Vol. 12, No. 49 Wednesday Deceniber-,159, 1982- 2à Pages Chysle isbacek to wurk Although the officiai re suits of Saturday's U.A.W. ratification vote weren't known until Sunday evening, it was evident from the smiling faces of the voters that they planned to return to work by Monday. Whit- by's Iroquois Arena was packed wlth union members who turned out to ratify their new contract with Chrysier Corp. Free Press Staff Photo By LESLIE BUTLER Free Press Staff United Auto Workers union officiais called it the toughest and most successful settiement. in the umion's history. And union members ecboed this feeling last Saturday by voting almost 90, per cent in favour of accepting a last minute agreement between Chrysier Corp. and the UAW at ratifica- tion meetings in Whitby, Windsor and Etobicoke. Almostl 1,000 workers from the Chrysier plant in Ajax...gathered -at Whitby's Iroquois arena to vote on the agree- ment Saturday mor- ning, just three hours after the settiement took place. The new agreement gives Chrysier workers an immediate increase- of $1.15 per houri and four cost-of-living pay- ments that wil give workers an estimated $1.79 increase an hour. The settliment ended a five-week strike by 9,600 Canadian workers, and brought 1,5W0-Ajax workers back to work at midnight on Sunday. 1The Ajax workers joined their, counter- parts in Windsor and Etobicoke in walking off the job Nov. 5, demand- ing wage' parity with General Motors and Ford workers. Seo Settlemnt Page 2. 'IR E E