Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Dec 1982, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER.8, 1982, WI-ITBY FREE PRESS __________________________________ government to assist communities and individuals throughout the province. The, $621 million in revenue collected by thc Liquor Control Board 18 approximately the amount R ep o t fr ý'Mwhlch Uie province distributes to local govermcents tprovdwefr programs. This amount would also fund the Ministry of lEnvironment and thc 1 ~Ministry of Natural Resources annual operating 6> budgets. u e en s P a lk Amost the entire justice policy field of the provin- Q cial governmcnt - the Solicitor Gencral, Uic, Attor- By The Hon. George Ashe,-MPP ney General, and -the Correctional Institutions - (PC - Durham West) , could be funded from the LCBO revenue. Ontario Minister of Revenue Each year the province contributes funda to local governments môney tg assist in thc provisions of school bus services. The amount Uic province gran- ts roughly equals revenue raised by the Liquor Con- We've ail heard Uic coniplaint at anc time or trol Board. another - "thc cost of wines and spirits sold at Uic' Whilc I hope these examples demonstrate Uic use, local Liquor Store is just too high". This wcek, I the province makcs ofrevenue raised through Uic would like ta take a dloser look at Uic factors which saleof-wncs and spirits, I also want ta emphasizc affect the costsi0f products sold through the Liquor 'that- Uic Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Control Board. Relations keeps a close watch on the prce of gaods Prices for imported winies 'and spirits often fluctu- sold through its outlets ta ensure casts renmain com- ate duc ta changes in international currency values. petitive.; In addition, tariffs cbarged by Uic -federal govern- The'Liquor Control Board bas anc of the most cx- ment affect the shelf prices~ as even "Canadian- tensive listings of wincs and spirits of- any liquor- made" producets are influenced by these tariffs-. auUiarity in North America. Any brand on the 1Last year, estimated revenue from sales through general listing of the Board may be ordered tbrough the Liquor Control Board of Ontario totaled $621 your ncighbourhaod LCBO outlet. million.. These funds were u t ta okb aour The ncxt time you hear a complaint about Uic prices charged for wincs and spirits, consider that the money collected is put ta good use by ur P EE5UUR LUMBER LTD, governmcnt. This revenuehelps fund good govern- ment and extensive services throughout the provin- IN-STOCKce; it assists your government in mamntaining Uic I N-S OCK -high level of services which wc have ail corneta ex- Over 1,000,000 feet of Uin dried < __________________ TrOSHIB EA computers and <word pro cessors. Am= __________T-100 PERSONAL COMPUTER Z-80A CPU, 64K RAM. 16K Video RAM, 32K ROM, optional RAM Et ROM packs, 80 col X 25 line display, choice of RGB, green or LCD monitor, hi-res graphics (640x200 dots), de- tachable keyboard (90 keysl in- cludes CP/M operating system. MBAS 'IC & Extended TBASIC, duel 5-1/4" disk drives - 560K Bytes. EW-100 DEDICATED WORD PROCESSOR Large disk capacity (130 or 460 pages), letterqual- ity printer, menu driven for easy-to-learn ope ra- tion, simple to use edit- ng features such as'in- sertion, deletion, move- ment and correction of i text. T-250 SMALL BUSINESS compurER 8085-A CPU,,64K RAM, B" Dual Disk drives- 2 MBytes, CP/M operating system STD, hi-res green screen, detachable keyboard (85 --keys). T-200 SMALL BUSINESS COMPUTER 8085-A CPU, 64K RAM, 5-1/4" disk/drives - 560K Bytes CP/M dual operating system std., hi-res green screen, detachable keyboard 185 keys). SOCR-V100 ."" PAGE READER Reds several type styles' and instently toads your document onto your word processor. Utilizes present type- writers to speed up input to word processor. NEW! P1350 Letter perfect printer. Letter perfect printing at 100 Cps. The Ever- Growing. Toshiba Family of Computer Products!!! Low cost business solutions: Iawycrs, dentists, physicians, property manag ement, small business, corporate work stations, bookkceping services, income tax prepara- tion, statistical analysis and much more. ADVANCED, COMPUTER SYSTEMS 50 Richmond St.* E., Oshawa (MeLaughlln Square)- Owners Randy and Laurie Noble of Scarborough-will be with Blue on Dec. 17 when thc 150-pound St. Bernard carneés a Christmas tree from Queen's Park to Toronto's Hospital for Sick Cbildren.,,Sa far, the Nobles' have raised $1,6'M for the hospital. - Free Press Staff Photo Blue Noble's Christmas trek Whcn Blue Noble makes the jaunt fromf Queen' s Park ta Troron- to's Hospital for Sick Children on Dec. 17, he'll ,be "carrying a bar- rel of brand,r$1,600and a Chistmas trce Blue isa 15-pound St. Bernard who is hclping oWners Randy-ý. and Launie Noble 'brighten' Uice faces of chil 'dren at Uic hospital'this C, hrist- mas. ýThe Nobles' arc .ap- pealing -for donations. from residents in Toron- ta, -Scarborough, 'Pick- ering-Ajax and Whitby ta, buy giftà for éhildren- who mustý spcnd Uiis Christmas in the hospi- tai. "It will be Uic flrst time the kids have had a real trce, " says Randy, who has also rcceived 150 free passes .ta the Royal Ontario Museum and Uic CN tower for the children. The Nobles personaily donated free passes ta Uic Metra zoo, whcrc* Randy works. The Christmas trcc wîll be set up on the lawn ,outside' the hospi- tal,. and Blue will be allôwed'in Uic lobby for the childrcn ta pet. 1"Kidsjust love Blue, and so we decided ta have hlm do something- special for Uicm,"l Ran- dy said. -the -Nobles hope people walking along University Ave- nue on Uic 17Ui will make donations. "We just love kids, and we Uiought Uiere is nothing more dcpress- ing than being a child ini thc hospital at Christ- mas," Laurie said. ."Sa we dccidcd to do this."y Donations ta the hos- pital can be sent direct- ly ta thc Hospital for Sick Children in Toron- - W Portrait Stu( WHITBY MALL Tlkir-au..oi. - mi .wy.-2 ~àCD$TOM kA[lAME ~ Bring in this adveërtisement and, receive a dio- i discount on the % retail price of .2O0 any framing order. ALSO CUSTOM DEVELOPING. FREE FILM with every colour print developed. L.e. - Roll of 24 $I2.29. Hours: 10 a.m.- -10 p.m. Mon. - Sat. 4-e Hardwoods Softwoods ' Dressing Facl 1ities WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Rtson Rd. N. Oshawa .725-4744 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY' C 'LINIC> HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTA RIO 683-60 74 &mon Ma* a. MI Elwy. Z *

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