUMINUM DOOR, 791h" long by 31½2". Aeklng $25. Two anow tires, G78-14, one pair, Ilke new. Phone 6887. *BOOKS OF POETR Wrtten for your enjoyment by Harvey Sparke. Pooma 0f *Expreaaion. Inspirations In Verse. Regular pre $4.95 each. Chrimas Speclal 2 for $9.00. Caliavenînga 668- ýhItby, Ont. Ceant CABINET col tee table, Â-i condi- lIon, $125. Hi-fl, A-i condition, $125. Oark brown velour rocklng chaIr $200. Phone 688.2388. DIMENSIONS NEEDLEWORK KITS Regular $1249 NOW $9.99 untîl Decembar 20. Stemped Goode Aloo Avellable. Tyro Crafts Inc. 74 Kig St. W, Oshawa 571-2206 DRY FIRE WOOD., Beach, maple, white blrch. 16" aticka. Delîver anywhere. $45 par aingle cord. Phone (705) 454-8260. FIRE WOOD Seasoned Hardwoods * Maple & Beech 1 13 Cord (4'x8'x 16") $50 WilI Deliver 985-8284 OR 985-8036 (part Perry) CALL 668-111 10 place your ad. FIVE antique Oak chaire wlth lea- Iher aeata $250, vary good condl- lion. One pair of girla alza 10 Karen Mgdanaon askatea $12, ex- cellant condition, Phone 668-9170. Going out of business. Save from 10% to 30% on your Christmas shopping f rom aour large gift lîne. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23 King Street West Oshawa 9 PC. DININO ROOM suite for sale. 42" dry alnk wlth open hutch on top. 6' x 4'V" harveat table. Four upholsered laddar back arm chaire, ml aolld pins. Perfect con- dition. Ona yaar old. Coat $2.400. Sali for $1,600. Aiso a pîna daak for $350. Caîl 668.2760 avanînga. ROLL TOP deak, medium oak finish, alze 50" x 24" x 42" hlgh, oak venara wllh aolld oak roll-top, custom made (naw). Aaklng $500. Phone 668-1385. SHOPMATE radial arm asaw, 7 l'nch blade, wlth aland, $225, Phone 655-3215. SOFA BED, good condition, $125. RadlIner chair, good condition, $65. AtarI game ayatema wlth 3 cartriges $250. Phonae6663142. Stor mDoors The OnIy Door With Magnetlc Soal Custom Made Direct From The Manufacturer ALBERN ALUMINUM Mfg. Co. Ltd. 291-1106 After Hours 683-7740 EVERYTHING'S *HALF PRICE* Cards For Ail Occasions GORDON FRASER GREETING CARDS Greai Stocklng Stuffers Finely-Crafted Personallzed Locally Made PLAYING CARDS1 CERAMICS PLUS Napkins, Plaques & Wrapping Paper WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock St. N., Whltby A WEEKLY clemnlng lady for large rural home. Muai have own trana- portatlon. No agenclea. Reply 10: Cleanlng Lady, dlo P.O. Box 206, Whltby Frea Press. DRIVER WANTED, *To deliver Canada's Na- tIonïal Newspaper tO Brookîîn, Locust HIl and surrounding rural areas. Caîl: 1-800-268-5629 Mr. Van Book EXECUTIVE aek asaeistance from employed, but hungry, man- agement type people. Cml 723- 0471. CHILDCARIj BUTTERFLY Daycaro Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Quallfiled Staff Children From 18 Months to 2 Years Hot Meals German Lessons 309 Besch St1., Whitby 666-4946 OR 571-0031 H0USE CLEANINO' done. Expert, profeaelonal aervice. Remeonable rates. OeIl Lynne 668-5549. ARTICLES FOR SALE] *AUER Supreme, 100'9 hockey ates, alze 8. Retei $219. StîlI ln the box, neyer uaad. PrIce $150. Great gîftl Curling ahoas, Bauar Bonapill, neyer uaed. Sîza 9 $35. Sîze 8 $25. Cali 686-0683 8 to 9 a.m. or aflar 10 p.m. 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed *5colora 189 a5 4tyles lnetmlled includlng tex. Alao eco- nomîcal and energy efficient atorm or replacement thermel wlndowsamnd patIo doora. ýFREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 VISIT our uaed furnitura wmre- houee by appointment. Big mevinga on deaka, chaire, fllng cebinets, etc. Cm11 Dlckaon Print- ing & Office Suppies 10 arrange mn eppointment to viaw. 683-1968., WOOD for aie. Full cord. Cut. Daiivared. $150. Loge $65. Cmli 705-374-4623. [LAIFIEDS ICONTINUEI ON PAGE 26 ATTENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The WhItby Free PresswiiI not be hiable for failure ta pUblish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cast of the first Insertion. The Whltby Free Press reserves the right ta ciassîfy or reject ail adverfise- ments. Ads must appear ln the paper one day befare they can be changed or canceIied. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 wards; liec each addition- ai word. You may charge your Classified Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caillîng. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f Irsf 100 words; 12ç each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each addIionai word. AUCTION SALES - 32o per uine. (No Word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additionaî charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiII make every en- deavour f0 forward replies fa box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding. Ioss or damage alleged ta arise through fallure or deiay ln forwarding such replies. We wiIi not be responsibie for box number replies not called for withln 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon.prlar ta publication ta insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111il

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